Friday, December 16, 2011

Report plus video: Accident leaves one in critical condition; Detling runs for judge; Hoops: Arcanum & Bradford girls post wins; CNO Christmas & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for December 17, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Busy days… great days. I’ve been at Greenville High School two days this week, Woodlands Heights one day, with another one coming up Monday. All full day assignments. I was told there would be times when I’d be kept busy. Guess this is one of them. Working with these kids has been a great way to remind me of one of the joys of the season: His gift of our children.

Home Page

Sheriff’s Office, WHIO Video... One in critical condition in 2-vehicle accident near Ansonia
Detling running for Juvenile/Probate Court Judge
Lady Trojans get off interstate with second win of the season, By George Starks
Learning Center Spreads Holiday Spirit
Bradford tops North Panthers, By Don Selanders
CNO Christmas Celebration… Christmas Poetry by Lois Wilson
Daily Events... He’s the favorite to win, but...

More News

Kasich applauds plunge in Ohio’s Unemployment rate
Politico... Study: Half schools don’t meet NCLB

More Blogs

Townhall Finance... To Drink or Not To Drink?
Townhall... About Those Self-Evident Truths


G. Eileen Mendenhall

God Bless,

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