Sunday, January 1, 2012

Detling campaign team; Kasich 2011 Year in Review; Sports Preview for the Week; A Weekly Thing; Presidential Candidates & You

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for January 2, 2012, at County News Online:

From the Editor

A reader sent an interesting look at the presidential candidates… you might want to check it out to see who has actually campaigned on the issues you find important. In the meantime, Townhall’s Oliver North has given us a look at what we might be facing this year. Yesterday’s message is repeated: Register… and then vote!!

Home Page

James Detling Announces Campaign Team
Kasich… 2011 Year In Review
Sports Preview… Local Hoops, Bowling, Wrestling, Swimming
A Weekly Thing… Happy New Year!
USA Today... The Presidential Candidates and You
Townhall... 2012: A Tumultuous Year To Come


Leetta M. Hemmelgarn

God Bless,

Feel free to Bookmark County News Online and let your friends know about it.

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