Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Ramco has new Greenville home; Annie Oakley Days wrap-up… over 300 photos; Officer Needs Assistance from Bob Rhoades; V&B; Senior Scribes Groans & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for August 10, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Slight breather on Wall Street today with the Dow up 400 points. Relatively quiet in D.C., thank goodness. We hope you enjoy our Annie Oakley Days wrap-up; and wish to thank our readers for our phenomenal growth over the past six months. Readership is up 700 percent since January and still growing.

Home Page

CNO… Covering Annie Oakley Days like a Blanket – Community
DCED… Ramco Electric Motors finds room to grow – News
From Bob Rhoades… Officer Needs Assistance - News
Two Groans for your Reading Pleasure – Senior Scribes
FoxNews.com... Blame Game Vitriol Demonstrates S&P Disgust – News
Verities & Balderdash… B-b-b-but it’s HIS fault, By Bob Robinson – Blogs
Townhall... Obamanomics: The Gift that Keeps on Giving - Blogs

More News

Politico... RNC punts on leapfrogging states
Politico... Greens not friendless among House GOP
Politico... Deal could endanger health care law

More Blogs

Truthout... Why S.& P. Has No Business Downgrading the US
Reason... O’Donnell Weighs in on Matt Damon, Teacher Comp. & Reason Politics
Townhall... American Resources For American Jobs, Revenue and Prosperity


Paul Edward Knapke, Walter M. Beasecker

God Bless,


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