Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Gathering a Hit, impacts the Festival?; Commissioners Corner; OSU Extension - Sobeans; Edison student brightens campus; State issues ballot & more

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for August 1, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

In case you missed it, Pres. Obama announced agreement between House and Senate leaders Sunday night. Next step? Getting both houses to say yes. We’ll see. Time constraints made it impossible to post Commissioners meeting minutes today. They should be posted Tuesday.

Home Page

Gathering: The “New Kid on the Block” a Hit, By Bob Robinson – Community
OSU Extension… What’s going on with Darke County’s soybeans? – Community
Commissioners Corner… Still waiting on final state dollars – Opinion
DBJ... Report: Parents to spend $604 on school shopping – News
Edison Student Works To Brighten Up Campus – Community
Townhall... The Limit To Foolishness on Television – Blogs
Townhall... The Myth of Bi-Partisan - Blogs

More News

Dayton Business Journal... Big bank CEOs ask Congress to fix debt crisis
Newsmax... Gallup: Obama Approval Hits New Lows
Husted announces Ballot Order for Statewide Issues

More Blogs

Townhall... Castro Regime Furious with Townhall
Townhall Finance... Satellite Data Blows Hole in Gobal Warming
Townhall... Heretical Thought: The System Is Working

God Bless,


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