Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Rhoades asks “who’s mad” at the school board; Senior texting shortcuts; Agronomy Field Day; Marilyn Monroe Doctrine; college credit card deals & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for July 20, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Rhoades makes one more point in the Greenville School Board controversy… and leads to the obvious: does anyone really care? Also, credit card companies pay colleges to market their cards to your kids.

Home Page

Was anyone really mad at the school board? By Bob Rhoades – Opinion
Townhall... Who’s Irresponsible? – Blogs
DBJ... Colleges collect less from credit card deals – News
From Lyn Bliss... Texting Shortcut Tips for Seniors – Senior Scribes
DBJ... Ohio among Top 10 manufacturing states – News
Townhall... America’s Financial Restoration vs. Obama’s Ideology – Blogs
Human Events... The Expanding Catalogue of Obamacare Fables - Blogs

More News

Politico... GOP split over McConnell plan
FoxNews... Top Republican: House Conservatives Will Not Support McConnell Debt ‘Cop-Out’
Politico... Default could ‘sink the whole boat’


West Ohio Agronomy Field Day

More Blogs

Washington Post... Rob Portman, the boring Midwesterner who could bring sanity to the debt debate
FoxNews... Obama Doesn’t Know the First Thing About Economics
Townhall... The Marilyn Monroe Doctrine


Alice Joan (Gantt) Clack, Vernon R. Spurlock

God Bless,


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