Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Integrity Ambulance groundbreaking; Teen Scribe: Up to No Good; Pets of the Week; Ohio Credit Outlook Upgraded; “Building Blocks” Parenting & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for July 21, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Our young people have talent! Check out the latest Teen Scribes offering from Naiesha Thobe and some great photos from Jessica Transue. Try to stay… well… cool.

Home Page

Integrity Ambulance… Two-year search yields corporate headquarters – by Bob Robinson, Photos by Jessica Transue
“I Solemnly Swear that I am Up to No Good” By Naiesha Thobe - Teen Scribes
Columbus Dispatch... Ohioans will get a health exchange – News
Dayton Business Journal... Movie studios pare back on-screen smoking – News
Darke County Animal Shelter Pets of the week – Community
Townhall... Doing More By Doing Less – Blogs
Townhall... What Democrats Must Ignore or Deny - Blogs

More News

Columbus Dispatch... ‘Scheduling conflict’ keeps Kasich away
Cleveland Plain Dealer... Ohio’s credit outlook upgraded by Standard & Poor’s
Husted: New Business filings for June continue increasing


“Building Blocks” Parenting Classes Planned

More Blogs

Redstate... Palin Again
Redstate... Seven Reasons Why August 2 Isn’t the End of the World
FoxNews... Were the First Ten Years of the 21st Century Really the Worst In American History?


Jane Louise (Stickel) Hammaker, Thomas “Tom” Wion

God Bless,


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