Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Point Counterpoint on Conveyance Fee; Stelvideo Memorial Day; Steam Threshers; Pets of the Week; Teen Scribes; Drinking Kool Aid & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for June 1, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Just in… Senate GOP Adds Funding for Education, Local Governments - In a news conference unveiling their initial changes to the FY12-13 budget, the Senate GOP said it has added $115 million more for education over the biennium and $100 million to the Local Government Fund.

Home Page

Point Counterpoint from Bob Robinson & Mike Stegall – Lead
Stelvideo Christian Church Memorial Day Service, by Christy Riley – Community
Dayton Business Journal... Ohio lost 346K manufacturing jobs in decade – News
Commissioners issue Proclamation for Steam Threshers – Community
Darke County Animal Shelter Pets of the week – Community
Daily Events... Sarah Palin’s documentary “The Undefeated” – Blogs
CAGW Names Sebelius Porker of the Month - Blogs

More News

Dayton Daily News... Voting sticker change bringing controversy, criticism
Politico... Lisa Murkowski shows independent streak
House rejects bill to raise U.S. debt ceiling by vote of 97-318

Teen Scribes

My Thoughts on Memorial Day 2011, By Christy Riley

More Blogs

Truthout... Remembering the Quiet, Unsung Heroes of America
Townhall... Mmm, a Prescription for Kool Aid
Townhall... People of, by and for the government?


Bernard L. Rhotehamel

God Bless,

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Monday, May 30, 2011

Greenville Memorial Day 2011; Photography Club; Darke County Parks; Darke County Red Cross; CHIP Assistance; Rasmussen; Ohio Income Growth & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for May 31, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

You might have noticed that the commentaries posted yesterday all came from “right wing radicals” like Townhall columnists and some of our representatives. Nothing – nada – from our friends on the left. Finally got two today… Progressive: “More Tombstones on Memorial Day” and one I plan to post from Sojourners. Do some people really live in a different country?

Home Page

It is the soldier who bought our freedom, by Bob Robinson – Lead
Photography Club… Check out our photos around Darke County – Community
Darke County Parks… Living History Civil War Encampment – Events
Dayton Business Journal... Ohio ranks last for income growth – News
Fox News... Power Company Charges Town Honoring War Hero Flag Fee – News
Townhall... Apocalypse Now or Never – Blogs
Human Events... Obama Skirts Law to Reward Pals, Punish Enemies - Blogs

More News

Politico... Have Democrats cracked the code for 2012?
Dayton Business Journal... Ohio 2nd in U.S. for declining government jobs
Rasmussen... What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls

More Community

Nearly 80 Percent of Americans Plan Water-related Summer Activities
CHIP assistance offered at CAP
Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address

More Blogs

Townhall... Obama Economy Worse Than 1970s
Reason... General Motors Will Never Repay Taxpayers
Townhall... The Die Is Cast

God Bless,

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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Commissioners minutes; Reflections by Bob Rhoades; Memorial Day: Kasich, Portman, Husted, Internet, Teen Scribe, Bloggers; the movies & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for Memorial Day May 30, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Today is about the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for us. You’ll find a wide spectrum of thoughts and approaches, but all lead in the same direction… a sense of tremendous appreciation from a grateful nation.

Home Page

Reflections, By Bob Rhoades – Lead
Kasich Lays Wreath, Issues Memorial Day Proclamation – News
Husted announces Program to Honor Veterans – Events
Let Freedom Ring, By Christy Riley – Teen Scribes
Dayton Business Journal... Four movies to be filmed in Ohio – News
Thoughts from the Editor, and the Internet... A Memorial Day Tribute – Blogs
Townhall... Louis Zamperini and Memorial Day - Blogs


May 23 & 25, 2011

More Opinion

A message from Ohio State Treasurer Josh Mandel
Memorial Day… U.S. Senator Rob Portman

More Blogs

Townhall, Galen... Memorial Day 2011
FoxNews... On Memorial Day -- Keep the Memory of Those Who Died In Your Name Alive
Townhall... Memorial Day Thanks and Devotion
Townhall, North... Memorial Day 2011
Townhall... Someone to Remember on Memorial Day


Carol Jane Wolf

God Bless,

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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Family Events; Area AmeriCorps Program; Michael Anthony’s; Edison Police Academy; ED now at The Palace; John Ball; Edison Free Summer Camp & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for May 29, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

CNO growth over the past four months has been phenomenal. We owe YOU our success. Thank you. This is a free service, however our purpose is scholarships for Darke County teens. Can you help out? We now have a mailing address: County News Online, P.O. Box 1113, Greenville, Ohio 45331. Or you can still ask for Sponsorship information by clicking Join Us at the top of the Home Page.

Home Page

Family Events... Clothing for girls sends wrong message – Lead
New Coordinator chosen for Area AmeriCorps Program – Community
Dinner with Hoepler at Michael Anthony’s – Events
Edison Police Academy Instructor Receives Range Honors – Community
Economic Development Moves to The Palace – Community
Townhall... There Are No Illegitimate Kids, Just Illegitimate Parents – Blogs
Townhall Finance... Sucker: Free Properties Aren’t Cheap - Blogs


Dayton Business Journal... Veterans get free entrance to Kings Island
Politico... Cantor: Group could agree on $1T in cuts
Dayton Business Journal... Air Force Marathon slots filling up fast

More Community

John Ball… From Carol Ball, Publisher, Early Bird
Edison Engages Young Minds With Free Summer Camp

More Blogs

Townhall... There’s Something About Marriage, by David Harsanyi
Foxnews... Searching for the GOP’s Mr. Perfect
Redstate... The Fight of the Century

God Bless,

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Friday, May 27, 2011

Stegall responds to Robinson’s “Opinion”; Suicide story hits a nerve; Spring Fling; Girl Scouts; OSU Extension; Score Board event & More

The CNO Blog wouldn't allow me to post yesterday's Update. If you missed the May 27 post, scroll to the bottom of today's Home Page and click on "Yesterday's Home Page."

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for May 28, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Darke County Commissioner Mike Stegall responded to my “Opinion” Friday. It’s posted on the Home Page. We had a good back-and-forth via email Friday morning… will likely do a point-counterpoint. Watch for it. There is a huge amount of interest in Bob Rhoades’ article on Suicide in Darke County. In case you missed it, you’ll find it under the Opinion tab.

Home Page

A Trip in Back in Time for Young and Old, By Christy Riley, Teen Scribe – Lead
Stegall… Response to Robinson’s opinion on the Conveyance Fee – Opinion
Girl Scout Troop 31293 Takes Pride in their Community – Community
Beohner… Government Reforms, Spending Cuts To Secure Our Country’s Future – Opinion
Dayton Business Journal... Mortgage rates slide again – News
Human Events... Struggling to understand an awful tragedy – Blogs
Townhall... The Miseducation of America - Blogs

More News

Dayton Business Journal... Memorial Day travelers to pay higher gas prices
New York Times... Vote on Debt Is Planned but Criticized as a Stunt

More Community

OSU Extension… Canner Gauge Testing Time


This Weekend at The Score Board Sports Club

More Blogs

Redstate... Tim Pawlenty comes out against farm subsidies. In Iowa.
Redstate... The GOP Loss In New York Was About New York, Not Paul Ryan
Redstate... Conservatives Stand to Lose Big in 2012


John L. Hildebrand

God Bless,

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Suicide in Darke County; Teen Scribes on summer and looking ahead; Rush: I remember Mama; Pet Portraits by Jenny; DCEDO new address & more

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for May 26, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

One of CNO’s most prolific writers is Bob Rhoades, retired firefighter. He has written on Senate Bill 5, the Greenville Schools and Greenville Fire Department. Today’s offering is on a new topic… and another one definitely worth reading. Tomorrow, I’ll be weighing in on the new Conveyance Fee being considered by the Darke County Commissioners.

Home Page

Suicide in Darke County, By Bob Rhoades – Lead
Teen Summer... Looking forward – Teen Scribes
Politico... GOP softens budget timeline ambition – News
I Remember Mama, By Nancy Hampshire Rush – Community
Young Local Artist Draws Pet Portraits – Community
Human Events... Adult Baby Syndrome – Blogs
Townhall... Moralizing Against McDonald’s - Blogs

More News

Politico... The temptation of Paul Ryan
Politico... GOP braces for Medicare blowback
Darke County Economic Development Office... We’ve Moved!

More Community

Yahoo Finance... One Small, Surprising Way to Ensure Your Kid Gets to College

More Blogs

Townhall Finance... A Peak Underneath
Townhall... Blame Taxes, not “Big Oil”
Foxnews... On Arab-Israeli Conflict Obama Manages to Infuriate Almost Everyone

God Bless,

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Live burn training; Commissioners Corner; Adams to speak at DCRWC; French at DCRWC; Bears Mill Artists; Fidelity, Obamacare on Small Business & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for May 25, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Commissioners Corner talks about the new Conveyance Fee being considered, among other things. Live Burn Training offers two sets of photos of an exercise by local fire departments. And PETA shows its true colors.

Home Page

Live Burn Training on Winchester Pike, Story & Photos by Bob Rhoades – Lead
Darke County Commissioners Corner – Community
Adams to speak at DCRWC – Events
French featured speaker at DCRWC – Community
Bears Mill May/June Artists – Events
Daily Events... The Essence of Fidelity – Blogs
Townhall... Complying With ObamaCare Costs Small Businesses...Jobs - Blogs

More News

LA Times... Reid rejects Boehner proposal for $2 trillion in spending cuts
Dayton Business Journal... PETA ad references baby put in microwave
msnbc... ‘We can’t go back’: Israeli PM rejects 1967 border proposal

More Blogs

Townhall... ABC’s Partial-Birth Hero
Reason... Marine Survives Two Tours in Iraq, SWAT Kills Him
FoxNews... Fight Back Against Political Bullies Blocking Immigration Reform


Mildred "Midge" Shane, Albert “Butch” E. Hayes Sr., Gary Allen Green

God Bless,

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Monday, May 23, 2011

Introducing GFD's new lieutenants; Opinion... How to Cut the Deficit; Photo Club; Hope in Recovery; Business Filings up; Walker (Kasich?) Driving Liberals Crazy & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for May 24, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Why lieutenants in the Greenville Fire Department? Bob Rhoades explains… and watch for story and photos of a recent controlled burn exercise Wednesday. Check out the two Home Page blogs… California is a shocker; and Wisconsin’s Walker? Change a few words and the author could be talking about our own Kasich.

Home Page

Greenville Fire Department promotes three, By Bob Rhoades – Lead
Photo Club Holds May Meeting – Events
How to Cut the Federal Deficit, By Delbert Blickenstaff – Opinion
Husted... Business Filings up in April and First Quarter – News
DBJ... U.S. Postal Service spent $1B on vehicles last year – News
Townhall... California Bill Respects Authority of Parents – Blogs
Human Events... Why Scott Walker Drives Liberals Crazy - Blogs

More News

Dayton Daily News... Bills would allow drilling for oil and natural gas
Columbus Dispatch... House speaker calls for updating Ohio Constitution
Columbus Dispatch... Poll shows Senate Bill 5 will be repealed

More Events

Hope in Recovery… Extra Care & Understanding

More Blogs

Akron Beacon Journal... Coverage pool
Townhall... Blackmailing Taxpayers
Redstate... Oil Company Profits Are the Solution, Not the Problem


Virginia R. Metzcar, Elsie Irene Dershem

God Bless,

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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Commissioners Meeting Minutes; Rhoades on SB5 Poll; Adams... Memorial Day; Employers needed for summer youth jobs; Golf Scramble & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for May 23, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Darke County Commissioners meetings from last week have been posted. Rhoades is at it again on SB5… there are many perspectives on the controversial legislation. He finds them. Also, State Rep. Jim Buchy said recently that the SB5 Repeal probably will be on the ballot this fall. If we voted now it would pass… but in November it will fail. That’s a quote.

Home Page

The Importance of Memorial Day… Representative Richard Adams – Lead
Rural Services… Summer Youth Employers Needed – Community
Rhoades on the SB5 Poll – Opinion
Kasich: Legislation Ramps Up Fight Against Prescription Drug Abuse – News
DBJ... Report: Economic growth to surge through 2011 – News
Daily Events… Boots on the ground, well, sort of – Blogs
Townhall... Waive Me - Blogs

More News

Columbus Dispatch... Any extra taxes should benefit neediest
Washington Post... Number of long-lasting marriages in U.S. has risen
New York Times... Private Prisons Found to Offer Little in Savings


Monday May 16, Wednesday May 18


Darke County Republican Party Annual Golf Scramble

More Blogs

Townhall... Obama Turns His Sights to Israel. God Help Her.
Townhall.com’s Washington Beat
Townhall... She Turned Him into a Newt


Lois E. Turner

God Bless,

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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Financial literacy; Smaller Retail; Smaller Retail Stores; A Teen Scribe Sunday thought; Pets of the Week; Education Freedom; Rasmussen; DC Impasse & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for May 22, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Something for everyone today. News and opinion, shopping tips, financial literacy tips and some optimism about the economy. Unfortunately, there is still total chaos in our nation’s capitol. Oh well. Enjoy the spring weather.

Home Page

Family Events... Financial literacy begins at home – Lead
Smaller Retail Stores, By Sharon Hopper, Senior Scribe – Community
Darke County Animal Shelter… Pets of the week – Community
You Are There, By Christy Riley - Teen Scribes
Dayton Business Journal... Forecast: U.S. new auto sales to rise 14% - News
Townhall... Education Freedom is Civil Rights Issue of Today – Blogs
Townhall... Lose Money in Real Estate Today - Blogs

More News

Rasmussen... What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls
Politico... Gang of Six at ‘impasse’ as Tom Coburn drops out


OSU Extension… “Building Blocks II” Parenting Class Planned

More Community

American Legion Post presents Darke County Parks with new flag

More Blogs

Columbus Dispatch... Suburban voters likely in dark about redistributive taxation
The Columbus Dispatch... Editorial: A rock and a hard place
Cleveland Plain Dealer... Gun-toting foolishness: editorial

God Bless,

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Friday, May 20, 2011

Advocate parent company sold; Key Club recognized for service; Rhoades response to employee salaries; Ohio tourism & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for May 21, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Friday afternoon top news… Ohio Community Media sells Daily Advocate parent company to Versa Capital Management affiliate, OCM. Also, GHS Key Club recognized for its community service at annual Underclass Awards Assembly.

Home Page

GHS Awards Assembly… Key Club students recognized for service – Lead
Dayton Business Journal... Local community newspaper chain sold – News
The “How” and the “Why” that no one has asked, By Bob Rhoades – Opinion
Ohio Tourism Industry Rebounds in 2010 – News
Dayton Business Journal... Poll: Kasich, Sen. Bill 5 unpopular with voters – News
Daily Events... Plentiful Fuel – Blogs
‘Must Read’ from Townhall... Profiles in Tolerance - Blogs

More News

Politico... Default deniers: The new skeptics
McClatchy... U.S. government hits debt ceiling, lighting 11-week fuse
Boehner... The Greatest Threat To Our Economy Is Doing Nothing


CAP Memorial Day Closing, Transportation service available

More Blogs

Redstate... Tell the White House We’re Running on Empty
Akron Beacon Journal... Gusher of vouchers
Dayton Daily News... Editorials: Extra elections do nothing to help voters


Cecil A. Fetters

God Bless,

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thou Shalt Not Kill... That's My Opinion; Darke County students get Edison "Highest Honors"; GCSD November Ballot Issue; Solid Waste Shred Day; DC Parks & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for May 20, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Today’s “Opinion” was first published in 2004. It’s timeless, just as relevant today as it was then. If you’ve read it, it’s worth another read. If you haven’t… be prepared. It’s not an easy read, but worth your time, I think.

Home Page

Two Darke County students get “Highest Honors” from Edison – Lead
Committee recommends GCSD November ballot issue, By Bob Rhoades – Community
Solid Waste District… Free Document Shred Day – Events
Thou Shalt not Kill, That’s My Opinion By Bob Robinson – Opinion
Darke County Parks… Early Morning Discovery Hike Report – Events
Human Events... ‘We’re Open for Business Now’—Kasich – Blogs
Townhall... Obama’s Hypocritical Rhetoric on Immigration Reform - Blogs


Dayton Daily News... Health care for prisoners costs Ohio more than $200M annually
Politico... President Obama short on campaign surrogates
Columbus Dispatch... Brunner still owes charities

More Blogs

Redstate... The Left’s Outrage Over Teaching Free-Enterprise in Universities
Guest opinion Chicago Tribune... The budget debate we all deserve
The Big Winner: Romney, By Dick Morris & Eileen McGann


Norma G. Whittaker

God Bless,

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Greenville accident; Help students with college search; Visitors Bureau has new look; Animal Shelter raffle winner; Pensions, School Boards, Huckabee & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for May 19, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

On the spot photos from Bob Rhoades on the accident that tied up traffic on South Broadway Wednesday morning… CNO’s growth over the past three months is thanks to the supporters who send us stories, columns and photos. Thank you. If you have something to send, please do so. We’d love to let our readers know about it.

Home Page

Wreck at 4th and Broadway – News brief and photos by Bob Rhoades – Lead
Help Students and Families with the College Search – Community
Visitors Bureau rolls out New Look – Community
Christian Science Monitor... Middle classes eclipsing global poverty – News
Animal Shelter… Mother's Day Raffle Winner – Community
Human Events... The Mobility of Capital – Blogs
Townhall... The Feds, The Economy, Your State And Your School Board - Blogs

More News

Chicago Tribune… States make their own tuition rules for undocumented students
Columbus Dispatch... Pensions may cost state workers 2%
Politico... Tim Geithner warns on debt ceiling

More Blogs

Truthout... Actually, “the Rich” Don’t “Create Jobs,” We Do
Daily Events... A Nation of Immigrants
Redstate... Huckabee Is Out. The Down and Dirty on Who It Helps and Hurts.


Naomi (Heisey) Petry, Floyd Edward Arnold

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ohio salary comparison, state v private; Writing Contest; Steam Threshers; GSD Letter; Faber; Rasmussen on Enhanced Interrogation & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for May 18, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

While salaries are not the entire issue regarding HB5, they are an issue regarding the need to bring state spending under control. Keep in mind the roles of those listed, such as educators, administrators, government agencies and first responders. Just one more step toward being informed.

Home Page

Dayton Business Journal... Analysis: Ohio generous with public salaries – Lead
Write about your favorite Senior Citizen – Events
Faber… State Moving Forward with Modified Grand Lake St. Marys Plan – News
Steam Threshers… Annual Reunion Thursday June 30 – Sunday July 3 – Events
Rasmussen… Mixed Reviews for Enhanced Interrogation Techniques – News
Daily Events... They care that you care (about the price of gasoline) – Blogs
Townhall... Minimum Wage’s Discriminatory Effects - Blogs

More News

Politico... Pessimism clouds deficit talks
Politico... Democrats to reintroduce DREAM Act
Columbus Dispatch... Auditor has tips for localities to get ‘skinny’

More Blogs

Townhall... Pulling the Plug on Obamacare
Townhall Finance... Myths About Oil and Gas
Townhall... Bin Laden’s Death Doesn’t Vindicate Torture


Regarding the Letter to All Voters and Taxpayers Who Care


Lucille M. Edsall

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Monday, May 16, 2011

That's My Opinion: Substance; Memorial Hall update with pics; Health Professionals needed for Disaster Relief; Summer Fever; Keep it Honest & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for May 17, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Nothing much good is happening on the national scene and some issues need to be addressed between two of our branches of government in Columbus. In Darke County we have a great summer of activities on the horizon. You’ll be seeing more on them. The Memorial Hall Centennial Celebration planning – a two-day event in 2012 – is continuing to move forward. Our lead story gives another perspective of Henry St. Clair Memorial Hall, along with some great photos.

Home Page

Memorial Hall… an interesting and varied history – Lead
Give me some substance – That’s My Opinion, By Bob Robinson
Health and Mental Health Professionals Needed for Disaster Relief – Community
Rasmussen... Americans Spending More On Groceries Than Ever Before – News
Summer Fever Pandemic To Follow Frigid Winter – Community
Townhall... Right of passage – Blogs
Dick Morris… Obama’s phony oil company tax - Blogs

More News

Cincinnati Enquirer... Construction halted on Cincinnati, Cleveland casinos
Columbus Dispatch... Catholic academics blast Boehner over budget
Columbus Dispatch... Kasich balks at House changes to charter plan

More Blogs

wsj online... Ugly Modeling
Toledo Blade... Keep the game honest
Redstate... More Residual Effects of Obama’s Anti-Oil Policies

God Bless,

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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Bears Mill open for business; Commissioners Meeting highlights; Rhoades on Retired GV fire truck; letter on GV school district; Age & Your Money & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for May 16, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

In case you ever had a desire to read about the early insanity of yours truly, you have another chance. I thought “God Don’t Make Junk” was out of print, but found a few more copies. Bears Mill has some. You might even find out why I’m so concerned about our youth and the future, and part of the proceeds goes to the Mill and Scholarships.

Home Page

Historic Bears Mill… Yes! We’re open for business! – Lead
Highlights of May 9 and May 11 Minutes – Commissioners
DBJ... Big banks offer $5 billion foreclosure settlement – News
See you around, old double-clutcher, By Bob Rhoades – Community
What Your Age Means To Your Money – Community
Townhall... Bin Laden’s Half-Life – Blogs
Human Events... Weak Dollars, Strong Oil - Blogs

More News

Toledo Blade... Ohio House OKs concealed-carry in bars
Politico... Obama’s immigration speech comes amid calls for executive action
Columbus Dispatch... Budget promoters now back Kasich

More Blogs

Akron Beacon Journal... Uncontrolled spending
Redstate... The Strategic Wisdom of Barack Obama
Toledo Blade... Both sides of abortion issue rally in Columbus
Redstate... 5.1.11


To all voters and taxpayers and folks who care


Ronald Lee Robinson, Carol Ellen (Edger) Landis, Mary Kathryn Sears

God Bless,

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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Edison Commencement; Disney Prom Night; York selected for Leadership Academy; DC Parks Preschoolers; New Key Club Officers; Free Math Class & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for May 15, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Once again, a Sunday Home Page devoid of politics. That’s as it should be, although it isn’t always easy. With few exceptions, if you want the “good news,” you have to stick with local. Even some of our inside pages are more informative than rhetoric. Enjoy.

Home Page

Edison Commencement Speaker Emphasizes Attitude, Support for Success – Lead
A wholesome prom night isn’t just a Disney movie – Opinion
York Selected for Ohio Tourism Leadership Academy Class of 2011 – News
DC Parks… Preschoolers go back in time – Community
GHS Key Club introduces 2011-12 officers – Community
Darke County Photography Club – Photos
Townhall Finance... Dave Says Make Him Earn It - Blogs

More News

Rasmussen... What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls
Columbus Dispatch... Single-parent households increasingly common
Dayton Business Journal... Google, Facebook battle for top Web site


Edison to Offer Free Summer Math Class
American Red Cross Reaches out to Community Volunteers

More Blogs

Beacon Journal... Invest in consolidation and collaboration among local governments
Townhall... No National Curriculum, Thanks
Dayton Daily News... New poverty numbers even worse than you might think


Ira B. Nestor, Crystal A. Morgan

God Bless,

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Friday, May 13, 2011

Drug abuse costs lives, money; Dk Cty Parks; Kiwanis; Dk Cty Red Cross; Uncle Sam... More than We Paid for; Education Mantra & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for May 14, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

The drug abuse problem has finally caught the attention of the media. It’s about time. DBJ has our lead story with stats. The real scary story, however, is the blog: More than We Paid For. Be sure to read it.

Home Page

Dayton Business Journal... Prescription drug abuse costs lives, money – Lead
Dayton Business Journal... Report: Ohio ranks high for mortgage fraud – News
Darke County Parks… Outdoor toys and tools for your child – Community
Dayton Business Journal... Microsoft to pay $8.5 billion for Skype – News
Kiwanis initiates new members – Community
Townhall... More Than We Paid For – Blogs
Townhall... The ‘Education’ Mantra - Blogs

More News

NBC4i.com… Ad Angers Kasich, Will Be Taken Off Air
USA Today... Unpaid hospital tab $49B each year
Politico... Newsmax hits the ‘Heartland’
Mandel, Ohio State Auditor... Making Progress on Elimination of the Estate Tax


Darke County Red Cross… Annual Meeting and Awards Dinner, Invitation Extended

More Blogs

Fox News... Will We Soon Be Paying Taxes On Every Mile We Drive, Too?
Redstate... Collective Money!? When Did Anybody’s Earnings Become the People’s Dollars?
Redstate... John Boehner’s Line in the Sand


Dorothy Mary “Champ” Monnier, Gary L. Martin

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