Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wave Soccer; Starks: Veterans Day at the Fair; Teen Scribe on Irene; Buchy Working Together; 9-11 Ceremony & Parade; Photography Contest & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for September 1, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

The Fair’s over (but not the photos), school is back in session and an anniversary is coming up… in 10 days it will be the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. This year a ceremony and parade will be held in Greenville. Hope to see you there.

Home Page

CNO Soccer… Wave still seeking first victory, By George Starks
Fair… Veterans day at the fair made me reflect, By George Starks
Rain, Rain, Go Away, By Naiesha Thobe, Teen Scribe
State Rep. Jim Buchy… Working Together to Bring Jobs
Columbus Dispatch... All sides hail new livestock-care rules
Sept. 11 Event… 10th Anniversary of 911 Ceremony and Parade
Blog: Townhall... The Costs of Success

More News

Columbus Dispatch... Pro-SB 5 campaign has work cut out
Cleveland Plain Dealer... Doctor shortage threatens U.S. and Ohio
Patriot Update... Boehner asks Obama for billion-dollar list

More Events

4th Annual Photography Competition to be Held September 9 – 11

More Blogs

Columbus Dispatch... Mandel could give Sherrod Brown a real race
Cleveland Plain Dealer... Kasich is different, and that’s not all bad
Cleveland Plain Dealer... Kasich makes a defensible case for rejecting more federal unemployment aid


David R. “Roy” Minnich Sr.

God Bless,

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