Thursday, January 5, 2012

2011: A Time for Renewal in Ohio; CNO Sports: Lady Wave Hoops, Wave Bowling, Locals in NFL Playoffs; Kids Learning Place; Ohio Primary & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for January 6, 2012, at County News Online:

From the Editor

He did it again. Our president has added another “Czar” at our expense. He’s our just appointed Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Richard Cordray. Another bureaucrat responsible to no one but our fearless leader. That brings Obama’s “Czar count” to 33 (by my definition, in other words done without the Constitutional Senate confirmation process). Good thing? You be the judge.

Home Page

Faber… 2011 Sparked a Time for Renewal in Ohio
Wave Girls Hoops… Lady Wave quick start fizzles, by George Starks
Nine candidates filed for Ohio March 6 Presidential Primary
Kids Learning Place… Children Receive Gifts from Church
CNO Sports… Wave bowlers defeat Rams
Dayton Business Journal... Hiring in 2012 may be better than outlook
Townhall... The Economy Through the Eyes of the Opposition

More Community

Volunteer Opportunity: Activity Assistant


Martin Luther King Day closing
Council on Rural Services ... Children’s Art Class Begins Winter Sessions

More Sports

Locals in NFL Playoffs

God Bless,

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