Tuesday, December 27, 2011

CNO Hoops: T-V tops Arcanum, FM holds off Troy Christian; Bradford Ohio Railroad Museum; Shale Oil, AARP Tax Free Profits & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for December 28, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday. Four more days until 2012… lots of excitement to come in the New Year. County News Online will do its best to keep you up to speed on it.

Home Page

CNO Hoops… Tri-Village tops Arcanum in tournament opener, by George Starks
CNO Hoops… Franklin Monroe holds off T/C Eagles, by George Starks
Dayton Daily News... Ruling called threat to Ohio companies
Foxnews... Shale Oil in America: Economy Fix or Dangerous Fantasy?
Foxnews... Republican Lawmakers Question AARP’S Tax-Free Profits From Product Endorsements
The American Thinker... Herman Cain: A Final Word


Bradford Ohio Railroad Museum


Harold E. “Butch” Metzcar

God Bless,

Feel free to Bookmark County News Online and let your friends know about it.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas! CNO Sports: Arcanum gets first win, Tournaments headline break; Spirits of Christmas; Weekly Thing; Birth of Christ & Christmas Cheer

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for December 25, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

As I have indicated, we will be going into limited CNO postings based upon obituaries, local and breaking news. We will resume regular postings shortly after the New Year. All of us here at County News Online, the Senior Scribes, Teen Scribes, Volunteer Contributors and Senior Scribes Scholarship Fund wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Prosperous New Year.

Home Page

The Spirits of Christmas, By Elizabeth Horner
Arcanum gets first win of the season, By George Starks
It’s a Weekly Thing… Merry Christmas!
Annual tournaments headline Christmas break
Kaboose... The Birth of Christ
Townhall... Christmas Cheer

God Bless,

Feel free to Bookmark County News Online and let your friends know about it.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Dear Santa; Lady Pats drop heartbreaker; BPW Breakfast with Santa; State of the Heart food drive; Old Folks V&B; True Story of Santa Claus & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for December 24, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

As you celebrate the Blessings of Christmas this year, don’t forget to give thanks for all that you have and all that you look forward to… and to offer a prayer for those who may be less fortunate than you.

Home Page

Letter from a 5-Year-Old… Dear Santa
Breakfast with Santa a Huge Success for Greenville BPW
Lady Patriots drop heartbreaker to Miami East, By George Starks
State of the Heart employees hold food drive
Verities & Balderdash… Three Messages from us Old Folks
The Learning Channel... ‘The True Story of Santa Claus’
Townhall... 2012: An Upheaval of Monumental Proportions

More News

USA Today... Mystery donors paying off layaway accounts for needy
Dayton Business Journal... Fifth Third warns customers of scam artists
Akron Beacon Journal... New pollution rules cost Ohio power companies billions
U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown... Early Childhood Learning

More Community

Senior Independence Hospice seeks “Make It Happen” Volunteers

More Blogs

Redstate... Coburn Details $7 Billion in Waste from 100 Dumb Projects
Redstate... Stopping SOPA


Norma M. Wetzel-Neuman, Carl J. Bey, Treva Jean Arnett

God Bless,

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Limited Holiday Publishing; Sports: Lady Wave Hoops, Wave Bowling; BPW Christmas; A True Christmas Story; Safe Holiday Tips, County Closings & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for December 23, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

On Thursday, House Speaker John Boehner announced that he and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid reached an agreement on a temporary bill that, with the approval of the Senate and the House, will keep taxes from increasing on Jan. 1. Work will commence early in 2012 for a more permanent agreement.

Home Page

County News Online… Limited Publishing over the Holidays
Oakwood too much for Lady Wave, By George Starks
Dayton Business Journal... Ohio highways may soon welcome heavier trucks
Business & Professional Women… Greenville BPW Club Celebrates Christmas!
Wave Bowlers unable to post wins in tourneys
From Crystal Reflections... A True Christmas Story
Redstate... Lack of Principle Got Them In This Mess…

More News

U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown... Help for Seniors and Families with Energy Costs
Columbus Dispatch... Congress’ fight could cost you

More Community

Darke County Red Cross... A Few Choice Tidbits for a Safe Holiday


County Offices Holiday Closings

More Blogs

Townhall Finance... Holder Tosses Race Card
Townhall Finance... Last Minute Shoppers Can Score Big


Jack Darrell Hemp

God Bless,

Feel free to Bookmark County News Online and let your friends know about it.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Opinion: Get off your duffs!; Sports: Patriots hold off Panthers, Versailles Bowling; Digital Waves Update; Santa Claus & Christmas Dinner & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for December 22, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

I don’t know about you but I’m fed up with the shenanigans in Washington. Neither side can figure out that 1) we see through their BS and 2) they are hurting the American people! You can read out about it in my latest Opinion.

Home Page

Get off your duffs and do the People’s Business! By Bob Robinson
Dayton Business Journal... Survey: Dayton hiring environment glum in 1Q
Patriots hold off tough Panther team, By George Starks
IMTV Digital Waves Update… New Postings on Digital Waves
Versailles Bowling… Boys, Girls Varsity post wins
The Learning Channel... ‘Will Santa Claus Come for Christmas Dinner?’
Townhall... Obamacare Abominations

More News

Toledo Blade... Kasich meets with press, admits to a few stumbles
Columbus Dispatch... Year 1 unlike any other, Kasich says

More Community

DCCA… Mercer Savings Bank supports Arts in Education


Greenville Transit System Holiday Closings

More Blogs

Townhall Finance... Unemployment Insurance is an Expensive Free Lunch
Townhall Finance... Obama Preoccupied with Occupiers

God Bless,

Feel free to Bookmark County News Online and let your friends know about it.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Buchy: Single Primary saves Taxpayers; V&B…it’s real, read it and weep; DAR donates; Teen Scribe Armstrong: Tea Regime; Christmas Stories & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for December 20, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

My V&B, The Changing Political Landscape, struck a chord because I watched it unfold in California. This is a must read… it’s happening, folks. Oh, and chalk one up for the consumers… it seems the Light Bulb has been saved.

Home Page

Buchy… Partisan Politics Aside for a Single Primary, Taxpayer Savings
Fort GreeneVille DAR Donates Mittens & Gloves
Tea Regime, By Sam Armstrong, Teen Scribe
Verities & Balderdash… The Changing Political Landscape
Bengals stay in playoff hunt
German American Pioneers... Professor Brought Christmas Tree to New England
Human Events... A Democrat Reaches Across the Aisle on Medicare


Plain Dealer... Pfeifer urges lawmakers to repeal Ohio death penalty
Rasmussen... What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls

More Community

Fuller Center accepting applications for home improvement projects


Greenville Area Dog Club... GADC offers dog training classes

More Blogs

The National Review... The Bulb Is Saved
Redstate... Insanity

God Bless,

Feel free to Bookmark County News Online and let your friends know about it.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Reps: Jobs & Balancing Budgets; NFIB in Darke Co.; Sports: T-V, Wave, Schedules; New Congressional Map; Commissioners; Christmas Stories & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for December 19, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Darke County Republican Men’s Club wraps up the year with reports from 10 elected officials at local and state levels. Commissioners meetings are posted, along with sports schedules for the week.

Home Page

2011 Republican accomplishments… jobs, balancing budgets, By Bob Robinson
WHIO-TV Video... NFIB brings its Sensible Regulations Campaign to Darke Co.
Tri-Village hot… Patriots dismantle Wave, By George Starks
Husted… Single Primary & Congressional Map Directive
CNO Sports… Big games on tap this week, By George Starks
More Than Lights and Bright Colors, By Patricia Merlos
Human Events... Nancy Pelosi, Down and Dirty

More News

Dayton Daily News... Committee hears from ‘Heartbeat’ opponents
Cincinnati Enquirer... Bill to boost Ohio nursing home quality

Commissioners Meetings

December 5, 7 and 14

More Community

The Job Center Network... Free Money for Job Training programs


Agricultural Breakfast Meeting

More Blogs

Cleveland Plain Dealer... Internet censorship? Congress has an app for that
Cleveland Plain Dealer... Mandel says Brown a career politician


Jacob Michael Magoto

God Bless,

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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Special Day of Magic at Eagles; Hoops: Franklin Monroe, Mississinawa Valley, Bradford; Wave Bowling; CNO Christmas; Christmas Eve Service & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for December 18, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Seven more days to Christmas. It offers special times with family, a time to reflect on the Gift our maker has bestowed upon us… and to show its true meaning to our children. Teach them that toys are not the only gifts we acknowledge this time of the year. As we enter the season – celebrated in different ways by different religions – be safe and rejoice.

Home Page

Greenville Eagles… Santa’s visit a special day of magic
First United Methodist Church… Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
FM-MV Hoops… Jets christen ‘The Hangar’
CNO Hoops Roundup… Newton a little much for Bradford
Greenville Bowling… Wave Boys split Tri Match in conference play
CNO Christmas… The Dolls’ Christmas Party
Townhall Finance... The 10th Amendment Solution


Dayton Business Journal... Report: Paul Barbas resigns as CEO at DPL
Buchy... House Passes Legislation to Encourage Business Expansion into Vacant Facilities


Financial Aid Night planned for high school seniors and their parents

More Blogs

Townhall Finance... Do We Need Big Government?
Townhall Finance... Economics Reporter from New York Times Has Accidental Encounter with Reality, Learns Nothing


Glenn W. Hammaker, Margery Ellen Henninger

God Bless,

Feel free to Bookmark County News Online and let your friends know about it.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Report plus video: Accident leaves one in critical condition; Detling runs for judge; Hoops: Arcanum & Bradford girls post wins; CNO Christmas & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for December 17, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Busy days… great days. I’ve been at Greenville High School two days this week, Woodlands Heights one day, with another one coming up Monday. All full day assignments. I was told there would be times when I’d be kept busy. Guess this is one of them. Working with these kids has been a great way to remind me of one of the joys of the season: His gift of our children.

Home Page

Sheriff’s Office, WHIO Video... One in critical condition in 2-vehicle accident near Ansonia
Detling running for Juvenile/Probate Court Judge
Lady Trojans get off interstate with second win of the season, By George Starks
Learning Center Spreads Holiday Spirit
Bradford tops North Panthers, By Don Selanders
CNO Christmas Celebration… Christmas Poetry by Lois Wilson
Daily Events... He’s the favorite to win, but...

More News

Kasich applauds plunge in Ohio’s Unemployment rate
Politico... Study: Half schools don’t meet NCLB

More Blogs

Townhall Finance... To Drink or Not To Drink?
Townhall... About Those Self-Evident Truths


G. Eileen Mendenhall

God Bless,

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sears to stay in Illinois; V-Tigers Bowling; BBBS Christmas Party; Digital Waves Update; Weekly Thing; A Christmas Tale; Congress to Throw in Towel & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for December 16, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Just breaking… WHIO-TV reports that Careflight has been requested for a crash near Ansonia at 127 and 185. Watch for the Sheriff’s Department report on Saturday’s CNO Update.

Home Page

Dayton Business Journal... Sears to stay in Illinois after tax deal
Versailles Tiger Bowlers Win 2 Matches, Boys & Girls Results
Big Brothers Big Sisters… BBBS Hosts Annual Christmas Party
Digital Waves Update… FCCLA Christmas
The Storytelling Resource Centre… A Christmas Tale
Teen Scribes… Weekly Thing - Christmas Break
Human Events... Obama, Romney Change Tacks in Week of Political Risks


WHIO-TV... CareFlight requested to Darke Co. crash
Politico... Congress set to throw in the towel
Politico... Poll: 58 percent want payroll tax cut


Eldora to Crown 2011 Champions


First United Methodist Church... Community Christmas Feast, December 25th

More Blogs

Townhall Finance... New Report - Hurricanes, Global Warming Not Linked
Townhall Finance... Unemployment Insurance Benefits Increase Unemployment

God Bless,

Feel free to Bookmark County News Online and let your friends know about it.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

CNO Sports: Ansonia Boys Hoops, Wave Wrestling; Starks on PSU; Cancer Assn; Ft GreeneVille DAR; Yes, Virginia there is a Santa Claus & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for December 15, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Two topics seem to have struck a chord… Starks’ Penn State column, and my Opinion about teachers. Starks likely wraps up PSU with his thoughts today while it seems mine on teachers and education, due to reader response, are gaining momentum. More letters and comments to come.

Home Page

Ya gotta love it, By George Starks
Darke County Cancer Association Thanks Keller Feeds and Needs
Boys Hoops… Ansonia suffers second loss of season, By George Starks
Fort GreeneVille DAR Chapter holds Christmas Luncheon
Wave wrestlers pinned in Coldwater, By George Starks
The Storytelling Resource Center... “Yes, Virginia, there IS a Santa Claus”
Human Events... Occupy Movement Attempts to Shut Down Ports


State Sen. Bill Beagle... Beagle Applauds Millions for Area Revitalization
Dayton Business Journal… Southwest leader warns of high costs


First United Methodist Church... Service of the Longest Night

More Blogs

Redstate... When Did the EPA Jump the Shark?
Redstate... Implementing An International IRS In The Name Of Robin Hood

God Bless,

Feel free to Bookmark County News Online and let your friends know about it.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Robinson Opinion: Penn State Scandal; Week Ahead in Darke County Sports; Trash Bash T-Shirt Contest; Fisher to Run; Christmas Tales & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for December 13, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Twelve more days to Christmas. As we all gear up for the holidays, so will County News Online. During the week between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day, CNO will be limiting publication to breaking news, obituaries and other time-sensitive information. More details to come.

Home Page

The Penn State Scandal… That’s My Opinion By Bob Robinson
Dayton Business Journal... Most expect insurance premiums to climb in 2012
CNO Sports… A look ahead, By George Starks
Fisher Announcing Ohio 80th State Rep. Run
Darke County Solid Waste District… First Annual Trash Bash T-Shirt Contest
Christmas Tales... A True Christmas Story
Human Events... Holder Threatened With Impeachment, Contempt in Fast and Furious Probe

More News

Dayton Business Journal... Ohio becoming less healthy, drops in annual ranking
Dayton Business Journal... Airline industry to post $7 billion in profits

More Blogs

Townhall... MTV, Both Sleazy and Sour
Townhall Finance... Biggest Problems In the World Make Money

God Bless,

Feel free to Bookmark County News Online and let your friends know about it.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

GHS’s Digital Waves goes live; Wrestling; Ansonia Boys Hoops; Boehner Weekly Address; Buchy files candidacy; GSD students collect 3K lbs food & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for December 12, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Greenville High School IMTV Senior Jessica Transue, under the leadership of instructor Lori Hoover, wraps up their new project in the communications field… Digital Waves. It looks great… be sure to check it out and watch for regular updates.

Home Page

Digital Waves… Greenville High School’s IMTV online project goes live!
Boehner… Middle Class Tax Relief & Job Creation Act
Wrestling… Greenville finishes second in Wave Invitational, By George Starks
Buchy Files Candidacy for 84th Ohio House of Representatives Seat
Ansonia Boys Hoops… A-Tigers no problem for Ft. Recovery, By George Starks
GJHS, Woodland Students collect over 3,000 lbs. of food for FISH
Human Events... Holder, Blago, Richardson: Triangle of Sleaze

More News

DDN... Senate blocks Cordray’s nomination to consumer protection agency
Plain Dealer... Ohio Planned Parenthood received millions in taxpayer dollars


Community Action Partnership Holiday closings

More Blogs

Daily Events... Fridays with Erick Erickson: Gingrich
Townhall... Eat-Your-Spinach Public Policy

God Bless,

Feel free to Bookmark County News Online and let your friends know about it.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Robinson Opinion: Debt of Gratitude; Wave Boys get first win; BBBS Annual Christmas Party; Pets of the Week; Little Match Girl; Penguin Proposal & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for December 11, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

I love teaching… it’s something I’d always planned on doing upon retiring. Not many people get to finish their career doing what they love… then retire doing what they love. May I wish the same for all of our readers during this Christmas Holiday Season.

Home Page

A debt of gratitude without measure, That’s My opinion by Bob Robinson
Boys Hoops… Greenville gets first win of young season, By George Starks
BBBS Hosts Annual Christmas Party
Darke County Animal Shelter Pets of the week
Dayton Business Journal... Jeweler offers ‘penguin proposal’
The Little Match Girl, By Hans Christian Anderson
Townhall Finance... Mr. President has a Little Stick

More News

Cleveland Plain Dealer... House Republicans move to unify primary, avoid $15 million second vote
Politico... Conservative pundits turn down Newt

More Community

Greenville Schools Foundation... Thank you for your help in our auction

More Blogs

Townhall Finance... A Confederacy of Dunces
Townhall Finance... Eric Holder Impeached is a Good First Start

God Bless,

Feel free to Bookmark County News Online and let your friends know about it.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Surber: Relative importance of debt; Versailles Girls Hoops; Wave Wrestling; Gingrich leads pack in Ohio; The Birth of Christ; Meals on Wheels & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for December 10, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Americans are phenomenal people. Many of us face challenges this Christmas season due to economic struggles, yet more than 3,000 pounds of food was recently donated to FISH by students from GJH and Woodland Heights. Watch for the story… we have untold Blessings.

Home Page

The relative importance of debt, By Jim Surber
DBJ... Newt Gingrich leads pack in latest Ohio poll
Versailles Girls Hoops… V-Lady Tigers outslug Parkway, By Dean Eversole
DBJ... Boehner names Turner conferee on defense authorization bill
Wave reserves get mat time, By George Starks
The true meaning of Christmas: Kaboose... The Birth of Christ
Townhall... Riding in the Desert: Child Sexual Exploitation, Drug Running, Human Smuggling and Violence

More News

Dayton Daily News... “Heartbeat” bill faces likely constitutional challenge
Cleveland Plain Dealer... Ohio offers Sears riches to move to Columbus, but why not Cleveland?

More Community

Volunteers needed for Meals on Wheels

More Blogs

Townhall... Free To Die?
Redstate... The Most Important Fight For Conservatives in America


Sharon R. Sharp

God Bless,

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

FM has new AD; Delaplane files for re-election; Ansonia’s Ebeling resigns; Boys, Girls Hoops, Wrestling schedules; A Weekly Thing; College Funding & more

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for December 9, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Lots going on in Prep Sports… Matt Triplett signs on as new AD for Franklin Monroe and Ebeling resigns as Ansonia’s Girls Hoops Coach. In the meantime, the political climate for the coming March primary continues to get interesting as several seats look to be contested. More on that to come.

Home Page

Franklin Monroe gets new Athletic Director, By George Starks
Delaplane files for re-election
Ebeling resigns… A-Lady Tigers without a coach, By George Starks
Dayton Business Journal... Nonprofit giving seesaws going into 2012
It’s week two for the guys… Schedules: Boys, Girls hoops; GV wrestling
A Weekly Thing… Ohio Weather
Daily Events... Being with - not for - Newt

More News

Columbus Dispatch... Ohio GOP’s No. 2 official tells Kasich to back off
Dayton Daily News... Ohio sees sharpest drop in online job ads


Greenville Graduates, a College Funding Opportunity


Olling… Check your facts

More Blogs

Townhall... A Planned Parenthood Christmas
Redstate... The Regulatory Climate is Affecting More Than Business

God Bless,

Feel free to Bookmark County News Online and let your friends know about it.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

65 New Jobs coming to Whirlpool; Girls Hoops on tap tonight; PSU in a Bowl game?; Visit from St. Nicholas; Most Wanted capture; Dayton “Occupy” & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for December 8, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Marc Saluk and Commissioner Mike Stegall presented the economic outlook in Darke County at Greenville Kiwanis today on top of news of another 65 jobs coming to Whirlpool. The economy is tough everywhere, but Darke County is working hard to improve it.

Home Page

Whirlpool Looks to New Project in 2012, 65 New Jobs
DBJ... Montgomery County’s new rules to limit Occupy protest
Girls Hoops… Full slate of games on tap tonight, By George Starks
Senators Beagle and Lehner Honor Chaminade Julienne Lady Golfers
Should PSU accept a bowl bid? By George Starks
Christmas Stories from Santaville... A Visit From St. Nicholas
Human Events... Newt Keeps Pitching the America of His Imagination

More News

Darke County’s Most Wanted Captured… Christopher Wintrow
Dayton Daily News... Housing crisis preventing Ohioans from leaving state
Columbus Dispatch... Kasich rallies his GOP peers over Medicaid

More Sports

Bengals season at a crossroads


Darke County Volunteer Network... Leading Volunteers, Meeting Notice

More Blogs

Townhall Finance... Disasters Keep Hitting Clean Energy Scam
Columbus Dispatch... Pondering pensions


Richard W. Shepherd

God Bless,

Feel free to Bookmark County News Online and let your friends know about it.

Monday, December 5, 2011

23 Running for President; High hopes for OSU’s Meyer; Adams Candidacy; Husted on Identity Theft; Ft GreeneVille DAR; Support in Time of Need & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for December 6, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

I always find it interesting to see the multitude of “candidates for president,” most of whom we’ve never heard of. I was surprised that this year there were only 23. Eight years ago there were more than 40 if I remember right.

Home Page

Twenty-three people are vying for Commander in Chief in 2012
Dayton Business Journal... Poll: OSU’s Urban Meyer wins title in five years
Dick Adams To Be Candidate for Election
Secr. of State Husted… Protecting Your Business Against Identity Theft
Dayton Business Journal... GE cuts funding for F-35 fighter jet engine
Fort GreeneVille DAR… Local Chapter honors Dietrich for Service
Human Events... Tea Party Debt Commission Lockout Follow-Up

More News

Business First... Wendy’s bringing 170 more jobs to Dublin; closing Atlanta office
Dayton Daily News... Bill would ban “double dipping” for public employees

More Community

Providing Support in a Time of Need


Darke County OSU Extension... 2012 Farm Outlook Meeting

More Blogs

Townhall Finance... Unemployment Rate Rising not Falling
Townhall Finance… An Occupy Wall Street Rant


Maureen Saum, Agnes B. Francis

God Bless,

Feel free to Bookmark County News Online and let your friends know about it.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

CNO Hoops: Ansonia, Bradford, Tri-Village, Arcanum, Versailles, Greenville; Unemployment drop; Zumbrink re-election; MV spelling bee; Boehner & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for December 4, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Friday night prep hoops stayed in the county with three teams winning and three looking for their first win next time out. Still to come, Franklin Monroe boys and girls. Mississinawa Valley TBA. Stay with CNO for all your county sports roundups.

Home Page

CNO Hoops…Ansonia lights up Bradford in third quarter barrage, by George Starks
CNO Hoops… Pats march in ‘The Battleground’ By Dale Barger
CNO Hoops… Versailles shreds Wave in season opener, By Dean Eversole
CBS News... November Unemployment: Why the big drop?
Zumbrink files for re-election
Lamas-Funk Wins MV Elementary Spelling Bee
Dayton Business Journal... BofA starts layoffs in plan to cut 30,000 jobs
Boehner… GOP Stands Ready to Work with Dems
Daily Events... Return of Self Interest

More News

Dayton Business Journal... Local homebuilding climbs 46 percent

More Community

BRC Assists Mitten Tree Project


Darke County Commissioners... Dec. 12 Agenda Session Cancelled

More Blogs

Redstate... So, Whose House is it Anyway?

God Bless,

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Turnovers haunt Lady Trojans; BBBS November Match; DCCA Goubeaux’s; Calendars Needed; Weekly Thing: Sweeny Todd; Redstate’s Horserace & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for December 3, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

The prep basketball season kicked into high gear Friday night with opening boys’ hoops contests. The girls’ contests started the Friday after Thanksgiving. Watch for the most solid coverage possible from Sports Editor George Starks’ small army.

Home Page

Big Brothers Big Sisters… November Match: Bertkes & Beck
Arcanum Girls Hoops… Turnovers haunt Lady Trojans, By George Starks
Darke County Center for the Arts… Goubeaux’s Sponsor DCCA Programming
Dayton Business Journal... New legislation to limit airline bag fees
Ombudsman Office… Calendars needed for Nursing & Retirement Homes
A Weekly Thing… Sweeny Todd, tonight at Memorial Hall
Redstate... The Horserace for December 1, 2011

More News

Fitch Gives Highest Possible Rating for Ohio General Obligation Bonds
Ohio.com... Right-to-work law curbing unions becoming greater political issue

More Community

Eldora Speedway... Staff members ‘pack the pantry’ to tune of nearly $8,500

More Events

Republican Women Christmas Party
Darke County Parks… Friends and Volunteer Carry-In Dinner

More Blogs

Townhall Finance... Get Your iWhatever on Credit Here
Human Events... Senate Reps to Obama: Get Out of Keystone XL Pipeline’s Way

God Bless,

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