Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Point Counterpoint on Conveyance Fee; Stelvideo Memorial Day; Steam Threshers; Pets of the Week; Teen Scribes; Drinking Kool Aid & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for June 1, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Just in… Senate GOP Adds Funding for Education, Local Governments - In a news conference unveiling their initial changes to the FY12-13 budget, the Senate GOP said it has added $115 million more for education over the biennium and $100 million to the Local Government Fund.

Home Page

Point Counterpoint from Bob Robinson & Mike Stegall – Lead
Stelvideo Christian Church Memorial Day Service, by Christy Riley – Community
Dayton Business Journal... Ohio lost 346K manufacturing jobs in decade – News
Commissioners issue Proclamation for Steam Threshers – Community
Darke County Animal Shelter Pets of the week – Community
Daily Events... Sarah Palin’s documentary “The Undefeated” – Blogs
CAGW Names Sebelius Porker of the Month - Blogs

More News

Dayton Daily News... Voting sticker change bringing controversy, criticism
Politico... Lisa Murkowski shows independent streak
House rejects bill to raise U.S. debt ceiling by vote of 97-318

Teen Scribes

My Thoughts on Memorial Day 2011, By Christy Riley

More Blogs

Truthout... Remembering the Quiet, Unsung Heroes of America
Townhall... Mmm, a Prescription for Kool Aid
Townhall... People of, by and for the government?


Bernard L. Rhotehamel

God Bless,

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