Monday, May 30, 2011

Greenville Memorial Day 2011; Photography Club; Darke County Parks; Darke County Red Cross; CHIP Assistance; Rasmussen; Ohio Income Growth & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for May 31, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

You might have noticed that the commentaries posted yesterday all came from “right wing radicals” like Townhall columnists and some of our representatives. Nothing – nada – from our friends on the left. Finally got two today… Progressive: “More Tombstones on Memorial Day” and one I plan to post from Sojourners. Do some people really live in a different country?

Home Page

It is the soldier who bought our freedom, by Bob Robinson – Lead
Photography Club… Check out our photos around Darke County – Community
Darke County Parks… Living History Civil War Encampment – Events
Dayton Business Journal... Ohio ranks last for income growth – News
Fox News... Power Company Charges Town Honoring War Hero Flag Fee – News
Townhall... Apocalypse Now or Never – Blogs
Human Events... Obama Skirts Law to Reward Pals, Punish Enemies - Blogs

More News

Politico... Have Democrats cracked the code for 2012?
Dayton Business Journal... Ohio 2nd in U.S. for declining government jobs
Rasmussen... What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls

More Community

Nearly 80 Percent of Americans Plan Water-related Summer Activities
CHIP assistance offered at CAP
Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address

More Blogs

Townhall... Obama Economy Worse Than 1970s
Reason... General Motors Will Never Repay Taxpayers
Townhall... The Die Is Cast

God Bless,

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