Sunday, January 22, 2012

Commissioners: positives and challenges; Zeiter on OFRW committee; Surber: Internet Piracy v Free Speech; Sports: V-Tigers, T-V, Paterno & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for January 23, 2012, at County News Online:

From the Editor

While I have sometimes disagreed with decisions made by our County Commissioners, I happily give them credit for the job they and elected Department Heads have done keeping local spending under control; and for their support of our Economic Development Department (ie Marc, Melanie and their bosses at P4P). Our county is in better shape than most. Thanks, folks. Your efforts are appreciated.

Home Page

Republican Mens Club… Commissioners tout positives, note challenges
OFRW… Greenville resident Zeiter appointed to Awards Committee
Free speech vs. Internet Piracy, By Jim Surber
V-Lady Tigers shreds Russia, By George Starks
Patriots pushed to their limit in Indiana, By George Starks
Yahoo Sports… Paterno dead at 85
Redstate... Newt Gingrich Wins. What It Means.

More News

Kasich will deliver State of State Address at Steubenville’s Wells Academy
Christian Science Monitor... Is Mitt Romney really a job creator?


Monthly Ag Breakfast, Feb. 2

More Blogs

Mail Magazine 24... President Obama Forgets – Policy Reminder #4


Hazel B. Miller

God Bless,

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