Saturday, August 6, 2011

Family Events; Pinocchio Cast; Darke County Parks: Cultural Camp & Rag Rugs; Senior Independence; Bingo Breakfast a Success; Fair Park & Ride & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for August 7, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Breaking news from Truthout… McClatchy Newspapers: "Thirty-one U.S. troops, including more than 20 Navy SEALs, and seven Afghan soldiers died when their helicopter was shot down during an overnight operation.” Fox reports that the SEALS were from the unit that killed Usama bin Laden.

Home Page

Family Events... Wouldn’t trade places for anything – Opinion
Dayton Business Journal... Google: Apple, Microsoft join to fight Android – News
Darke County Parks… Cultural Camp Held – Community
The Cast for DCCA’s MCT Pinocchio included 60 locals - Events
Darke County Parks… Weave Rag Rugs! – Events
Townhall... America’s Deepening Immorality – Blogs
Townhall... Marital Criticism and Pessimism - Blogs

More News

Politico... Harry Reid’s debt deal post-mortem
Politico... President Obama back on friendly ground in Chicago
Boehner... Budget Control Act Meets ‘Cut-More-Than-You-Hike’ Standard & Has No Tax Hikes

More Community

Senior Independence Hospice seeks "Make It Happen" Volunteers
Annie Oakley Bingo Breakfast was a great success!

More Events

GTS offers Park & Ride to the Fair for 75 cents
Tire Recycling Day Near

More Blogs

Redstate... Lisa Jackson is Using the EPA to Destroy the Coal Industry
Redstate... The Debt Rises, The Economy Sinks

God Bless,


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