Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Monnin re-elected, Greenville Levy fails, more results; One careflighted in accident; Garst Museum: WWII; Prakel wins State Cross Country; Teen Scribe & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for November 9, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

The voters have spoken. So now some workable solutions have to be developed. Issue 2 addressed problems that both sides agree need to be addressed… a better solution must be found. And Greenville Schools has to find a way to get voters behind the District.

Home Page

The Expressions tell the tale; Darke County Election Results, by Bob Robinson
Garst Museum… WWII: The Way It Was
CNO Sports… Prakel wins state cross country title
What Spurs Students to Stay in College and Learn?
Ohio Supreme Court… Bar Admissions Ceremony
Pixels, By Sam Armstrong, Teen Scribe
Townhall… What Occupy Wall Street Gets Wrong

More News

One Careflighted in 2-vehicle crash near Ansonia
Area school board members struggle with smaller budgets due to school choice
Rasmussen… Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls

More Sports

Smokin Joe dead at 67

More Blogs

DNC Outsources Charlotte Jobs to Beltway Union Shop
Julia Louis-Dreyfus and the Big, Bad Pipeline


Joan M. Dabe, Steven A. Hahn

God Bless,

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