Friday, July 22, 2011

Key Club meets with Kasich Liaison; Boehner message on Walk Out; Gathering at Garst; Horner book review; Ohio air pollution; Gang of Six; College Bubble & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for July 23, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

It was all over the news today… Boehner walks out on Debt Ceiling talks. We heard Obama’s side on TV, but I don’t remember hearing Boehner’s side. You’ll find it published in a letter to House members and staff on CNO.

Home Page

Key Club meets with Kasich’s Regional Liaison, By Bob Robinson – Community
From the Speaker of the House on Boehner Walk-Out – News
Purveyor of Improbable Possibilities coming to Gathering at Garst - Events
Ender’s Game, A Book Review by Elizabeth Horner – Teen Scribes
Dayton Business Journal... Ohio leads nation in toxic air pollution – News
Redstate... House Republicans Must Fight Gang of 6's Gangrene Plan – Blogs
Townhall... Will College Bubble Burst From Public Subsidies? - Blogs

More News

The Columbus Dispatch... Poll: Kasich’s approval rating takes a dive
Politico... Barack Obama’s 2008 bundlers flee political ‘machine’
Politico... Debt ceiling talks see Senate, House GOP go separate ways

More Blogs

Columbus Dispatch... Editorial: Fine choice
Redstate... Thirty Problems with the “Gang of Six” Proposal
Foxnews... Gang of Six Brings Hope Washington Can Still Rescue America

God Bless,


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