Saturday, May 14, 2011

Edison Commencement; Disney Prom Night; York selected for Leadership Academy; DC Parks Preschoolers; New Key Club Officers; Free Math Class & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for May 15, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Once again, a Sunday Home Page devoid of politics. That’s as it should be, although it isn’t always easy. With few exceptions, if you want the “good news,” you have to stick with local. Even some of our inside pages are more informative than rhetoric. Enjoy.

Home Page

Edison Commencement Speaker Emphasizes Attitude, Support for Success – Lead
A wholesome prom night isn’t just a Disney movie – Opinion
York Selected for Ohio Tourism Leadership Academy Class of 2011 – News
DC Parks… Preschoolers go back in time – Community
GHS Key Club introduces 2011-12 officers – Community
Darke County Photography Club – Photos
Townhall Finance... Dave Says Make Him Earn It - Blogs

More News

Rasmussen... What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls
Columbus Dispatch... Single-parent households increasingly common
Dayton Business Journal... Google, Facebook battle for top Web site


Edison to Offer Free Summer Math Class
American Red Cross Reaches out to Community Volunteers

More Blogs

Beacon Journal... Invest in consolidation and collaboration among local governments
Townhall... No National Curriculum, Thanks
Dayton Daily News... New poverty numbers even worse than you might think


Ira B. Nestor, Crystal A. Morgan

God Bless,

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