Monday, November 14, 2011

Supreme Court to hear Obamacare arguments; Starks takes heat on Paterno column; Kasich ponders road ahead; Beagle on economy; Senior Scribes & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for November 15, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

News of the day… we finally get some resolution on Obamacare. Supreme Court should decide constitutionality by early summer. It will supposedly be a moot topic for the elections? Don’t count on it… one side or the other will “make hay” on the decision.

Home Page

Supreme Court Will Rule This Year on Health Reform Law
Cleveland Plain Dealer... Kasich ponders road ahead
Beagle… $10 Million to be released for Workforce Expansion
Dayton Business Journal... Senators urge appeal of cigarette warning label ruling
Dayton Business Journal... College tennis tournament set for February
Senior Scribes… Places I have been
Townhall... Fast and Furious Was Not Botched

More News

Community Common... Progress Being Made In Drug Battle
Dayton Business Journal... Internet retailers split over online sales tax bill


Sports Editor George Starks takes heat on Paterno column… Detrick, Olling

More Blogs

Redstate... Dear Herman Cain
Redstate... The Horserace for November 10, 2011


Brian J. Tennant, Joan D. Pence

God Bless,

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