Thursday, May 5, 2011

Ag extension meeting: weather, politics & uninsured drivers; Senior Scribes Spring Fling; Bears Mill; DC Red Cross; SafeHaven; Kasich's opinion & more

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for May 6, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Sorry folks, I can’t resist. After all the heat G.W. took over his administration’s interrogation techniques – including from the current power structure when it wasn’t so powerful – I find it fascinating that the information obtained was instrumental in taking bin Laden out. See stories.

Home Page

Weather, uninsured drivers & Washington top topics, by Bob Robinson – Lead
Mother’s Day at Bears Mill – Events
Politico... Whose terrorism policies get credit: Bush or Barack? – News
Want to discover if Disaster Volunteering is for you? – Events
Senior Scribes to hold Spring Fling, By Lyn Bliss – Events
Townhall... Slouching Towards Insolvency (The California Way) – Blogs
Redstate... Governor Kasich on Obama: Why doesn’t he do his job? - Blogs

More News

Foxnews... Bush-Era Interrogations Provided Key Details on Bin Laden’s Location
Politico... Geithner warns Congress on need for debt boost, extends default deadline

More Community

SafeHaven needs computer volunteers


GCS District Voters... Thank you for your support

More Blogs’s Washington Beat
Townhall... Beating Back Our National Debt

God Bless,

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