Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Opinion: Get off your duffs!; Sports: Patriots hold off Panthers, Versailles Bowling; Digital Waves Update; Santa Claus & Christmas Dinner & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for December 22, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

I don’t know about you but I’m fed up with the shenanigans in Washington. Neither side can figure out that 1) we see through their BS and 2) they are hurting the American people! You can read out about it in my latest Opinion.

Home Page

Get off your duffs and do the People’s Business! By Bob Robinson
Dayton Business Journal... Survey: Dayton hiring environment glum in 1Q
Patriots hold off tough Panther team, By George Starks
IMTV Digital Waves Update… New Postings on Digital Waves
Versailles Bowling… Boys, Girls Varsity post wins
The Learning Channel... ‘Will Santa Claus Come for Christmas Dinner?’
Townhall... Obamacare Abominations

More News

Toledo Blade... Kasich meets with press, admits to a few stumbles
Columbus Dispatch... Year 1 unlike any other, Kasich says

More Community

DCCA… Mercer Savings Bank supports Arts in Education


Greenville Transit System Holiday Closings

More Blogs

Townhall Finance... Unemployment Insurance is an Expensive Free Lunch
Townhall Finance... Obama Preoccupied with Occupiers

God Bless,

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