Monday, May 16, 2011

That's My Opinion: Substance; Memorial Hall update with pics; Health Professionals needed for Disaster Relief; Summer Fever; Keep it Honest & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for May 17, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Nothing much good is happening on the national scene and some issues need to be addressed between two of our branches of government in Columbus. In Darke County we have a great summer of activities on the horizon. You’ll be seeing more on them. The Memorial Hall Centennial Celebration planning – a two-day event in 2012 – is continuing to move forward. Our lead story gives another perspective of Henry St. Clair Memorial Hall, along with some great photos.

Home Page

Memorial Hall… an interesting and varied history – Lead
Give me some substance – That’s My Opinion, By Bob Robinson
Health and Mental Health Professionals Needed for Disaster Relief – Community
Rasmussen... Americans Spending More On Groceries Than Ever Before – News
Summer Fever Pandemic To Follow Frigid Winter – Community
Townhall... Right of passage – Blogs
Dick Morris… Obama’s phony oil company tax - Blogs

More News

Cincinnati Enquirer... Construction halted on Cincinnati, Cleveland casinos
Columbus Dispatch... Catholic academics blast Boehner over budget
Columbus Dispatch... Kasich balks at House changes to charter plan

More Blogs

wsj online... Ugly Modeling
Toledo Blade... Keep the game honest
Redstate... More Residual Effects of Obama’s Anti-Oil Policies

God Bless,

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