Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Historic Ohio Budget Passes; Howdieshell on OFRW Board; Animal Shelter Coloring Contest; Story Time at Garst Gathering; Ag Extension & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for June 30, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

The deadline is June 30 for Ohio’s $56 billion biannual budget. As of 9:45 no reports of Gov. Kasich signing the historic budget-cutting bill Wednesday night. It was passed by the Senate Tuesday and the House earlier Wednesday… Kasich will likely sign it today.

Home Page

State budget clears House, heads to governor – News
Dayton Business Journal... Ohio bill to help military vets find jobs – News
Howdieshell appointed to OFRW Board – Community
Animal Shelter… Coloring Contest Winners chosen at Open House – Community
Story Time for Children at Gathering at Garst – Events
Townhall... Another Texas Republican for President? – Blogs
Townhall... Who’ll Volunteer to Save the Socialists? - Blogs

More News

Senator Faber’s Weekly Newsletter... Special Budget Edition, Part 2
Plain Dealer... District-shopping Rep. Dennis Kucinich to visit Seattle again
Columbus Dispatch... Medicaid cuts could cost Ohio billions As debt talks break down, clock ticks toward crisis
Cleveland Plain Dealer... Sherrod Brown blasts Republicans for ‘cuts’ -- the same ones President Obama wanted

More Events

OSU Extension… West Ohio Grazing School
OSU Extension… Ag. Breakfast Meeting

More Blogs

Townhall... The Brave New World of Media
Columbus Dispatch... Editorial: School districts are wise to start planning for merit-based teacher pay
The Columbus Dispatch... Editorial: Meet in the middle
The Columbus Dispatch... Editorial: Half-cocked


Carroll A. Seman

God Bless,

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