Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Annie Oakley Parade; Surber’s opinion on Politic’s game of chicken; Fifth Anniv. Community Meals; Animal Cops and TRY from our Teen Scribes & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for August 4, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Teen Scribes Jessica Transue, Dylan Hoover and Naiesha Thobe, all volunteering through the Greenville High School Career Mentorship Program, have covered Annie Oakley Weekend like a blanket. More photos to come. Watch for them.

Home Page

The Annie Oakley Parade… an Annual Tradition, Jessica Transue & Dylan Hoover, Teen Scribes
Oh what a feeling, when we’re posturing on the ceiling, By Jim Surber – Opinion
Fifth Anniversary Community Meals, By Marianne Clark, Photos By Nancy Rush, Senior Scribes
Animal Cops, and TRY! Leslie Logan and Sammy Lobenstein, Teen Scribes
Dayton Business Journal... Technology invades college campuses – News
Townhall... Signs, Signs, Everywhere a Sign – Blogs
Townhall... The Bullied Gene - Blogs

More News

FoxNews... Elderly Couple Games Lottery, Wins Millions
Dayton Business Journal... Manufacturing industry slows growth
Dayton Business Journal... Technology invades college campuses

More Blogs

Morris… Enforcing the Debt Deal
MSN Money... Owe, yes we can
FoxNews... Tax Hikes ‘Impossible’ Under Debt Deal? Think Again...


Sally L. Amspaugh

God Bless,


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