Friday, July 29, 2011

Kicking off Annie Oakley Weekend; Breaking: House Budget passes; BBBS Garage Sale; Darke County Parks; Foreclosures; Technology Withdrawal & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for July 30, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Breaking News: The House finally passed its version… barely. Many GOP “no” votes; all Dem “no” votes. Dead in the Senate. It’s Saturday. Three days until deadline. In the meantime, enjoy the Annie Oakley Days weekend.

Home Page

Annie Oakley Weekend Bigger & Better than Ever – Community
Big Brothers Big Sisters Benefit Garage Sale – Events
DBJ... Foreclosures lead to long-term vacancies – News
Darke County Parks… An Evening on the Lake – Events
DBJ... Report: Technology withdrawal leads many to despair – News
Townhall... Dem ‘Budget Plan’: Attack the Tea Party, Misquote Reagan – Blogs
Redstate... It’s All Too Odd - Blogs

More News

Politico... Mitch McConnell: Forget perfect, make deal
Dayton Business Journal... Ohio in top 10 worst for job losses

More Blogs

Weekly Standard... A Time for Choosing
Townhall... Is the President in Recovery
Libertarians say ‘no’ to raising debt limit
Wall Street Journal... The GOP’s Reality Test


Kathryn E. Jenkinson, Ralph H. Brodrick

God Bless,


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