Monday, October 17, 2011

Kasich: Still work to be done; Mural in Rotary Park; Toastmasters; BBBS; Rolling 50’s Donation; GHS Homecoming Preparations; New Eldora Promoter & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for October 18, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Issue 2 is a hot item for your November election, folks. As always, there are two sides and neither of them sound like the commercials you’ve been seeing on TV. Our local debate is Wednesday at the American Legion, courtesy of the LWV. Make your plans to be there.

Home Page

Kasich… Still have a lot of work to do, By Bob Robinson
Mural now on display in Rotary Park, By Lyn Bliss
Toastmasters… Nichols Advances to District Humorous Speech Contest
Big Brothers Big Sisters… Great fall weather means first big fish
Rolling 50’s Classics Inc. Presents Donation to Local Cancer Association
GHS… Homecoming Preparations in Full Swing, By Naiesha Thobe
Blogs: Human Events... Costs of the Occupiers

More News

National Public Radio... Gas Drilling Boom Brings New Life To Steel Industry
Cleveland Plain Dealer... Secretary of State Husted rejects redistricting petitions


Yahoo Sports... St. Louis stops Brewers
Eldora Speedway... Slack tapped as Eldora Promoter/General Manager

More Blogs

Youngstown Vindicator... Defeat of Obama’s jobs bill opens door to new strategy
Columbus Dispatch... Many questions


Gary C. Kimmel, James C. Irwin, Susan Kaye Wilson, Margaret Susan Wiseley, David Joseph Riddle

God Bless,

Feel free to Bookmark County News Online and let your friends know about it.

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