Monday, June 6, 2011

Don Wright interview; Alzheimers Walk Kiwanis; Perry Tourism Citizen; Midmark supports Garst; Stateline Heritage Days; Senior Scribes & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for June 7, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Hundreds, even thousands of people have read Don Wright’s rants over the years... in The Daily Advocate, my Blog, Opinions by Bob, and in County News Online. When my blog published a photo of his Hope & Change banner, more than 500 people checked it out. So who is Don Wright? Find out on today’s Home Page.

Home Page

Don Wright: Greenville was a Cow Town… and people had fun! By Bob Robinson – Community
Heads, you get Alzheimers; Tails, you… By Bob Robinson – Community
Perry Honored as First Tourism Citizen of the Year – Community
Midmark Foundation Supports Garst Museum’s Education Program – Community
Dayton Business Journal… Report: U.S. automakers to add 34K jobs – News
Dick Morris: Romney’s Primary Path – Blogs
Townhall Finance... Boneheaded Stimulus Never Works - Blogs

More News

Governor Kasich’s Week in Review
Columbus Dispatch... Ohio Senate debates teacher merit pay
Columbus Dispatch... Beer buzz would get a big boost from GOP bill
Auto bailout loss put at $14B; Obama pleased, had expected closer to $48B


Stateline Heritage Days… Sidewalk Chalk Art Contest

Senior Scribes

Poems by Author Lois Wilson

More Blogs

Toledo Blade Editorial... Victory tour
Townhall... Education and Its Discontents
Columbus Dispatch Editorial, Build it Right


Kathleen B. Harley

God Bless,

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