Friday, May 27, 2011

Stegall responds to Robinson’s “Opinion”; Suicide story hits a nerve; Spring Fling; Girl Scouts; OSU Extension; Score Board event & More

The CNO Blog wouldn't allow me to post yesterday's Update. If you missed the May 27 post, scroll to the bottom of today's Home Page and click on "Yesterday's Home Page."

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for May 28, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Darke County Commissioner Mike Stegall responded to my “Opinion” Friday. It’s posted on the Home Page. We had a good back-and-forth via email Friday morning… will likely do a point-counterpoint. Watch for it. There is a huge amount of interest in Bob Rhoades’ article on Suicide in Darke County. In case you missed it, you’ll find it under the Opinion tab.

Home Page

A Trip in Back in Time for Young and Old, By Christy Riley, Teen Scribe – Lead
Stegall… Response to Robinson’s opinion on the Conveyance Fee – Opinion
Girl Scout Troop 31293 Takes Pride in their Community – Community
Beohner… Government Reforms, Spending Cuts To Secure Our Country’s Future – Opinion
Dayton Business Journal... Mortgage rates slide again – News
Human Events... Struggling to understand an awful tragedy – Blogs
Townhall... The Miseducation of America - Blogs

More News

Dayton Business Journal... Memorial Day travelers to pay higher gas prices
New York Times... Vote on Debt Is Planned but Criticized as a Stunt

More Community

OSU Extension… Canner Gauge Testing Time


This Weekend at The Score Board Sports Club

More Blogs

Redstate... Tim Pawlenty comes out against farm subsidies. In Iowa.
Redstate... The GOP Loss In New York Was About New York, Not Paul Ryan
Redstate... Conservatives Stand to Lose Big in 2012


John L. Hildebrand

God Bless,

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