Saturday, January 7, 2012

Opinion: All about the kids; Patriots take out Frustrations; To everyone who likes to eat; Teen Scribes: T.V. Wars; Photo Club to Meet & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for January 8, 2012, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Coming Monday… East School’s newspaper, The Flying Eagle, published by East Fourth Graders. Also, a 2010 Greenville High School graduate will be traveling around the world… and sharing her experiences with County News Online.

Home Page

The Flying Eagle: It’s All About the Kids, That’s My Opinion, By Bob Robinson
Patriots take out frustrations on National Trail, By George Starks
Darke County Photo Club to Hold First Meeting of 2012
Cleveland Plain Dealer... Teachers to be graded on classroom performance
This letter is to everyone who likes to eat, By Al Bliss
T.V. Wars, By Naiesha Thobe, Teen Scribe
Human Events... The Cordray Imperial Charter

More News

Cleveland Plain Dealer... Indiana right-to-work law could be a learning experience

More Events

Edison to Hold PSEOP Informational Meetings

More Blogs

Christian Science Monitor... What does Play-Doh have to do with Plato?


Kenneth Raymond Garber, Michael L. Nickson

God Bless,

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