Friday, August 5, 2011

U.S. Loses AAA credit rating; Darke County EDO follow-up; Buchy Opinion; Yost Opinion; Darke County Parks; Greenville Public Notice; Senior Scribes & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for August 6, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Breaking news at 8:30 Friday… U.S. credit rating downgraded from AAA for first time in History. Seems Hope & Change just keeps on trucking. Oh, almost forgot. Everyone seems excited over unemployment decrease to 9.1 percent.

Home Page

DCED… County Development Efforts Ready to Expand Again – News
KQED Radio... U.S. Jobs Up 117,000; July Unemployment 9.1 Percent – News
Rep. Buchy… Ohio’s Balanced Budget – Opinion
Auditor Yost… “Essential Air Service” to Ely, NV and Points in Between – Opinion
Darke County Parks… A Stroll on the Prairie – Events
Townhall... Cruel Laws – Blogs
Daily Events... Pipeline Clogged In Senate Recess - Blogs

More News

WSJ… S&P Cuts US Credit Rating for First Time in Modern History
Boehner responds to announced July unemployment
Yahoo... Joe Biden collecting rent from Secret Service
Wall Street Journal... Left for Extinct, a Steel Plant Rises in Ohio


Public Hearing Notice... City of Greenville
Annie Oakley Photo Shoot Out Contest was a success!
First Lady Karen Kasich... AAP Foundation: Brunch, Baseball and Books

Senior Scribes

Retirement Perspectives: Take Your Pick!!!

More Blogs

Gingrich… A lesson from Iowa: the three questions Washington must ask
Morris… The Left Turns on Obama
Townhall... Voting My Conscience for an Imperfect Bill


Frances C. Eikenberry

God Bless,


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