Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sheriff: 22-Month-Old Nearly Drowns; Happy Birthday, Doc Blickenstaff; V&B on Entitlement; Ryan Day at Rep Men’s Club; Letter: Al Bliss on DDN article & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for July 28, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

I checked the Sheriff’s Office facebook page… lots of comments on this near tragedy. Nearly all of them were supportive of a family hurting. We still have values in Darke County. I wonder if that will ever happen in our nation’s capitol?

Home Page

Darke County Sheriff’s Office… 22-Month-Old Nearly Drowns - News
Happy Birthday, Doc!! By Bob Robinson – Senior Scribes
DBJ... Teamsters hit Bud distributor with EPA complaint – News
New Year’s Resolution Madness... Be Less Stressed, By Kayla Lemar – Teen Scribes
Ryan Day… Boehner staffer talks to local Republicans – Community
Verities & Balderdash… An “Entitlement???” By Bob Robinson – Blogs
Townhall... Allen West’s Gentlemanly Behavior - Blogs

More News

Politico... Peter Welch rises as liberal voice of reason
Dayton Business Journal... Business travel on rise as economy rebounds


Uniquely Poor Journalism by Al Bliss

More Blogs

Townhall... Responsibility Movement Grows
Redstate... House Republicans Should Not Rely on Democrats For Votes on the Debt Ceiling
Townhall Finance... How Obama Saves/Creates Jobs: Replace High-Paying Energy Jobs with Low-Paying Housekeeping Jobs


Cheryl Lynn Baldridge, Edna C. Sutton

God Bless,


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