Monday, August 1, 2011

Legacy of Annie Oakley; Commissioners Minutes; Jindal at ORP dinner; Surber: Text myself a letter; SNB supports P4P; Letter: Farce; Michael Anthony’s & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for August 2, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

House passed compromise Debt Ceiling increase with over $2 trillion in cuts Monday evening. No guarantees it won’t result in tax increases to “pay” for them. Senate expected to pass it today, followed by President’s signature. Political theatre at its best. Or worst.

Home Page

The Legacy of Annie Oakley Lives, By Naiesha Thobe – Community
Jindal featured speaker at ORP Dinner, By Lyn Bliss – News
I’m gonna sit right down and text myself a letter, By Jim Surber – Opinion
P4P… Second National Bank Supports Local Development – Community
From Msnbc... Site aims to show what $14 trillion looks like – News
Morris… Dems will win debt debate; Repubs will win election – Blogs
Human Events... Obama Depression Update: Economy Slows Again - Blogs


July 25 and 27 Public Meeting Minutes

More News

Foxnews... U.S. Contractor in Iraq Charges Pentagon $900 for $7 Control Switch
Reason... Study: Time to Eliminate the Mortgage Interest Deduction
Rasmussen... What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls


Michael Anthony’s at the Inn of Versailles... Wood Fired Pizza & Beer Dinner


World's Largest Farce, By Susan Olling

More Blogs

Reason... Does Your Body Belong to You?
Townhall... Big Labor: The Real Hostage Takers
Reason... McDonald’s to Kids: Apple Slices, Whether or Not You Want Them

God Bless,


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