Friday, December 9, 2011

Surber: Relative importance of debt; Versailles Girls Hoops; Wave Wrestling; Gingrich leads pack in Ohio; The Birth of Christ; Meals on Wheels & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for December 10, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Americans are phenomenal people. Many of us face challenges this Christmas season due to economic struggles, yet more than 3,000 pounds of food was recently donated to FISH by students from GJH and Woodland Heights. Watch for the story… we have untold Blessings.

Home Page

The relative importance of debt, By Jim Surber
DBJ... Newt Gingrich leads pack in latest Ohio poll
Versailles Girls Hoops… V-Lady Tigers outslug Parkway, By Dean Eversole
DBJ... Boehner names Turner conferee on defense authorization bill
Wave reserves get mat time, By George Starks
The true meaning of Christmas: Kaboose... The Birth of Christ
Townhall... Riding in the Desert: Child Sexual Exploitation, Drug Running, Human Smuggling and Violence

More News

Dayton Daily News... “Heartbeat” bill faces likely constitutional challenge
Cleveland Plain Dealer... Ohio offers Sears riches to move to Columbus, but why not Cleveland?

More Community

Volunteers needed for Meals on Wheels

More Blogs

Townhall... Free To Die?
Redstate... The Most Important Fight For Conservatives in America


Sharon R. Sharp

God Bless,

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