Saturday, September 17, 2011

Robinson Opinion; Kennedy Addresses GOP Women; CNO Sports & Review; Commissioner Coffee; Senior Scribes; Constitution Day; Bridges to College & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for September 18, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

I believe an epidemic is affecting our future and we’re giving it lip service. Read about it in my “Opinion.” Starks highlights Bradford & Covington, and previews upcoming Pro Football action.

Home Page

Debbie… and millions like her, That’s My Opinion by Bob Robinson
Judge Sharon Kennedy Addresses GOP Women, By Lyn Bliss
CNO Sports… Costly mistakes cost Roaders, By George Starks
Events… Welcome to the Constitution Day Celebration!
CNO Sports Review… Bengals over Broncos, and More, by George Starks
Stegall Event… Coffee with the Commissioner
Senior Scribes… Gold Nuggets

More News

Boehner... Address on “Liberating America’s Economy”
Columbus Dispatch... Obama woos young voters with plan
Columbus Dispatch... State education board members on public school funding

More Events

Bridges to College... You Can Go to College Night

More Sports

Would you like to be a CNO Sports Correspondent?


Redstate... No Girls Were Harmed During This Executive Order
Akron Beacon Journal... No alternative
Akron Beacon Journal... Do as they say?


Mary Frances Spencer-Durr

God Bless,

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