Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Buchy explains cuts; 9/11 Remembrance: DAR, Brown, Christy Riley & Cartoon; DCCA Arts in Education on Bullying; Rasmussen Week; Kasich’s Week & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for September 14, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

The debate continues over Ohio’s unprecedented balanced budget with no new taxes. State Rep. Jim Buchy tries to explain it… again. The D.C. debt panel doesn’t seem to get it… they keep talking about revenue increases. And our president has more spending on his mind. Of course.

Home Page

State Rep. Buchy… An Explanation of Cuts to Balance the Budget
9/11… Local DAR serves in Remembrance Event
Senator Brown… Remembering 9/11
Events… DCCA ‘Arts in Education’ opener addresses bullying
9/11… 9-11 Ceremony & Parade, September 11, 2011, By Christy Riley
9/11… Political Cartoon for the Day
Blogs… Townhall: When Health Insurance is Free


Toledo Blade... Ohio renewable energy law in danger
Rasmussen... What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls
Gov. John Kasich... Week in Review

More Events

9/11 Ceremony & Parade to be aired on GPAT

More Blogs

Columbus Dispatch... Stop the invaders
News Herald... Editorial: Prison reforms a worthwhile idea
Plain Dealer... Consumers and honest bankers deserve a Cordray confirmation


Shirley Ertel Nicodemus

God Bless,

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