Thursday, June 30, 2011

A final word on Conveyance Fee, That’s My Opinion; Prescription Drug Arrest; Rhoades on Greenville’s Layoffs; OSU Extension; DC Cancer Assn; DC Parks & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for July 1, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Continental Carbonic had its Grand Opening today. It included a tour of the facility which, by the way, is already in operation. Watch for the story on Saturday.

Home Page

The lessons of our youth, That’s My Opinion by Bob Robinson
Drug Task Force… Investigation Leads to Prescription Drug Arrest – News
Reinvent Greenville? By Bob Rhoades – Opinion
OSU Extension… Post Emergence Weed Control – Community
DC Cancer Association… Fundraising BBQ at Greenville Park – Events
Townhall... Feds Crack Down on Campus Flirting and Sex Jokes – Blogs
Townhall... Big Media Suicide Compact - Blogs

More News Challenges to red light cameras span US
Columbus Dispatch... Agreements reached on Ohio budget
Politico... President Obama struggles with economic message
Insider Report from
Congressman Boehner Applauds Ohio Budget

More Events

Darke County Parks July Hike to Health

More Blogs

Townhall...  Just When You Thought Our Fiscal Nightmare Couldn’t Get Any Worse
Foxnews... Obama’s Release of Oil Reserves Makes Our Energy Problems Worse, Not Better
Townhall... Even Bedtime Stories Get Profane
Redstate... Why Did Obama Open the Strategic Petroleum Reserve?


Marvin R. Godown

God Bless,

Feel free to Bookmark County News Online and let your friends know about it.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Historic Ohio Budget Passes; Howdieshell on OFRW Board; Animal Shelter Coloring Contest; Story Time at Garst Gathering; Ag Extension & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for June 30, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

The deadline is June 30 for Ohio’s $56 billion biannual budget. As of 9:45 no reports of Gov. Kasich signing the historic budget-cutting bill Wednesday night. It was passed by the Senate Tuesday and the House earlier Wednesday… Kasich will likely sign it today.

Home Page

State budget clears House, heads to governor – News
Dayton Business Journal... Ohio bill to help military vets find jobs – News
Howdieshell appointed to OFRW Board – Community
Animal Shelter… Coloring Contest Winners chosen at Open House – Community
Story Time for Children at Gathering at Garst – Events
Townhall... Another Texas Republican for President? – Blogs
Townhall... Who’ll Volunteer to Save the Socialists? - Blogs

More News

Senator Faber’s Weekly Newsletter... Special Budget Edition, Part 2
Plain Dealer... District-shopping Rep. Dennis Kucinich to visit Seattle again
Columbus Dispatch... Medicaid cuts could cost Ohio billions As debt talks break down, clock ticks toward crisis
Cleveland Plain Dealer... Sherrod Brown blasts Republicans for ‘cuts’ -- the same ones President Obama wanted

More Events

OSU Extension… West Ohio Grazing School
OSU Extension… Ag. Breakfast Meeting

More Blogs

Townhall... The Brave New World of Media
Columbus Dispatch... Editorial: School districts are wise to start planning for merit-based teacher pay
The Columbus Dispatch... Editorial: Meet in the middle
The Columbus Dispatch... Editorial: Half-cocked


Carroll A. Seman

God Bless,

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

WIA Banquet; Republican Women Style Show; Taxpayers & Boxer Shorts; DC Parks; ScoreBoard; Broken Pledge; Campaign Against Children’s Cereal & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for June 29, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Independence Day Celebrations start Saturday and go through Monday… lots of events – parades, fireworks and family get-togethers – throughout the county this weekend. As you celebrate, don’t forget who purchased this independence for us.

Home Page

WIA Banquet honors Youth Achievers, By Christy Riley - Teen Scribes
Yost... Cutting Costs, And Audit Finds Taxpayers Paid for Boxer Shorts? – News
Republican Women hosting Luncheon & Style Show, By Lyn Bliss – Community
DBJ... U.S. Postal Service to suspend pension fund contributions – News
Darke County Parks… Down the Lazy River – Events
Townhall... Obama’s Audacity of Hype – Blogs
Human Events... White House: Campaign Against Children’s Cereal Voluntary - Blogs

More News

DDN... Sheriff says governor’s inaction on immigration reform is costing jobs
Columbus Dispatch... Multiple choice for SB 5 vote?
Dayton Daily News... Bill would mean fewer days to vote early
Columbus Dispatch... Budget-makers cobble away

More Events

ScoreBoard Events… Aaron Frohna

More Blogs

Townhall... The Presidential Race Made Easy
Toledo Blade... House OK of bill may doom Raceway Park
Wall Street Journal... Democrats and Dying Cities
Akron Beacon Journal... Broken pledge


Catherine E. Wohlrab

God Bless,

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Monday, June 27, 2011

Transfer Tax Passes; Greenville to Make More Cuts; Rhoades on Emergency Response Procedures; Garst Gathering; Fried Kool-Aid; Food Police & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for June 28, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Many perceived it as a done deal despite the public hearings… Commissioners increased the Transfer Tax (ie Conveyance Fee) Monday. Greenville plans more layoffs, including Safety personnel.

Home Page

Conveyance Fee passes unanimously, By Bob Robinson – News
Why Do They Do That? By Bob Rhoades - Senior Scribes
Greenville to make further budget cuts – News
Dayton Business Journal... Kool-Aid latest in fried food frenzy – News
Garst Gathering… “Getting There is Half the Fun!” – Events
Human Events... The Dumbing-Down of America – Blogs
Human Events... Obama’s Food Police Crackdown on Market to Kids - Blogs

More News

Rasmussen... What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls
Foxnews... Federal Reserve Lowers Economic Outlook for Rest of Year
Gov. Kasich’s Week in Review
Columbus Dispatch... Senate passes bill that sends fewer to prison

More Blogs

Redstate... Senate Plans to Abdicate its Confirmation Duties
Townhall... Money, Money, Money
Redstate... Silence of the Lambs Washington Beat


Shirley D. Poeppelman, June Dawson

God Bless,

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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Commissioners Meetings; Army Jazz Band; Horner on Survival; History Encampment; CAP Newsletter; Americorps Grant; Boehner: No Tax Hikes & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for June 27, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Things are starting to heat up in Washington… Debt Ceiling increase, with or without spending cuts. Boehner needs to know we support a leaner federal government… but that’s just my opinion.

Home Page

“Tax Hikes Are Off the Table,” Says Congressman Boehner – News
Dayton Business Journal... Kasich, Penn National agree on casino deal – News
Community Action Partnership July 2011 Newsletter – Community
Survival of the Fittest, By Elizabeth Horner – Teen Scribes
What a special way to spend an evening! By Sharon Hopper – Community
Townhall... Government Looks to Past, Free Enterprise to Future – Blogs
Townhall... How Entrepreneurship Benefits Animals - Blogs

More News Millions of middle-class people could get Medicaid
Boehner... Restoring Ohio Job Creators’ Confidence In Our Economy
Boehner on Obama’s Debt Limit Increase Request


June 20 and 22, 2011

More Community

Americorps Grant Awarded to Local Agency


Living History Encampment at Darke County Parks

More Blogs

Townhall... Energy Independence, Jobs Within Reach
Townhall... 10 Ways Conservatives Should Give Liberals What They Want
Townhall Finance... Government Needs a Low-Obama Diet


Eileen (Troxell) Rehmert

God Bless,

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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Suicide Standoff in Gettysburg; Family Events; Living Positive on Less Income; Volunteer Leadership; Animal Shelter; End of Life Comfort; Edison & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for June 26, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Late Friday night there was another incident involving the growing “bath salts” problem, this time in Gettysburg. A 30-year-old Sidney man threatened suicide when confronted by officers… See Standoff.

Home Page

Family Events... Discipline questions spark debate, decisions – Opinion
DCSO… Standoff with “bath salts” related suicidal subject – News
How to Live Positive on Less Income, by Sharon Hopper – Opinion
HandsOn West Central Ohio… The Volunteer Leader – Community
Darke County Animal Shelter Open House – Community
Foxnews... Obama as Dad -- A National Treasure and Role Model – Blogs
Townhall... Citizens Not Politicians Make America Great - Blogs

More News

Columbus Dispatch... Kasich signs ‘pill mill’ order
Columbus Dispatch... Ohio public-pension review seen as useless, wasteful
American Thinker... Chicago’s Violent Flash Mobs

More Community

Heartland Hospice… Provide Comfort at in End-of-Life Journey


Concert and Celebration... A Salute to Military Families
Edison Community College... Quickbooks

Seniors Scribes

God Made You

More Blogs

Townhall... Who cares about American history?
Redstate... One Network, Under Secular Elitism
Townhall... Normalizing Deviance


Reverend Thomas Miller Davis, Charlotte Catherine (Hinegardner) Harter

God Bless,

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Friday, June 24, 2011

Eagles Independence Day Blowout; Cancer Assn of Darke County; Score Board; Yoga Teacher Training; Edison: Addressing Emotions; Senior Scribes & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for June 25, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

For those of you who tune into a TV show occasionally, have you noticed anything different in your “viewing pleasure?” Today’s offerings have little resemblance to the Ozzie & Harriets and Fathers Know Best of the past. Check out one of our blogs today.

Home Page

Independence Day Blowout at Eagles Shade Road – Events
Dayton Business Journal... Ohio’s May storms losses to top $400M – News
Cancer Ass’n thanks Clear Choice Hearing Aid Ctrs for Donation – Community
Politico... Democrats eye new jobs agenda – News
Dayton Business Journal... FDA unveils graphic tobacco health warnings – News
Townhall... A Failure to Communicate – Blogs
Foxnews... ‘Go the F*** to Sleep’… When Did We Become So Crude? - Blogs

More News

Dayton Daily News... More than 200,000 electronic food stamps annually replaced
Dayton Daily News... Dayton expected to have slow job growth for next decade
Enquirer... Boehner takes expense checks, but overall office spending is down

More Community

Yoga Teacher Training Program

More Events

Score Boards Tuesdays
Edison Community College... Addressing Emotions at Work

Seniors Scribes

Dear Bo$$

More Blogs

Redstate... Another Charming Aspect of the ObamaCare Minefield
DDN... Paul Leonard: Consolidating government inevitable, so let’s plan for it
Foxnews... Connecticut Teens Can Get an Abortion But Can’t Get a Tan?


Betty J. Wollenhaupt, Lowell R. McClurg

God Bless,

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Buchy on Health Care Mandates; Adams on Job Creation; Aslinger on Bath Salts Danger; Race 2 Taste; Reagan’s 11th Commandment; Gambling Foes & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for June 24, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

The Independence Day Blowout at Greenville Eagles Park starts in 7 Days. Make your plans now for two days of music, dancing, food and family fun… wrapping up with the biggest fireworks display in Darke County on July 3. Great annual fireworks displays will also be in New Madison and Ansonia on July 4.

Home Page

Buchy: Ohioans Should Have the Freedom to Determine Fate of Health Care Mandates – Opinion
Adams: Focusing on Job Creation in Ohio – Opinion
Aslinger: Bath Salts: Possible Legal & Health Problems... even Death – Opinion
Downtown Businesses support Race 2 taste – Events
DBJ... Gambling foes mull lawsuit over slots at Ohio tracks – News
Townhall... The 11th Commandment is Alive and Well – Blogs
Townhall... Why Bill O’Reilly & Rachel Maddow Are Both Wrong! - Blogs

More News

Columbus Dispatch... 6 Ohio congressmen sleep in their D.C. offices
Darke County ED... SBA Deadline for Economic Injury Disaster Loans in Western Ohio is July 19
Plain Dealer... Ohio House Democrats propose revival of Depression-era program to create jobs
Dispatch... Bill would require background check for all sales at gun shows

More Events

Greenville Transit System closed July 4

More Blogs

Toledo Blade... Reform Ohio’s tax system
The Columbus Dispatch... Editorial: Fiscal prudence, please
The Columbus Dispatch... Ohio Republicans go off the rails


Frederick Craig Wetzel

God Bless,

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

New Business Filings Ohio; Agriculture: Wheat Head Scab; Letter on Conveyance Fee; Toastmasters; Murphey’s Other 15 Laws; Bengals Win “Award” & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for June 23, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Coming soon, the Independence Day Blowout at Greenville Eagles Park. Make your plans now for two days of music, dancing, food and family fun… wrapping up with the biggest fireworks display in Darke County. All courtesy of your Greenville Eagles 2177.

Home Page

Head Scab Present in Darke County’s Wheat, By Justin Petrosino – Community
Husted releases new business filings for May – News
DBJ... Cincinnati Bengals win title: Worst pro franchise – News
Toastmaster-Sponsored Leadership Program – Events
Dayton Business Journal... Report: Facebook loses 6M U.S. users in May – News
Townhall... Fed Up With Freeloaders – Blogs
Daily Events... Generic Republican beats Obama - Blogs

More News

Dayton Daily News... Opponents of collective bargaining have 3 times the signatures needed
Cincinnati Enquirer... Services pinched, money’s tight: Is merger right?
Foxnews... Study: Housing Collapse Steeper Than During Great Depression


Al Bliss… Transfer Tax/Conveyance Fee

Senior Scribes

Author unknown... Murphey’s Other 15 Laws

More Blogs

Akron Beacon Journal... Get merit pay right
Toledo Blade... Columbus’ priorities
Cleveland Plain Dealer... Busybody Senate’s budget busts home rule: editorial


Mildred D. Wollenhaupt, Betty J. Garrett

God Bless,

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Misery Level at 28-yr-high; Commissioners Corner; Win a New Car; Faber Weekly Newsletter; Senior Scribes; Photo Editing in a Day; Employer Hiring & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for June 22, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Another great day in Darke County. Want a new car? Sign up for the Annie Oakley Golf Tournament and see if you can win one! Now that the first day of summer has arrived, use common sense when going outside. Don’t overdo it.

Home Page

Moneynews... ‘Misery’ Levels Hit 28-Year-High in US – News
Commissioners Corners… No Hint from Columbus on our Dollars – Opinion
Dayton Business Journal... Report: 1 in 5 employers to hire in 3Q – News
Sign up for a chance to win a new car or truck from four area dealers – Events
Sen. Faber… Beat the Summer Heat by Avoiding Dehydration – News
Townhall... More Regulations Are Not a Plan for Job Creation – Blog
Townhall... A New Paradigm for the Left? - Blog

More News

Ohio Gov. John Kasich... Week in Review, June 11 through June 17, 2011
Politico... John Boehner invokes War Powers Act
Cleveland Plain Dealer... ODOT paid $1.4 million for passenger-rail effort

More Events

Edison Community College... Photo Editing in a Day

Senior Scribes

A fun fact for each of our United States

More Blogs

Townhall... Indoctrination Fridays: Unionizing Propaganda into Curriculum
Redstate... Dozens of Republicans Vote for Handouts to Big Labor
Redstate... Barack Obama Thinks an ATM Ate Your Job


Samuel David Mikesell

God Bless,

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Monday, June 20, 2011

Public Hearing on Conveyance Fee; Ohio Economic Growth; DC Parks & Garst Museum; Pets of the Week; Cancer Assn Raffle; 75th Anniversary; Thank You & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for June 21, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

We’re getting noticed… recent quote: “Sometimes you beat everyone else to the story.” And “It’s easy to find what you want.” And “Your coverage was fair and accurate.” Spread the word, folks… forward our updates to your email friends.

Home Page

Public Hearing… Gump: Growth reduces individual tax burden, by Bob Robinson – News
DBJ... Ohio’s economic growth lagged neighbors last year – News
DC Park District and Garst Museum Partner for Educational Events – Community
Surber wins Cancer Association Raffle – Community
Darke County Animal Shelter Pets of the Week – Community
Human Events... Romney in Front as Feisty Bachmann Gains on Pawlenty – Blogs
Human Events... ATM a tool of prosperity - Blogs

More News

Daily Mail (UK)... Land of the Free? New York, California at the bottom of individual freedoms study Does gathering gloom raise risk of double dip?
Rasmussen... What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls

More Community

Bob Rhoades… Deborah Sue Brandt MA.Ed


Sharp 75th Anniversary

Senior Scribes

5 lessons about the way we treat people

More Blogs

Townhall... What Teachers Unions Won’t Tell You About School Layoffs
Redstate... Operation Fast and Furious’ fast and furious unraveling
Redstate... Agriculture Appropriations Bill Update

God Bless,

Feel free to Bookmark County News Online and let your friends know about it.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Faber on Budget and Bath Salts; Commissioners; Adams on Medicaid; Emotions from Teen Scribes; Bears Mill; A Tough Governor from Puerto Rico & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for June 20, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Faber talks about a governor who “gets it!” and the “bath salts” that aren’t used for baths. Think Kasich is tough? Read The Money Hole to see tough. Have a great day.

Home Page

Faber: It’s all about jobs!! By Bob Robinson, Editor – News
Not your “grandma’s bath salt” By Bob Robinson – News
Adams: “We must gain control of Medicaid” by Lyn Bliss – News
An exploration of Emotions from the Teen Scribes
Bears Mill… June/July Artists - Events
Townhall... The Law and Civil Liberties – Blogs
Human Events... The Money Hole - Blogs

More News

Wall Street Journal... Chicago Blocks 4% Teacher Raises
Politico... Eric Holder tacks left at DOJ
FoxNews... Ohio Set to Allow Concealed Guns in Bars, Restaurants


June 13 and June 15, 2011

Letters to the Editor

Charley James… Letter to the Commissioners

More Blogs

Townhall... Our Reactionary President
Townhall... The Obama Job Lies Pile Up
Townhall... Giving Guns to Criminals Was the Plan All Along

God Bless,

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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Family Events; Beagle on being a Good Dad; Living Positive; Teen Scribes Father’s Day messages; A Learning Place; DCCA; Casino Deal & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for June 19, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Great meeting with Sen. Keith Faber Saturday. I was delighted he took a second to “pose” for the camera… then got down to business. Story tomorrow. Also, Happy Father’s Day, Dads! We at County News Online hope you have a great day with your families.

Home Page

Family Events… This dad has always been “more funnier” – Opinion
Sen. Beagle… The Importance of Being a Good Dad – Opinion
Living Positive on Less Income, By Sharon Hopper, Senior Scribe – Senior
Changing Times, By Elizabeth Horner – Teen Scribes
Kids Learn About Transportation – Community
Fathers, By Christy L. Riley – Teen Scribes
Townhall... ‘Generation Opportunity’ Targets Demographic on Economic Issues - Blogs


Dayton Business Journal... Casino deal may aid Dayton horse track project
Dayton Business Journal... Terrelle Pryor apologizes to Tressel, Buckeye Nation
Politico... Food aid stirs emotions, splits GOP


CAP… Independence Day closing
DCCA... U.S. Army Jazz Ambassadors will Perform at Greenville City Park

More Blogs’s Washington Beat
Columbus Dispatch... Editorial: Don’t miss the chance The coming global financial crisis


Patricia A. Riffle

God Bless,

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Friday, June 17, 2011

Kiwanis History, Part 5; DC Parks; Kids Learning Place; OSU Extension; Ohio Lawmaker’s Pay; Moral Dilemma; Another ‘Only in California’ & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for June 18, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Lots going on in Columbus. I’m looking forward to Sen. Faber’s visit to Darke County Saturday morning. It’s 8 a.m. at the BRC Employee Dining Room. If you can’t make it… watch for the story on County News Online.

Home Page

A History of the Greenville Kiwanis Club - 1921 through 2010 – Part 5 – Community
DC Parks… Bird Feeder Grant Awarded to Classrooms – Community
Rural Services… Kids Learning Place Grant for Outdoor Play Area – Community
Politico... Glenn Beck, Keith Olbermann start over – News
Rep. Adams… Ohio House Passes Short-Term Deposits Bill – News
Townhall... Our Moral Dilemma – Blogs
Townhall... Will the Buck Ever Stop on Obama’s Desk? - Blogs

More News

Dayton Daily News... Ohio lawmakers’ pay 6th in nation
Politico... Swing states face immigration fight
Politico... Who won the great debate?

More Community

Upcoming OSU Extension Events, By Justin Petrosino

More Blogs

Townhall Finance... Tax Cut Talk Shows Obama Desperation
Cleveland Plain Dealer... Mayors want Kasich budget reforms restored
Redstate... SEIU: ‘If we can’t get them (conservatives) out, we’ll breed them out.’


Richard A. Monk
God Bless,
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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Husted to grads: Get Involved; BBBS; Darke County Parks; Bliss Letter to Commissioners; Dragons near Sell-Out Record; Biden wants Budget Deal & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for June 17, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Don’t forget Ohio Senator Keith Faber will be talking to members and guests at the Darke County Republican Men’s Club monthly meeting Saturday… 8 a.m. in the Employee Cafeteria, Brethren Retirement Community. All are invited.

Home Page

Secretary of State Husted… Encouraging Ohio’s Graduates to get Involved – Opinion
Harry Stephens supports BBBS of Shelby & Darke Counties – Community
Politico... Joe Biden group looks for budget deal – News
Darke County Parks… Early Morning Discovery Hike Report – Events
DBJ... The streak: Dayton Dragons near all-time sellout record – News
Townhall... Fear Not, Buy an iPad – Blogs
Townhall... The End of a Surprisingly Good Political Career - Blogs

More News

DDN... More women outlive retirement savings, rely on Social Security
Politico... Will cuts threaten education funding?
Politico... Farm subsidies test GOP frosh


Al Bliss on Conveyance Fee… Attention Darke County Commissioners

More Blogs

Dick Morris... The Debate Inside the Republican Debate
Townhall... Catastrophic Wildfires? Thank the Greenies and Forest Service
Townhall... Rejecting American Pessimism


Scott A. Albright

God Bless,

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Conveyance Fee Increase Public Hearing; Rhoades’ Calamityville; BBBS Match of the Month; Score Board Ladies Night; Kasich Week in Review & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for June 16, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

The first public hearing on the Conveyance Fee increase was held Wednesday. The next is scheduled for Monday. Let your elected officials know your opinion.

Home Page

Conveyance fee increase… Proponents look to the future; opponents say it’s unfair, By Bob Robinson - News
Calamityville, Ohio, By Bob Rhoades – Community
BBBS… Match of the Month: Tara Thomas & Liz Harless – Community
Politico... Democrats worry Anthony Weiner will hurt agenda – News
Senator Patton… Academic Champions recognized at Statehouse – Community
Townhall... Missing The News – Blogs
Townhall... Concerns Over Illegal Immigration Becoming Mainstream - Blogs

More News

New York Times... Companies Spend on Equipment, Not Workers
Politico... Illinois Republicans brace for bloodbath
Kasich Week in Review


Flashback | Ladies Night at The Score Board Sports Club

More Blogs

Townhall... What Kind of a Country Do You Want?
Reason... The Ends Didn’t Justify the Means
Townhall... States: “Help Us, Criminal Illegals Swamp Budgets, Prisons”

God Bless,

Feel free to Bookmark County News Online and let your friends know about it.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Pedestrian Struck & Killed on 127; Ode to Neighborhood Schools; Versailles Poultry Days; Garst Gathering; Agendas in our Public Schools & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for June 15, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Make your plans now for Independence Day weekend at The Eagles Shade Road. Watch for updates!

Home Page

Darke County Sheriff’s Office… Pedestrian Struck and Killed on US 127 North of Greenville - News
An Ode to Neighborhood Schools, By Dr. Steven Gruber – Opinion
Something for everyone at Versailles Poultry Days - By Christy L. Riley, Teen Scribes
The Gathering at Garst Will Feature Gardeners – Events
Dayton Business Journal... Ford to accelerate production by 50% - News
Townhall... Gutter Journalism at Newsweek – Blogs
Townhall...  Obama’s Dilemma -- and Ours

More News

Politico... Democrats grumble over Harry Reid’s agenda
Dayton Daily News... Local companies trying to fill jobs
Columbus Dispatch... 11,000 Ohio nonprofits no longer tax-exempt
ONN... Lawmakers Pay Cut Unlikely To Survive In Budget

More Blogs

Townhall... 3rd Graders Indoctrinated in School Budgeting by Milwaukee Teacher
The Columbus Dispatch... Editorial: Punishing talent
Redstate... Unapologetic Public School Officials Turning Children Into Good Little Comrades


Barbara Jean “Jeannie” Hangen

God Bless,

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