Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Gathering a Hit, impacts the Festival?; Commissioners Corner; OSU Extension - Sobeans; Edison student brightens campus; State issues ballot & more

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for August 1, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

In case you missed it, Pres. Obama announced agreement between House and Senate leaders Sunday night. Next step? Getting both houses to say yes. We’ll see. Time constraints made it impossible to post Commissioners meeting minutes today. They should be posted Tuesday.

Home Page

Gathering: The “New Kid on the Block” a Hit, By Bob Robinson – Community
OSU Extension… What’s going on with Darke County’s soybeans? – Community
Commissioners Corner… Still waiting on final state dollars – Opinion
DBJ... Report: Parents to spend $604 on school shopping – News
Edison Student Works To Brighten Up Campus – Community
Townhall... The Limit To Foolishness on Television – Blogs
Townhall... The Myth of Bi-Partisan - Blogs

More News

Dayton Business Journal... Big bank CEOs ask Congress to fix debt crisis
Newsmax... Gallup: Obama Approval Hits New Lows
Husted announces Ballot Order for Statewide Issues

More Blogs

Townhall... Castro Regime Furious with Townhall
Townhall Finance... Satellite Data Blows Hole in Gobal Warming
Townhall... Heretical Thought: The System Is Working

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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Family Events; Doings at the Gathering; Student Secretaries of State; Cancer Support group; Peggy Sue got old; DC Parks; Gospel Sing for Cancer & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for July 31, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Politico: First, the Senate rejected the House plan. On Saturday the House rejected the Senate plan. Reid to head to White House to meet with Obama. Two days to the midnight deadline.

Home Page

Family Events... Technology creates new risks for kids, families – Opinion
Garst Museum… Doings at the Gathering – Community
The Economist... Peggy Sue got old – News
Husted welcomes student secretaries of state – Community
Cancer Support group to be held August 4 – Events
Townhall... Ideals Versus Realities – Blogs
Townhall... In Praise of Tabloids - Blogs

More News

Msnbc... US economy slowed to snail’s pace in second quarter
Politico... Debt deal compromise suggested by Democrats
Politico... As debt ceiling deadline looms, default or compromise?

More Events

Darke County Parks… Hike to Health Continues this Summer
Gospel Sing Concert for Cancer Association

More Blogs

Redstate... What is the End Game for Big Government?
Redstate... Message to RSC Members: Get in or Get Out
Morris… Obama is desperate to avoid another debt limit battle before election


Dotty L. Gunckle

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Friday, July 29, 2011

Kicking off Annie Oakley Weekend; Breaking: House Budget passes; BBBS Garage Sale; Darke County Parks; Foreclosures; Technology Withdrawal & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for July 30, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Breaking News: The House finally passed its version… barely. Many GOP “no” votes; all Dem “no” votes. Dead in the Senate. It’s Saturday. Three days until deadline. In the meantime, enjoy the Annie Oakley Days weekend.

Home Page

Annie Oakley Weekend Bigger & Better than Ever – Community
Big Brothers Big Sisters Benefit Garage Sale – Events
DBJ... Foreclosures lead to long-term vacancies – News
Darke County Parks… An Evening on the Lake – Events
DBJ... Report: Technology withdrawal leads many to despair – News
Townhall... Dem ‘Budget Plan’: Attack the Tea Party, Misquote Reagan – Blogs
Redstate... It’s All Too Odd - Blogs

More News

Politico... Mitch McConnell: Forget perfect, make deal
Dayton Business Journal... Ohio in top 10 worst for job losses

More Blogs

Weekly Standard... A Time for Choosing
Townhall... Is the President in Recovery
Libertarians say ‘no’ to raising debt limit
Wall Street Journal... The GOP’s Reality Test


Kathryn E. Jenkinson, Ralph H. Brodrick

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Miss Annie Oakley 2011; Robinson Opinion: The Demise of the GOP; Health Care Freedom Amendment certified; Annie Oakley Days, Gathering at Garst & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for July 29, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Despite the turmoil of Washington and the gloomy predictions, it was a great day. Congratulations to Laura Francis, Miss Annie Oakley 2011. See you at the Annie Oakley Festival and the Gathering at Garst.

Home Page

Laura Francis 2011 Miss Annie Oakley, By Naiesha Thobe, Teen Scribe
The demise of the GOP? That’s My Opinion by Bob Robinson
Husted certifies Health Care Freedom Amendment signatures – News
New Landscaping Installed for the Gathering at Garst – Events
Annie Oakley Days and Kitchen Aid – Events
Townhall... Obama’s ‘Balanced’ Approach – Blogs
Redstate... The Great Divide - Blogs

More News

The Economist... A special report on the news industry: Bulletins from the future
Politico... Credit hit worries Obama, Congress more than default
Debt ceiling debate draws pols’ eyes to markets

More Events

Parking at the Gathering
Volunteers needed for Stuff-A-Bus

More Blogs

Townhall... Why Getting Our Debt under Control is So Important
Wall Street Journal... A Leadership Default
Redstate... The Speaker’s Plan Is A Bad Bargain


Gerald  M. Roll, Dwanna E. McMiller

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sheriff: 22-Month-Old Nearly Drowns; Happy Birthday, Doc Blickenstaff; V&B on Entitlement; Ryan Day at Rep Men’s Club; Letter: Al Bliss on DDN article & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for July 28, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

I checked the Sheriff’s Office facebook page… lots of comments on this near tragedy. Nearly all of them were supportive of a family hurting. We still have values in Darke County. I wonder if that will ever happen in our nation’s capitol?

Home Page

Darke County Sheriff’s Office… 22-Month-Old Nearly Drowns - News
Happy Birthday, Doc!! By Bob Robinson – Senior Scribes
DBJ... Teamsters hit Bud distributor with EPA complaint – News
New Year’s Resolution Madness... Be Less Stressed, By Kayla Lemar – Teen Scribes
Ryan Day… Boehner staffer talks to local Republicans – Community
Verities & Balderdash… An “Entitlement???” By Bob Robinson – Blogs
Townhall... Allen West’s Gentlemanly Behavior - Blogs

More News

Politico... Peter Welch rises as liberal voice of reason
Dayton Business Journal... Business travel on rise as economy rebounds


Uniquely Poor Journalism by Al Bliss

More Blogs

Townhall... Responsibility Movement Grows
Redstate... House Republicans Should Not Rely on Democrats For Votes on the Debt Ceiling
Townhall Finance... How Obama Saves/Creates Jobs: Replace High-Paying Energy Jobs with Low-Paying Housekeeping Jobs


Cheryl Lynn Baldridge, Edna C. Sutton

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Debt Crisis News; Opinion by Bob Robinson; Complete text of Monday speeches; Eagles Donates to Cancer Assn; Ohio Jobless Up; Ag Bkfst Meeting & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for July 27, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

I can’t keep up with the breaking news. Boehner announces Senate/House budget but CBO said changes need to be made. It is scheduled for a vote Thursday. And I couldn’t stand it any more… you get my opinion today, also.

Home Page

Unemployment Climbs, Markets get Nervous, and the Debate Goes On – News
House budget… “It’s Reasonable, It’s Responsible, It Can Pass” – News
Eagles Donates to Darke County Cancer Association – Community
Four more years of Obama, That’s My Opinion By Bob Robinson
DBJ... Ohio jobless rate climbs, first bump in 20 months – News
Townhall... Cut Someone Else – Blogs
Townhall... To Get a Mandate, GOP Must Win Another Election - Blogs

More News

Monday Remarks by House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH)
Obama Monday… Both Parties Have a Responsibility to Solve this Problem
AP, Norwegian Suspect Wanted European Anti-Muslim Crusade
Politico... All eyes now on John Boehner and Harry Reid Dems, Reps Craft Separate Debt Plans as Bipartisan Talks Hit ‘Deadlock’


Ag Breakfast Meeting - Thursday, August 4

More Blogs

Redstate... God and Oslo
Townhall Finance... How We Pay for Obama Failures
Redstate... The Unanswered Questions for GOP Leaders from Freshmen


James D. Yount, Mildred S. Roberts, Marilyn J. George

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Monday, July 25, 2011

GHS IMTV to go Online; Al Bliss: Can we Learn from the Past?; Shot in the Darke Weekend; Hummingbird Banding; Bear’s Mill Artists; Survivor Camp & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for July 26, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Did you see the President’s, and Speaker’s, messages last night? Confused? Yeah. Me, too. About the only thing I’m sure of is we have more deadlock on the agenda.

Home Page

CNO exclusive… GHS IMTV to go Online, By Bob Robinson – Community
Visitor’s Bureau… ‘Shot in the Darke’ Weekend – Events
Darke County Parks… Hummingbird Banding First Hand! – Events
Can We Learn from the Past? By Al Bliss – Opinion
Friends of Bear’s Mill... July/August Artists – Events
Checkmating Obama by Dick Morris – Blogs
Human Events... The Majority of Americans DO Want A “Balanced” Approach to the Deficit - Blogs


Politico... Debt talks have senators angry about being left out
Politico... Debt deal bill requested by House GOP
Dayton Business Journal... Borders starts liquidation sales


Darke County Parks... Survivor Camp!

More Blogs

Human Events... Spenditol: Recommended By Concerned Women Everywhere
Redstate... The obvious response to this would be to outlaw the American flag
Redstate... White House and Congressional Leaders Resort to Fearmongering
Daily Events... Fridays with Erick Erickson

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Washington Stalemate: The News & the Voters; Commissioners Minutes; Buchy honors Horner; Surber: Contemplating the Cloud; Mandel tightens belt & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for July 25, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

An exciting week – and weekend – coming up. Annie Oakley Days, Miss Annie Oakley Shooting Contest, Gathering at Garst… will the heat give us a break? Sure hope so. Watch for stories and photos.

Home Page

The News and the Voters… America reacts to the stalemate in Washington
Buchy… Honoring a new ‘famous daughter’ – Community
Politico... The art of the policy rider vendetta – News
Contemplating the “Cloud,” By Jim Surber – Opinion
Treasurer’s Office Tightens Belt through Top-Bottom Review – News
Townhall... It Should All Be Free – Blogs
Townhall... The Beltway Industry Full-Time Employment Act - Blogs

More News

Politico... Democrats downplay prospect of short-term deal
Columbus Dispatch... Turnover shakes up Assembly


Public Meetings for July 18 and July 20


Fritsch response to Reier’s letter… taxing ultra wealthy

More Blogs Washington, It’s Time to Put On Your Big Boy Pants If I Were President, I’d Create the ‘Elimination Commission’
Toledo Blade... Kasich’s jobs budget
Personal Liberty Digest... You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby


Harold R. Apple, James E. Warner

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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Family Events; Daniel Fitzgerald Design – Teen Entrepreneur; Career Mentorship… Meet Dylan Hoover; DCCA Pinocchio; Reier Letter & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for July 24, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Finding blogs that are not angry – from the left or the right – is getting increasingly difficult. Seems no one likes what’s going on in Washington. Also, two and a half years into Obama’s presidency, voters have finally stopped blaming Bush for the economy.

Home Page

Family Events... Taking the risks out of childhood can lead to anxiety – Opinion
Daniel Fitzgerald Designs, Teen Entrepreneur – Teen Scribes
Career Mentorship Program… Introducing Dylan Hoover – Teen Scribes
Darke County Center for the Arts presents MCT’s Pinocchio – Events
Dayton Business Journal… U.S. News ranks Dayton hospitals – News
Townhall... The Real Effects of Gambling – Blogs
Townhall... New Battleground of Child Custody Reform: Shared Parenting - Blogs

More News

McClatchy Newspapers... Obama backing marriage act repeal effort
Columbus Dispatch... Redistricting contest all set for your ideas


Increasing taxes on the ultra wealthy… Charles E. Reier MD

More Blogs

Akron Beacon Journal... Extreme measure
Josh Mandel says Sen. Sherrod Brown rates as most liberal in the United States
Akron Beacon Journal... Lost in the exchange’s Washington Beat

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Friday, July 22, 2011

Key Club meets with Kasich Liaison; Boehner message on Walk Out; Gathering at Garst; Horner book review; Ohio air pollution; Gang of Six; College Bubble & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for July 23, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

It was all over the news today… Boehner walks out on Debt Ceiling talks. We heard Obama’s side on TV, but I don’t remember hearing Boehner’s side. You’ll find it published in a letter to House members and staff on CNO.

Home Page

Key Club meets with Kasich’s Regional Liaison, By Bob Robinson – Community
From the Speaker of the House on Boehner Walk-Out – News
Purveyor of Improbable Possibilities coming to Gathering at Garst - Events
Ender’s Game, A Book Review by Elizabeth Horner – Teen Scribes
Dayton Business Journal... Ohio leads nation in toxic air pollution – News
Redstate... House Republicans Must Fight Gang of 6's Gangrene Plan – Blogs
Townhall... Will College Bubble Burst From Public Subsidies? - Blogs

More News

The Columbus Dispatch... Poll: Kasich’s approval rating takes a dive
Politico... Barack Obama’s 2008 bundlers flee political ‘machine’
Politico... Debt ceiling talks see Senate, House GOP go separate ways

More Blogs

Columbus Dispatch... Editorial: Fine choice
Redstate... Thirty Problems with the “Gang of Six” Proposal
Foxnews... Gang of Six Brings Hope Washington Can Still Rescue America

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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Darke Rep Women have a ‘fascinating’ time; Aslinger cuts budget; Elizabeth Horner movie review; Hicks on Culture Gone Wrong; Dining with Diabetes & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for July 22, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

In the midst of the debt debate, Washington politics, Columbus politics, someone weighs in on our society… and a culture gone wrong. In the meantime, local ladies have a ‘fascinating’ time. Check it out.

Home Page

‘Fascinating’ Time an uplifting event – Community
Judge Jason Aslinger cuts 6.6% from budget – News
Plain Dealer... Cordray caught in middle as GOP, Obama wrestle over Bureau – News
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two, by Elizabeth Horner - Teen Scribes
Zinging a New Song of a Culture Gone Wrong – Marybeth Hicks – Blogs
Townhall... Time for some pain in the debt talks – Blogs
Townhall... A Surprising President - Blogs

More News

Columbus Dispatch... Ohio lawmakers key players in debt debate
Dayton Business Journal... Report: Security breaches alarm executives
Dayton Business Journal... Small business lending up 20% at Ohio credit unions


Dining with Diabetes

More Blogs

Townhall... California’s Costly Attack on the Internet
Townhall... 5 American Economic Statistics That Will Blow Your Mind
Townhall... Ten Ways Progressive Policies Harm Society’s Moral Character


Dorothy Helen Lehman

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Integrity Ambulance groundbreaking; Teen Scribe: Up to No Good; Pets of the Week; Ohio Credit Outlook Upgraded; “Building Blocks” Parenting & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for July 21, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Our young people have talent! Check out the latest Teen Scribes offering from Naiesha Thobe and some great photos from Jessica Transue. Try to stay… well… cool.

Home Page

Integrity Ambulance… Two-year search yields corporate headquarters – by Bob Robinson, Photos by Jessica Transue
“I Solemnly Swear that I am Up to No Good” By Naiesha Thobe - Teen Scribes
Columbus Dispatch... Ohioans will get a health exchange – News
Dayton Business Journal... Movie studios pare back on-screen smoking – News
Darke County Animal Shelter Pets of the week – Community
Townhall... Doing More By Doing Less – Blogs
Townhall... What Democrats Must Ignore or Deny - Blogs

More News

Columbus Dispatch... ‘Scheduling conflict’ keeps Kasich away
Cleveland Plain Dealer... Ohio’s credit outlook upgraded by Standard & Poor’s
Husted: New Business filings for June continue increasing


“Building Blocks” Parenting Classes Planned

More Blogs

Redstate... Palin Again
Redstate... Seven Reasons Why August 2 Isn’t the End of the World
FoxNews... Were the First Ten Years of the 21st Century Really the Worst In American History?


Jane Louise (Stickel) Hammaker, Thomas “Tom” Wion

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Rhoades asks “who’s mad” at the school board; Senior texting shortcuts; Agronomy Field Day; Marilyn Monroe Doctrine; college credit card deals & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for July 20, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Rhoades makes one more point in the Greenville School Board controversy… and leads to the obvious: does anyone really care? Also, credit card companies pay colleges to market their cards to your kids.

Home Page

Was anyone really mad at the school board? By Bob Rhoades – Opinion
Townhall... Who’s Irresponsible? – Blogs
DBJ... Colleges collect less from credit card deals – News
From Lyn Bliss... Texting Shortcut Tips for Seniors – Senior Scribes
DBJ... Ohio among Top 10 manufacturing states – News
Townhall... America’s Financial Restoration vs. Obama’s Ideology – Blogs
Human Events... The Expanding Catalogue of Obamacare Fables - Blogs

More News

Politico... GOP split over McConnell plan
FoxNews... Top Republican: House Conservatives Will Not Support McConnell Debt ‘Cop-Out’
Politico... Default could ‘sink the whole boat’


West Ohio Agronomy Field Day

More Blogs

Washington Post... Rob Portman, the boring Midwesterner who could bring sanity to the debt debate
FoxNews... Obama Doesn’t Know the First Thing About Economics
Townhall... The Marilyn Monroe Doctrine


Alice Joan (Gantt) Clack, Vernon R. Spurlock

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Monday, July 18, 2011

Fatal accident at 127 & 47; GSD Board member responds to community; Annie Oakley Golf Tournament; Omnibus Ag Legislation; Kasich’s Week in Review & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for July 19, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Sparks are flying in the Greenville School District and the rhetoric heats up in D.C.; will everyone keep holding hands in Columbus? We’ll see. Politics would be fascinating if it wasn’t for the potential victims.

Home Page

The verbal arrows have sure been flying… By Joe Payne – Opinion
DCSO… One dead, one seriously injured following US 127 crash – News
Speaker Announced for Annie Oakley Golf Tournament – Events
Politico... In debt talks, GOP suffers from lack of lead messenger – News
Townhall... Character Development – Blogs
Human Events... Harry Reid Threatens To Close Schools – Blogs
Townhall... New Reality Emerging on Illegal Immigration - Blogs

More News

Governor Signs Buchy’s Omnibus Agriculture Legislation
Kasich’s Week in Review... Saturday, July 9 through Friday, July 15, 2011
Rasmussen... What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls

More Blogs

Redstate... EPA Must Be Stopped, and I’m Not Talking About Light Bulbs
Townhall... Republican Show-and-Tell
Townhall... Take a Stand Against Rand


Stanley G. & Mary H. (Hesson) Hines

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Sunday, July 17, 2011

CNO’s June Top 10; Commissioners; Reason says Debt-Ceiling Debate Malarkey; Faber’s Mid-Year Report; Mandel’s Money Belt; CAP offers HPRP & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for July 18, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Monday’s Commissioners Meeting addresses passage of 2012 budget; Marybeth Hicks weighs in on educator cheating… and the Washington nightmare goes on. And on. And on. And on.

Home Page

CNO's June Top Ten… Top Story: CNO’s exclusive interview with Don Wright
Reason... 3 Reasons Why The Debt-Ceiling Debate is Full of Malarkey – Blogs
Faber: Mid-Year Report – News
DBJ... Apple claims No. 3 rank in domestic PC sales – News
Mandel tightens money belt – News
Townhall... Public school systems cheating nation’s youth – Blogs
Townhall... President Left Behind: McConnell Schools Obama on Debt - Blogs

More News

Congressman Boehner Responds to President Obama’s Press Conference
Huffington Post... Debt Ceiling Press Conference: President Keeps Pressure On
From Darke County P4P... Ohio Fifth in the Nation for Cost of Doing Business
The Columbus Dispatch... Taylor rips U.S. health-care law


July 11 and July 13, 2011


CAP offers HPRP services

More Blogs

Redstate... The American People Are Fast Becoming More Furious
The Columbus Dispatch... Editorial: Ohio’s ‘Lost Decade’

God Bless,


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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Family Events, Lady Chargers Academic All-Americans; Toastmasters; Gateway Youth; CHIP Assistance; Summer Stargazing; Wealthy Booth Spending & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for July 17, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Ryan Day talks to Darke County Republican Men’s Club about ongoing issues in Washington; and Darke County Republican Women have a “Fascinating” time. Stories to come.

Home Page

Family Events... Friendship struggles all part of the game – Opinion
Edison… Six Lady Chargers Named Academic All-Americans – Community
Greenville Toastmasters celebrate 40th Anniversary – Community
Dayton Business Journal... Wealthy boost spending on luxury goods – News
Gateway Youth Plans Street Carnival – Events
Townhall... Shaping Citizens, Saving Souls – Blogs
Townhall... One Way To Make a Conservative - Blogs

More News

Boehner… President, Democrats, support Balanced Budget Amendment
Politico... As debt ceiling scramble continues, Boehner signals options are open
DBJ... Kasich pledges $2M for research by Ohio children’s hospitals

More Community

CHIP assistance offered at CAP

More Events

Darke County Parks... Summer Stargazing

More Blogs

Townhall Finance... The One Becomes The Jerk
Townhall Finance... Obama Out on Called Third Strike
Townhall... Republicans Must Vote Against Raising Debt Ceiling or Face Political Annihilation

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Friday, July 15, 2011

Rhoades writes rebuttal to Dead Horse; Annie Oakley Days; Adams column; Darke County Parks; JobsOhio Overview; Bridges to College Volunteers & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for July 16, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Check out the JobsOhio Overview; Bloggers are furious over the fiasco in Washington; and in Darke County the beat goes on. Annie Oakley Days are coming along with events from Darke County Parks, DCCA and Garst Museum.

Home Page

Annie Oakley Days begins with Competition – Events
Adams… Boosting Small Business Growth in Ohio – Opinion
Annie Oakley Days… Schedule of Events – Events
Rebuttal to Riding a Dead Horse, By Bob Rhoades – Blogs
Darke County Parks… Insects Invade Shawnee Prairie Nature Center! – Events
Redstate... Dear Mr. Speaker – Blogs
Townhall... Ten Reasons Why American Liberals Should Root for GOP - Blogs


Dayton Daily News... Medicaid shifting to home care
From the Governor’s Office... JobsOhio Overview
Dayton Daily News... Medicaid shifting to home care


Handson West Central Ohio… Volunteers sought for Bridges to College

More Events

Darke County Parks… Nesting Songbirds of Ohio

More Blogs

Townhall... 5 Signs Of American Decadence
Foxnews... America Is Too Dumb to Know Obama Is Always Right
Redstate... Our Petulant Child President


Keith Edward Batty

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Thursday, July 14, 2011

V&B… Dead Horses & Live Husbands; Farm Power Photo Essay; TEA Patriots Q&A; Darke County Parks; Annie Oakley Days; TAC Committee Meeting & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for July 15, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

The commentary against President Obama grows more antagonistic. While I don’t support the approach, I find it hard to fault the rage. He’s the epitome of the Ivory Tower academic who simply can’t see the forest for the trees.

Home Page

Farm Power a good time, By Jessica Transve, Teen Scribe – Community
Darke County Parks… Early Morning Discovery Hikes – Events
TEA Patriots Q&A with Elected Officials, By Al Bliss – Community
Dead Horses and Live Husbands – Verities & Balderdash by Bob Robinson
Annie Oakley Days… Do you like to take photographs?
Townhall Finance... Remember: It Could Have Been Pelosi – Blogs
Townhall... The President’s Excess Income, and Ours - Blogs


Cleveland Plain Dealer... Unequal crack cocaine penalties cleaned up
DBJ... Report: Graphic cigarette labels to have slim impact
Toledo Blade... Budget not an ‘assault’ on anyone, Kasich says

More Events

Transit Advisory (TAC) Committee Meeting

More Blogs

Townhall... Obama Makes Us Eat Our Peas
Townhall... Jobless Presidencies Should Result in Jobless Presidents
Columbus Dispatch... Teachers acknowledge that hard times require sacrifice

God Bless,

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

100 photos from New Madison Independence Day; Jim Surber’s Opinion; Aces Program; Stuck with Light Bulb Mandate?; Obamaland History & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for July 14, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Independence Day is over but the summer festival season is getting into full swing. Our lead is a brief follow-up story and over 100 photos from the New Madison parade and festival. Photos to come on Farm Power of the Past.

Home Page

New Madison Independence Day Parade 2011, By Bob Robinson – Community
The times they are a-changin’ By Jim Surber – Opinion
Aces Program Graduates 20 Students – Community
Politico... Debt ceiling debate turns to yacht class – News
Townhall... Step by Step – Blogs
Townhall... In Obamaland, the Past is Irrelevant – Blogs
Townhall... Agency Girl Goes Wild - Blogs

More News

Dayton Daily News... Organ donations declining in Ohio
‘No Child’ soon will flunk most schools
Politico... Lights out for GOP energy agenda?

More Blogs

Townhall Finance... Stuck On “Stupid Liberal” Mode
Townhall... Watch Out for the Gimmicks and Promises
Columbus Dispatch... Budget remarkable; hurdles remain


Carol S. (Strong) Brodrick

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