Friday, November 11, 2011

Paterno: Starks Commentary; Opinion: Bribery; GHS Rake-n-Run; Cancer Assn thanks Versailles FOE; Treefrog Research may aid humans & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for November 12, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Is winter here? Sure seems like it. Snow flurries yesterday; sun today, but still cold and breezy… not quite “windy” but I sure felt the beginnings of real “wind chill.” Time to break out the winter coats?

Home Page

Paterno… Let’s hear it for ‘The Man’ By George Starks
Dayton Business Journal... UD, Wright State study on treefrogs may aid humans
Bribery, By Delbert Blickenstaff
Dayton Business Journal... Banks’ losses are credit unions’ gains
GHS Student Council completes Rake-n-Run
Cancer Association Thanks FOE in Versailles for Donating
Human Events... Ohio Voters Reject Kasich’s ‘Issue 2’ Labor Reform Package

More News

Columbus Dispatch... New census formula shows more in poverty
Business Courier... Development agency details InvestOhio process


Bengals to be put to the test starting Sunday

More Blogs

Redstate... From Insult to Injury: Obama Owes Netanyahu An Apology Occupy Wall Street Militancy Just Getting Started


Manford “Mick” Smith Jr., Beth Ann Snyder, Mary L. Rihm, Mary M. Denny

God Bless,

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