Thursday, September 8, 2011

Fair: Ag Equipment & Parents, The Last Day; Sports predictions; Kasich’s jobs machine; Tour of Homes; Feet on the Street; New: Political Cartoons & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for September 9, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Our sports guru, George Starks, provides some predictions for pro and Big Ten football. See if you agree. In two days, we will remember our Second “Day in Infamy.” It is going to be hard on many of us.

Home Page

Fair… The Last Day, By Bob Robinson
Sports… Week one weigh-ins, By George Starks
Fair… Ag Equipment, parents part of Fair History, By Bob Robinson
News... Despite doubts, Kasich’s jobs machine rolls on
Events… League of Women Voters - Annual Tour of Homes
Blogs… Townhall Finance - A Reagan Moment
Blogs… Political Cartoon for the Day

More News The Best Paying Jobs of the Future
Secretary of State Jon Husted... Agreement reached on ballot mailings
Columbus Dispatch... Issue 3’s reach is too wide, foes say


Bring those “Feet on the Street” into your business

Blogs Employers Cautious But Not In Retreat On Labor Day 2011
Townhall Finance... President Scuttles One Reg...More to Go?

God Bless,

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