Friday, October 21, 2011

Wright, Rhoades face off again; Surber, Bliss on Issue 2; Kasich on Dangerous Wild Animals; Ansonia V-Ball Loses at the Wire; Fram Expands & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for October 22, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

President Obama announced Friday evening he will be withdrawing all troops from Iraq in time for them to spend Christmas with their families. County News Online will publish his statement plus selected available information and/or opinion in Sunday’s edition. Also, it’s been said that everyone has an opinion… we offer you four of them in today’s edition of County News Online.

Home Page

Opinion… The fox, the goose, and Issue 2, By Jim Surber
Opinion… Perfect is easy, By Don Wright
Opinion… Mr. Wright, My Offer Stands, By Bob Rhoades
Opinion… Candidates Night Arcanum, and Issue 2 Debate Greenville, By Al Bliss
CNO Sports… Ansonia Loses at the Wire, By George Starks
Kasich… Executive Order on Dangerous Wild Animals
Townhall... Pitting Us Against Each Other

More News

Columbus Dispatch... Local officials key to SB 5 savings
FRAM Expands Operations

More Blogs

Columbus Dispatch... Reconsider
Cleveland Plain Dealer... A vote for simple, consistent election rules

God Bless,

Feel free to Bookmark County News Online and let your friends know about it.

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