Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Bliss elected to Rep state office; Stegall: School Levy; CCC hoops; Mikesell on self-defense for women; Farmers Market; Teen Scribes; DAR Storytime & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for October 27, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

We can’t seem to get away from the coming election on Nov. 8… nor should we. A priority: thanks to Mike Stegall and Carla Surber, some FACTS about the grapevine opinions floating around on Greenville Schools. Pass this on to your email friends and get them out to vote.

Home Page

Bliss: Local Woman elected First Vice President of OFRW
School Levy… “Just the Facts, Ma’am” By Mike Stegall
CCC hoops in brief, By George Starks, Sports Editor
Republican Women… Mikesell to speak on self-defense for women
Farmers Market… Ending Season with Celebration
Teen Scribes… A New Yellow Brick Road, By Naiesha Thobe
Townhall... Mission Accomplished?

More News

Dayton Daily News... Number of elderly drivers up dramatically in Ohio
Dayton Daily News... Issue 3 tests health care reform law

More Events

Fort GreeneVille Chapter DAR... Hosting a Storytime November 1

More Blogs

Columbus Dispatch... People are scared; why won’t their lawmakers listen?
Cleveland Plain Dealer... Drawing the line on Democrat griping


Anna Mae Norton, Jerome B. “Jerry” Heitkamp

God Bless,

Feel free to Bookmark County News Online and let your friends know about it.

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