Thursday, August 4, 2011

10-year-old fatally shot; Near drowning; Monnin on security measures; Stegall on jobs; Different perspective on Gathering; Visitor’s Bureau for August & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for August 5, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Breaking news Thursday: DOW plunges more than 512 points, 4 percent of its value in one day. This erases all stock market gains in 2011. ‘Hope & Change’ continues to thrive.

Home Page

Monnin addresses security measures in Municipal Court, By Bob Robinson – News
DCSO: 10-year-old fatally shot; Near Drowning in Ansonia – News
Darke County Jobs, By Mike Stegall – Letters
The Gathering at Garst... an unexpected pleasure, By Christy Riley - Teen Scribes
DBJ... Ohio medical marijuana possible for 2012 ballot – News
Townhall... Balancing the Budget – Blogs
Townhall... Back to Big Government-Spending as Usual - Blogs

More News

Dayton Business Journal... Obama plans 54.5 mpg fuel standard
Politico... Debt ceiling disaster averted, but nobody’s really happy
New York Times... Reaping Millions in Nonprofit Care for Disabled


Municipal Building Hours


Visitor’s Bureau... What’s Happening in Darke County - August 2011

More Blogs

Redstate... Reflections on the Deficit Deal
Townhall... Obama Is Out of Options
Redstate... Jonah Goldberg is tired of the vicious hypocrisy of these people


Monica Faye (Broderick) Gambrel, William Kyle Conley Horn

God Bless,


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