Friday, September 2, 2011

Head-on Collision (video); Fair: Gazebo entertainers, Riley narrative; Pets of the Week; DCCAdent Evening; Greenville Municipal Concert; Plain & Simple & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for September 3, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Zero job growth last month. And we spent how many trillion dollars to fix it? Quote: “Things might get better a couple of weeks, then it gets worse again!” Answer? Maybe a little less uncertainty regarding taxes and regulations?

Home Page

Five injured in head-on-collision east of Versailles – Channel 7 Video
Fair… Returning Performers Entertain Fair Goers, By Elaine Bailey
Columbus Dispatch... New bill would require drug tests for public aid
Animal Shelter Pets of the Week
Fair… Narrative, Descriptions & Pictures, By Christy Riley
DC Center for the Arts… DCCAdent Evening presents Winemakers Grandson
Townhall... Too Many Takers -- Not Enough Givers - Blogs

More News

Columbus Dispatch... Medicaid won’t pay guardians for developmentally disabled
Dayton Daily News... Businesses complain about commercial activity tax
Toledo Blade... Ohio OKs $16M for Chrysler

More Events

Sunday… Greenville Municipal to hold Last Concert of the Season
Saturday… Plain & Simple Cabin Fall Gathering

More Blogs

Townhall... Anti-religious Diatribes Come in Different Forms
Townhall Finance... Obama’s Half- Billion Green Bankruptcy Just a Preview
Townhall Finance... The Obama Jobs Fairy Tale


Elizabeth Louise Baldwin

God Bless,

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