Friday, May 13, 2011

Drug abuse costs lives, money; Dk Cty Parks; Kiwanis; Dk Cty Red Cross; Uncle Sam... More than We Paid for; Education Mantra & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for May 14, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

The drug abuse problem has finally caught the attention of the media. It’s about time. DBJ has our lead story with stats. The real scary story, however, is the blog: More than We Paid For. Be sure to read it.

Home Page

Dayton Business Journal... Prescription drug abuse costs lives, money – Lead
Dayton Business Journal... Report: Ohio ranks high for mortgage fraud – News
Darke County Parks… Outdoor toys and tools for your child – Community
Dayton Business Journal... Microsoft to pay $8.5 billion for Skype – News
Kiwanis initiates new members – Community
Townhall... More Than We Paid For – Blogs
Townhall... The ‘Education’ Mantra - Blogs

More News… Ad Angers Kasich, Will Be Taken Off Air
USA Today... Unpaid hospital tab $49B each year
Politico... Newsmax hits the ‘Heartland’
Mandel, Ohio State Auditor... Making Progress on Elimination of the Estate Tax


Darke County Red Cross… Annual Meeting and Awards Dinner, Invitation Extended

More Blogs

Fox News... Will We Soon Be Paying Taxes On Every Mile We Drive, Too?
Redstate... Collective Money!? When Did Anybody’s Earnings Become the People’s Dollars?
Redstate... John Boehner’s Line in the Sand


Dorothy Mary “Champ” Monnier, Gary L. Martin

God Bless,

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