Monday, September 26, 2011

Gourd Festival; Surber: Cooperation or conflict?; Meet the Candidates; Republican Candidates Q&A; NH Republican Primary; Do you get enough sleep? & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for September 27, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Gourds are a fascinating vegetable… at least I think they are vegetables. Not sure what else to call them. Elaine Bailey wrote a great story from the Gourd Festival at the fairgrounds. Even better are some of the pictures. I still can’t imagine them as “vegetables.”

Home Page

Gourd Artistry, Perfection & Color lead to awards, By Elaine Bailey
Opinion… Cooperation or conflict? By Jim Surber
Events… Meet the Candidates to be held twice
Events… Republican Candidates Q&A to be held
Rasmussen… Election 2012: New Hampshire Republican Primary
Dayton Business Journal… Survey: Most workers don’t get enough sleep
Townhall... Capitalism’s Biggest Users

More News

Rasmussen... What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls
Columbus Dispatch... SB 5 debate prompts both sides to talk of fairness

More Blogs

Akron Beacon Journal... Drawn to excess
Akron Beacon Journal... Ohio’s new poor


Robert J. “Bob” Francis

God Bless,

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