Saturday, January 28, 2012

Greenville residents arrested for B&E; GHS grad’s ‘Vicarious Voyage’; Wave Boys Hoops; Detling Reception; Ohio binge drinking & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for January 29, 2012, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Courtney De Schepper submits her first “Around the World” article. Join her in her journey. GHS Key Club holds successful Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser at First United Methodist Church. Thanks to all who supported the kids… they enjoyed a great meal! Photos to come.

Home Page

A Greenville grad’s ‘Vicarious Voyage’ around the World, by Courtney De Schepper
Darke County Sheriff… Two Greenville residents arrested for B&E
Troy tops Greenville in GWOC showdown, by George Starks
Detling Reception at St. Clair Manor
Columbus Dispatch... New AEP rates stun small businesses
Dayton Business Journal... Ohio on list of worst states for binge drinking
Daily Events... Saying good-bye to a hero

More News

Youngstown Vindicator... Kasich’s taking speech on road splits lawmakers

More Community

Darke County Center for the Arts... Lydia Schaurer Memorial Contributes to DCCA

More Events

Darke County Photo Club... Photography Workshop

More Blogs

Cleveland Plain Dealer... Obama dumps the Constitution for contraception

God Bless,

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Friday, January 27, 2012

Suspect Confesses to Numerous B&E’s; CNO Sports: T-V, FM, MV; Memorial Hall History, Value; Buchy, Faber honor St. Henry’s Girls’ VB & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for January 28, 2012, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Henry St. Clair Memorial Hall… in just a few months this Darke County landmark will be 100 years old. Plan to join Darke County Center for the Arts and several community organizations and individuals for a full weekend of celebration for this historic event. May 4, 5 and 6, 2012, will be a weekend to remember!

Home Page

Memorial Hall… Local History & Value, By Brittany Martino
Sheriff’s Office… Suspect Confesses to Numerous B&E’s
Patriots steamroll Jets in Hangar, By George Starks
Buchy, Faber Honor St. Henry Girls’ Volleyball Team
Newton takes Mississinawa Valley in OT
Dayton Business Journal... Tax group names ‘Dirty Thirty’ companies
Townhall Finance... Who’s On Unemployment

More News

Bloomberg... Ohio to Get $1.4 Billion From Development Agency’s Bond Sale


“Living with Cancer” Support Group... “We Knead U Massage” to Speak to Cancer Support Group Feb. 2

More Blogs

Townhall Finance... Obama Proposes Mortgage Bailouts, Handouts, Copouts


Robert Lee Shepherd, Harry E. Brown

God Bless,

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

State of the Union; CNO Sports: Patriots sink Buccs, Hawks get second win; Judge Candidates to speak; Commissioners Corner; Unemployment & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for January 26, 2012, at County News Online:

From the Editor

If you wish you to read all 7000 words of President Obama’s State of the Union speech, it’s posted. If you wish read a much shorter, to the point, Ind. Gov. Daniels Republican response, it’s also posted. There are also comments from U.S. Rep. Boehner and Ohio Rep. Chairman DeWine, a story from Politico and a brief, sarcastic blog from Redstate’s Erickson. My take? Our president is in the campaigning mode and we all get to pay the price.

Home Page

State of the Union Address 2012
Commissioners Corner… Budget Balanced, Bottom Lines Steady
Boys Hoops… Tri-Village Patriots sink Buccs ship
Darke County Parks… Probate/Juvenile Court Judge Candidates to speak
Boys Hoops… Mississinawa Valley Hawks soar to second win of season
Dayton Business Journal... Dayton region unemployment drops to 8.2%
Townhall... Legalizing Drugs Is Constitutional

More News

Cleveland Plain Dealer... Kucinich wants Constitution to require that taxpayers fund federal campaigns
Cleveland Plain Dealer... Improving graduation rates at public universities a priority for Kasich, Petro

More Blogs

Townhall... State of Dependency


Philip R. Mitchell

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Counting the Homeless; Ag Business Legislation; Starks: Difference a foot makes; FFA Student Potential; Spelling Bee; Commissioner Proclamation & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for January 24, 2012, at County News Online:

From the Editor

On Sunday CNO introduced a new columnist Jesse Leonard. He’s had good reviews with what was, from my perspective, an excellent opinion. Today we introduce a new young journalist, Ashley Studebaker. Ashley is an excellent writer, as you will note in her FFA article, and she has more to come.

Home Page

Point-in-Time… Counting the Homeless in Darke County
Beagle… Lawmakers Introduce Legislation to Grow Agricultural Businesses
What a difference a foot makes, By George Starks
Reaching True Potential as an FFA Student, By Ashley Studebaker
Darke County Spelling Bee… Versailles student takes first place
Commissioners… Point-in-Time Count Proclamation
Daily Events... Congress plots to sidestep Obama on Keystone pipeline

More News

Columbus Dispatch... In emotional speech, Kasich talks of faith, civil rights

More Sports

Stewart keeping it real for Patrick


Edison Community College offers free financial aid event

More Blogs

Townhall Finance... Do The Rich Pay More Taxes?


Augusta V. “Gussie” Hope, Daniel B. Younce

God Bless,

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Commissioners: positives and challenges; Zeiter on OFRW committee; Surber: Internet Piracy v Free Speech; Sports: V-Tigers, T-V, Paterno & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for January 23, 2012, at County News Online:

From the Editor

While I have sometimes disagreed with decisions made by our County Commissioners, I happily give them credit for the job they and elected Department Heads have done keeping local spending under control; and for their support of our Economic Development Department (ie Marc, Melanie and their bosses at P4P). Our county is in better shape than most. Thanks, folks. Your efforts are appreciated.

Home Page

Republican Mens Club… Commissioners tout positives, note challenges
OFRW… Greenville resident Zeiter appointed to Awards Committee
Free speech vs. Internet Piracy, By Jim Surber
V-Lady Tigers shreds Russia, By George Starks
Patriots pushed to their limit in Indiana, By George Starks
Yahoo Sports… Paterno dead at 85
Redstate... Newt Gingrich Wins. What It Means.

More News

Kasich will deliver State of State Address at Steubenville’s Wells Academy
Christian Science Monitor... Is Mitt Romney really a job creator?


Monthly Ag Breakfast, Feb. 2

More Blogs

Mail Magazine 24... President Obama Forgets – Policy Reminder #4


Hazel B. Miller

God Bless,

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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Guest Column: Are we settling for less?; Wave Bowling; Garst Museum, learning about my home; Animal Shelter Pets of the Week; Greenville Kiwanis & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for January 22, 2012, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Just in from Redstate… Newt Gingrich has taken South Carolina. According to Eric Erickson, no candidate has won the primary without S.C. except Reagan. At the same time, no candidate has won without also taking either New Hampshire or Iowa. Erickson calls it a “desperate scream to get another player in the field.” Read his column Monday.

Home Page

Guest Column… Are We Settling For Less? By Jesse Leonard
Greenville Kiwanis… Voice your Opinion for this year’s awards
Darke County Animal Shelter… Pets of the week
Garst Museum... learning about my home, By Brittany Martino
Wave Bowling... Greenville Boys Defeated the Yellow Jackets 2077-2052
Mail Magazine 24... Dynamic Solar System - actual effects of climate change
Townhall... An Open Letter to the Occupiers from Generation X

More News

Sheriff’s Department… Saturday's Snow Emergency
Columbus Dispatch... Kasich seeks taxes on oil, gas drilling

More Sports

Paterno in Serious Condition

More Community

Free tax preparation at CAP

More Blogs

Townhall... A Question of Priorities

God Bless,

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Friday, January 20, 2012

Surber: Annual Report, Restoring Historic 1881 Bridge; Buchy: Heartbeat Bill; CNO Sports: Trojans, Jets, A-Tigers; State of the Heart; Mandel & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for January 21, 2012, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Our first major snow/ice event was forecast to hit Friday night… if you must go on the roads, please do so carefully. All of Friday’s local sporting events were cancelled. Today will be clear but cold… but things will begin to warm up Sunday.

Home Page

Surber Annual Report: Restoring Historic 1881 Mill Road Bridge
Buchy… The Heartbeat Bill
Lady Trojans hold off stubborn A-Tiger team, by George Starks
State of the Heart… New Poster available honoring those served available
Lady Jets hold down Newton, By George Starks and Dylan Knoop
Mandel Releases Top-Bottom Review for Calendar Year 2011
Townhall... The Land of Obama Make-Believe

More News

Mandel... Ohio Farmers can apply online for Interest Rate Reduction
Darke County Sheriff’s Office... Level 1 Snow Emergency Cancelled

More Blogs

Townhall Finance... Democrats Seek to Establish “Reasonable Profits” Boards for Energy Companies


Leota P. (Petry) Bevins

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