Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wave Soccer; Starks: Veterans Day at the Fair; Teen Scribe on Irene; Buchy Working Together; 9-11 Ceremony & Parade; Photography Contest & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for September 1, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

The Fair’s over (but not the photos), school is back in session and an anniversary is coming up… in 10 days it will be the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. This year a ceremony and parade will be held in Greenville. Hope to see you there.

Home Page

CNO Soccer… Wave still seeking first victory, By George Starks
Fair… Veterans day at the fair made me reflect, By George Starks
Rain, Rain, Go Away, By Naiesha Thobe, Teen Scribe
State Rep. Jim Buchy… Working Together to Bring Jobs
Columbus Dispatch... All sides hail new livestock-care rules
Sept. 11 Event… 10th Anniversary of 911 Ceremony and Parade
Blog: Townhall... The Costs of Success

More News

Columbus Dispatch... Pro-SB 5 campaign has work cut out
Cleveland Plain Dealer... Doctor shortage threatens U.S. and Ohio
Patriot Update... Boehner asks Obama for billion-dollar list

More Events

4th Annual Photography Competition to be Held September 9 – 11

More Blogs

Columbus Dispatch... Mandel could give Sherrod Brown a real race
Cleveland Plain Dealer... Kasich is different, and that’s not all bad
Cleveland Plain Dealer... Kasich makes a defensible case for rejecting more federal unemployment aid


David R. “Roy” Minnich Sr.

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Youth Livestock Sales increase; A student “Bucket List;” Greenville Levy Information; Wildcats over Trojans; Visitor’s Bureau “Like Us;” Gospel Sing & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for August 31, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Lots of local stuff, including more Darke County Fair. Buyers have supported youth 4-H and FHA livestock sales to the tune of $2.5 million since 2002. And two young ladies set up a “Bucket List” for what they plan to “eat” at the Fair.

Home Page

Fair… 2011 Youth Livestock Sales total nearly $350 thousand
Fair… A College Student “Bucket List” By Bob Robinson
Greenville Levy... Citizens for Quality Greenville Schools
Sports… Trojans fire put out by Wildcats, By George Starks
Visitor’s Bureau… “Like” Us and Win a Sweetheart of a Deal
Darke County Cancer Association… Seventh Annual Gospel Sing Concert
Human Events... Joe Biden’s China Walkback - Blogs

More News

Politico... Michele Bachmann: Natural disasters a warning to D.C.
Politico... Hurricane Irene an economic blow or boost?
Patriot Update... Arizona sues Justice Dept over voter law

More Events

Fort GreeneVille Chapter DAR Promotes Constitution Week Awareness

More Community

Darke County... Red Cross Tips Help Kids Stay Safe When Home Alone

More Blogs

Townhall Finance... Time for the Timid President
Redstate... The Texas record
Townhall Finance... America’s Titanic Moment


Irene Winterrowd

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Monday, August 29, 2011

Greenville takes county Volleyball title; Kiddie Tractor Pull; Surber: Affordable Food or Riots; Husted: Make a Difference; Darke County Parks; Reese’s “545” & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for August 30, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Every few years, Charley Reese’s “545” gets an email resurgence. I would believe that by now just about every email user on the “right” has received it at least once. I’ve gotten it a half dozen times. Why is it so popular? Read the Sentinel Blog, then click the link to read “545” one more time. It’s a reminder we all need… maybe daily.

Home Page

Prep Sports Volleyball… Greenville takes Darke County title, By George Starks
Fair… Kiddie Tractor Pull awards 12 trophies, By Elaine Bailey
Husted… With the Start of School, everyone can Make a Difference - Opinion
Affordable food or riots and unrest? By Jim Surber – Opinion
Darke County Parks… Creeks Camp Held!
Darke County Parks… Wayne Industries individuals busy helping Park District
Orlando Sentinel... Like Frankenstein, Reese’s “final” column lives again - Blogs


Dayton Business Journal... Shuttle Report: Errors in process, Dayton still left out
Rasmussen Reports... What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls
Dayton Business Journal... Group sues to block privatizing prisons


Darke County Center for the Arts... Annual Meeting to be held Sept. 8

More Blogs

Townhall... Demonizing Big Business is Not Going to Bring Back Jobs
Townhall... Obama and Irene: Category Four Forces of Destruction
Townhall... For Employees, It’s Time for RAISE

God Bless,

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Fair: Youth results, Harness finale, Ultimate summer vacation… and Feet! Also Commissioner Minutes; Commissioners Corner; Edison Chargers, DCRW & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for August 29, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Had a great time Saturday night as the fair wrapped up… Susan and I spent the evening with former SSSF winner Jordan Pridemore, her mother Linda and her friend Sarah. The kids were fulfilling their “Bucket List” before returning to Ball State.

Home Page

Youth Fair Results… The Culmination of a Year’s Hard Work
Fair… Harness race finale brings excitement, By George Starks
Fair… Ultimate summer vacation essay, By Elaine Bailey
Fair… Feet at the Fair, By Lyn Bliss
Commissioners Corner… Local dollars down nearly $500K
Business Journals... All but six states post job gains in past 12 months
Wall Street Journal... Boehner’s Surprising Success - Blogs

Also in News

Toledo Blade... Arguments filed on Ohio ballot issues
Cincinnati Enquirer... Taxpayer funding benefits big-company, gov’t retirees
Youngstown Vindicator... State plans to toughen academic standards


August 22 & 24

Also in Sports

ESPN… Major Leagues Baseball Standings
Edison Chargers kicks off new season with a new face


Darke County Republican Women... Kennedy to speak to GOP Women

Senior Scribes

My job search


Cleveland Plain Dealer... The GOP’s tax increase
FoxNews... Mainstream Media Push Hard to Defeat Tea Party, Raise Taxes
FoxNews... Eight Back-to-School Survival Tips for the Modern Parent

God Bless,

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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Family Events; Wave football drops first game; Fair: Square Dancing & Harness Racing, Darke County Parks; Living with Cancer; Introducing Sam Armstrong & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for August 28, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Another Great Darke County Fair is in the history books. Still coming on CNO: Youth Fair Results, Shoes, the final Harness Racing event, Gazebo... And let’s not forget the unSPEAKABLE Mime! It’s all still coming on your home for Darke County Fair coverage.

Home Page

Family Events... Are you raising a future president of the USA?
GHS Sports… Aviators drop bomb on Wave in season opener, By George Starks
Fair… Square Dancing is Alive and Well at the Fair, By Elaine Bailey
Fair… Partial Futurities head Wednesday night racing action, By George Starks
Darke County Parks… Early Morning Discovery Hike Report
Living with Cancer September… BJ Paulus of SNAP Fitness featured speaker
Teen Scribes… Introducing Sam Armstrong


The Columbus Dispatch... Governor, automakers make plans for Ohio
Plain Dealer... GOP: no chance legislature will repeal collective bargaining law
DDN... Winning map plan in contest tightens Montgomery races

Also in Sports

World 100 Weekend to Double as Movie Set


FoxNews... Back to School -- Time to Make a Dinner Resolution
Canton Repository... It’s just so easy to cry ‘politics’
Toledo Blade... Regulate fracking

God Bless,

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Two-day “Pulling Event” coming?; Also Fair: Domestic Arts, Christy’s Sunday, Veteran’s Day; Aphids have arrived; BBBS 9-year match; They taught us wrong & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for August 27, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

It’s almost over for another year… but not the stories or photos. Keep watching as we wrap up coverage for the Great Darke County Fair 2011. If you were there, you might see yourself. If you weren’t, you might see someone you know.

Home Page

Fair… Two day pulling event in the fair’s future? By George Starks – Sports
Fair… Domestic Arts exhibitors set records, By Elaine Bailey
Aphids arrived in Darke County last week, By Justin Petrosino – Opinion
Fair… Sunday at the Fair, By Christy Riley
Fair… Veteran’s Day at the Fair… By Al Bliss
BBBS Match Ongoing for nine years – Community
FoxNews... Almost Everything We’re Taught Is Wrong - Blogs


Dayton Business Journal... Ohio venture capital deals climbing
Dayton Business Journal... Toyota, Ford to develop hybrid system
Toledo Blade... GOP says Joe the Plumber may challenge Kaptur in ‘12
Dayton Daily News... Absentee voting easier for troops

More Blogs

Toledo Blade... Upgrading the states
Daily Events... Regulations for Goat Herder employers
Akron Beacon Journal... Job for the president


Don D. Pitzer

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

GSD rated Excellent; Casinos and Harness Racing; Drug Arrest at Fair; Fair: Band Spectacular, Why I Love the Fair; Big Brothers Big Sisters; Teen Scribes & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for August 26, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Be sure to check out the exclusive interview by George Starks on how casinos could impact harness racing… one of several exclusives by our seasoned sports correspondent. Huge news! GSD moves into ‘Excellent’ in ODE District Ratings. Congratulations to those who worked so hard to get there!

Home Page

Casinos could help save harness racing, by George Starks – Sports
Greenville Schools… District earns “Excellent” Rating on ODE Report Card
Fair Band Spectacular… They Blew Us Away, Naiesha Thobe & Jessica Transue
Fair… Why I Love the Fair – By Christy Riley
A Chapter in My Life – Part 2, By Elizabeth Horner – Teen Scribes
BBBS… High School Big Buddy Mentors Needed – Community
Townhall... Smacking Down Progressives of Pallor - Blogs

More News

Dayton Business Journal... City of Dayton jobless rate slips to 11.6%
Dayton Business Journal... UD international enrollment hits record
Darke County Drug Task Force makes Arrest at Darke County Fair

More Blogs

Cleveland Plain Dealer... A ruling to promote charter school accountability
Akron Beacon Journal... Creating JobsOhio
Cleveland Plain Dealer... Union rejection of Kasich’s offer on SB 5 was the wrong answer

God Bless,

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Darke County Fair: Dog Show, Canine Royalty, Faces, thing & such; Wave Soccer drops home opener; Darke County Parks; Visitors Bureau new website & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for August 25, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

What do you think? Are CNO volunteers doing a great job or what? Well over 200 articles and photos so far with three more days to go. If you want to see what you may have missed, go to the Community Tab at the top of the page and scroll down. See you at the fair!!

Home Page

Fair… The Dog Show… A Fun Event! By Elaine Bailey
Fair… Canine Royalty Named, By Jessica Transue
Sports… Wave drops home opener, By George Starks
Fair… Faces, things and such... courtesy of the Fair, By Lyn Bliss
Darke County Parks… Free Crafts at Prairie Days!
News… Breakdown of U.S. Census Data
Human Events... Big Brother Goes Green - Blogs

More News

Politico Breaking News... Steve Jobs has resigned as Apple CEO
Dayton Business Journal... Earthquake shakes Dayton region
Dayton Daily News... Kasich blasts unions
Washington Post... Biden to Chinese: We’ll control debt

More Community

Darke County Visitors Bureau... New Tourism Website Launched

More Sports

ESPN… Major League Baseball Standings
Dayton Business Journal... Terrelle Pryor drafted by Oakland Raiders
Eldora adds two additional starting berths for World 100

More Blogs

Columbus Dispatch... An enterprising plan
Morris… Christie, Palin, Ryan: The New Candidates?
Redstate... The Palin Factor


Priscilla M. Simons

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Stand-off near New Madison; Little Mr & Miss King, Queen; Fair Horseshoes; Faces at the Fair; DC Parks Hummingbirds; Merging may not cut costs & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for August 24, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

5.8 quake rocks Virginia community… did you feel it? A lot of locals did. For our sports audience, we now have a Sports Tab at the top of the page to make your story updates easier to find. Coming tomorrow… Wave soccer home opener with Valley View.

Home Page

Fair… Marker is Little Mister King; Norris is Little Miss Queen, By Elaine Bailey
Sheriff… Stand-off near New Madison ends without injury – News
Fair… Coy is still King of the Hill, By George Starks – Sports
Fair… Faces, Faces and More Faces… then there’s Body Language
Reason... What Would You Do to Improve Job Growth? – News
Darke County Parks… Six Hummingbirds Banded – Community
Townhall... The Growing Bipartisan Consensus on Obama - Blogs

More News

Dayton Daily News... Tea Party chastises Boehner for debt ceiling deal
Columbus Dispatch... Merging systems may not cut costs for municipalities
Columbus Dispatch... Governor boasts of state’s progress in GOP radio speech

More Blogs

Toledo Blade... Trash talk
Cleveland Plain Dealer... Teachers, unions risk being shoved aside
Columbus Dispatch... Dean talks ethics today, but damage from 1972 is lasting

God Bless,

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Monday, August 22, 2011

Fair: Sights & People, Freaky Veggie Contest, Whoopie Pie and Friday Fair Sampler; State of the Heart; Darke County Animal Shelter; Darke County Parks & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for August 23, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Get the fair photos and articles as they happen… in case you missed postings over the weekend, click on the Community tab at the top of the page and scroll down. You’ll see stories and more than 100 photos already posted for your viewing pleasure. Have a great rest of the week.

Home Page

Fair… Sights, People and Events are ongoing Highlights – Elaine Bailey photos
Fair… Every Kid a Winner in Freaky Veggie Contest, By Dylan Hoover
State of the Heart… Darke County Residents earn Hospice Certification
Fair… So what’s a Whoopie Pie? By Elaine Bailey
Animal Shelter… Darke Elks Benevolence Group donates to Shelter
Darke County Parks… Early Morning Discovery Hikes Continue!
Townhall... Wanted: Ideas That Work - Blogs


Newark Advocate... Summit on Ohio Campus Safety and Security
DDN... Brown has double-digit leads over GOP foes - but approval slips

More Community

Darke County Parks... DCP helps YMCA Summer Camp!

More Events

Ag Society and OSU Extension… Friday Fair Sampler
Solid Waste Management… Free Smoke Detector Batteries

More Blogs

Redstate... Letter to Anyone Who Thinks Obama Should Not Go On Vacation
Cincinnati Enquirer... Our financial prudence compared to other states paying off
Townhall Finance... Bernanke’s Manslaughter of US Economy


Danny L. “Dan” Eldridge, George B. Moore, Jr.

God Bless,


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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Flipping steaks for agriculture; Rhoades goes after Kasich on SB5; Commissioners; Harness Racing; A teen’s day at the Fair, Prairie Days Festival & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for August 22, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Day 3 at the Great Darke County Fair has come and gone, and it doesn’t seem as if the economy has had any impact on attendance. More coverage today of the people and events that make the fair “Great!”

Home Page

Fair… County, state officials flip steaks for agriculture, By Lyn Bliss
Senate Bill 5 again? By Bob Rhoades – Opinion
Fair… Not Friday the 13th, By Naiesha Thobe
Fair… Fast action in Saturday harness racing, By George Starks
Eldora… 3-Wide start designed for Baltes Promotional Flair
Darke County Parks… Volunteers needed for Prairie Days Festival
Daily Events... Meaningful Representation - Blogs


Dayton Daily News... Manufacturing seen key to saving economy
New York Times... More Unwed Parents Live Together, Report Finds


August 15 & 17, 2011

More Blogs

Cleveland Plain Dealer... Downsizing the public payroll
Townhall... Obama’s Mideast Mess
Redstate... Rick Perry Insensitive to Barack Obama’s Feelings!


Marian A. "Ann" Campbell, Brennen Michael Westfall

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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Great Darke County Fair: Photos, Harness Racing and Cheerleading; Family Events; BBBS picnic; Visitors Bureau, Like Us & Win; Tobacco sues & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for August 21, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Photos, photos, photos. And more photos. We have a team of volunteers covering events they enjoy and you get to enjoy their photos and articles. More still to come. If you enjoy taking pictures and would like to share them, send them to

Home Page

Family Events... Transitions mean adjustments for the whole family – Opinion
Fair… 21st Annual Great Darke County Fair Cheerleading Competition
Fair… Day Two kicks off with food, games and happy smiles
Fair Racing… Austen and Harless team up for a winner
BBBS hosts agency picnic at Earl’s Island – Community
Townhall... Oh, How America Has Changed – Blogs
Townhall... America’s Judeo-Christian Roots are Bigger Than Texas - Blogs


Dayton Business Journal... Big banks start charging debit card fees
New York Times... Wave of Deportations Draws Protests
MSNBC... Big Tobacco sues feds over graphic warnings on cigarette labels


Darke County Visitors Bureau... “Like” Us and Win a Sweetheart of a Deal

More Blogs

FoxNews... Why Doesn’t Warren Buffett Just Write the Government a Check?
Redstate... The Food Stamp Party is Stimulating Poverty
FoxNews... Why Journalists Can’t Stop Speaking About ‘Conservatives'


Brennen Michael Westfall

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Friday, August 19, 2011

Early Update, posting as usual; “Auditor” Scam; Fair opens; New Business Loan Program; Wave soccer update; BBBS July Match; Autumn Nature Notes & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for August 20, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Be sure to read the story posted on the “Auditor” Scam in News. Do NOT give out personal information to anyone over the phone. Please NOTE: This update is being sent out early due to Internet problems; however tomorrow’s posting will still take place between 10 and 11 p.m. If an obituary is sent after this update, it will be posted as soon as possible.

Home Page

155th Annual Great Darke County Fair Opens, By Bob Robinson – Community
Wave soccer has new theme, By George Starks – Community
Darke County CIC begins New Local Loan Program – News
BBBS… July match: Larry Schultz and Joseph Jaskiel – Community
Darke County Parks… The Autumn Nature Notes is Here! – Community
Portman... Create jobs, grow the economy – Blogs
Human Events... Is Romney Making an About-Face on Flat Tax? - Blogs

More News

Darke County Sheriff’s Office… BEWARE OF AUDITOR SCAM
Foxnews... ACLU Lawsuit Moves to Keep Sex Offenders in House Near New Day Care Center
Politico... Fitch keeps U.S. triple A debt rating
Secretary of State Jon Husted... New Business Filings for July

More Blogs

Conservative Examiner... Sources say smackdown of Obama by Supreme Court may be inevitable
Akron Beacon Journal... State of distrust
Akron Beacon Journal... Growth through immigration

God Bless,


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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Darke County Fair opens today; Devastating fire in north county; Teen scribes weigh in on Fair and Potter; Senate Bill 5 back in spotlight; School overhaul & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for August 19, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

MSNBC and FoxNews report that another day of wild swings in the stock market leaves it down 419 points. Be patient, turn off your TV and hang in for the long run I’ve been told…  Otherwise, if you like wild rides I can think of a few you’ll be able to enjoy over the next nine days.

Home Page

Great Darke County Fair opens today, By Bob Robinson – Community
Alas? Fair Time Again, By Naiesha Thobe – Teen Scribes
Over 1,000 hogs lost in barn fire – News
A chapter in my life, By Elizabeth Horner – Teen Scribes
Politico... President Obama bus tour brings out fighting mood – News
Human Events... After America, the World Gets Expensive… Blogs
Morris… The Shape of the GOP Race - Blogs

More News

Cleveland Plain Dealer... Possible repeal of new elections law puts congressional redistricting in time crunch
Cincinnati Enquirer... Double-dippers swamp Hamilton County
DDN... Overhaul to make state schools more affordable may not work

More Blogs

Cleveland Plain Dealer... Scaling back SB 5 better than a bloody ballot fight
Akron Beacon Journal... When the moment is right
Cleveland Plain Dealer... The mark of a tired nation


Thomas C. Coffield, Michelle J. (Pitzer) Smith

God Bless,


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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wave football gears for opening night; Fair Schedule of Events; Jazz in the Park; Mandel on Ohio Credit Rating; Draw Legislative Maps; Farm Tour & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for August 18, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Tomorrow’s the big day… the 155th Great Darke County Fair opens. I’ll be there bright and early at 8 a.m. for the Grand Opening… how about you? We’ll be documenting every day of the fair. Will you be taking photos? Send them to us!

Home Page

Wave gearing up for opening night showdown, By George Starks – Community
Darke County Fair Schedule of Events... and Memories - Events
Jazz in the Park, By Elaine Bailey – Community
Mandel… Why Ohio’s Outlook has Improved as the Federal Credit Rating is Downgraded – Opinion
Husted… Ohioans can draw legislative maps at RESHAPEOHIO.ORG – News
Townhall Finance... Paying for Government Takes a Record 224 Days – Blogs
Townhall... Iowa Straw Poll - Blogs

More News

The Columbus Dispatch... Ex-pages say House jobs were inspiring
The Columbus Dispatch... No word on nuke-plant loan; investors hang on
The Columbus Dispatch... Deal on SB 5 sought in secret meetings

More Events

SNB Freedom Years... Local Farm Tour Offered

More Blogs

Columbus Dispatch... Good choice, hard job
Editorial: Remap Ohio districts your way
Columbus Dispatch... SB5 vote could hurt GOP, or not


Betty Ellen (Oliver) Oehrtman, Everett R. "Jack" Whittaker

God Bless,


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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Lady Wave soccer; Starks & CNO Sports; Versailles S&L groundbreaking; Darke TEA Patriots; End of the World; “I Like Big Trucks” & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for August 17, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Just two days before the start of the 155th Great Darke County Fair. County News Online is going to have a team of volunteer reporters… we’ll be covering as many events as possible, but just as important… we will be documenting the historic event for our readers. People, activities and memories. We hope you enjoy… and we’ll see you at the Fair!

Home Page

Lady Wave out-hustled in soccer loss, By George Starks – News
Introducing… George Starks & CNO Sports Coverage – News
Los Angeles Times... Top GOP tier emerges - News
Versailles S&L breaks ground on new location – Community
Darke County TEA Patriots Townhall Meeting – Events
Townhall… The End of the World Is Not Nigh - Blogs
Townhall... I Like Big Trucks And I Cannot Lie - Blogs

More News

Cleveland Plain Dealer... Applications for unemployment benefits fall
Dayton Business Journal... UAW members want end to tiered wages
Toledo Blade... Chrysler looks at even bigger plans for Toledo

More Blogs

Columbus Dispatch... Underachievement
Talking Points... The Next Labor Vs. GOP Fight: Ohio
Toledo Blade... Deserved tribute


Carl Ray “Hoppy” Schrader

God Bless,


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Monday, August 15, 2011

Fatal accident in Osgood; Eldora Speedway news; Love that fair; Proposed farm rule absurd; Horner on Annie Oakley & others; Court rejects challenge & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for August 16, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

I’d like to welcome former Advocate Asst. Editor George Starks back to the news and sports scene.. this time as a CNO volunteer. Watch for local sports interviews and photos. In the meantime he has sent us the posted Eldora Speedway press release.

Home Page

Love that fair! By Bob Robinson – Community
Fatal construction zone accident in Osgood – News
Eldora Speedway… Bowersock, Johnson & Drook Beat Weather – News
It’s Annie’s 151st birth anniversary! By Elizabeth Horner – Teen Scribes
The Gazette Virginian... Proposed rule on farms called ‘absurd’ – News
Townhall... There Is Just No Satisfying Liberals – Blogs
Townhall... Ingratitude, Insolence and Entitlement -- Brought to You by the Welfare State - Blogs

More News

AP... State will reimburse workers for personal days they gave up
Rasmussen... What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls
Toledo Blade... Top court rejects challenge to mandated health care referendum

More Blogs

Reason... Two Types of Crazy
Townhall... Can’t We All Just Not Get Along
Townhall... What Will the 2012 Election Look Like?

God Bless,


Feel free to Bookmark County News Online and let your friends know about it.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Key Club Service; Commissioners; Zechar Bailey 9/11 Wall of Remembrance; Hunger stalks Ohio families; Government Motors; Portman Super Committee & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for August 15, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Four days to the Great Darke County Fair. Remember our “Unspeakable” Mime? He (she?) looks different every year and he (she?) is unbelievably good. Can’t wait to see what we get this year. Complete schedule will be posted Thursday. Watch for it!

Home Page

GHS Key Club… Service to community, and a taste of history – Community
The Columbus Dispatch... Hunger stalks Ohio families – News
Zechar Bailey Commemorates 9/11 with Wall of Remembrance – Community
Dayton Business Journal... Dayton 5th-worst for manufacturing losses – News
Dayton Business Journal... More NCAA allegations for Ohio St. – News
Redstate... Government Motors Spends Your Money – Blogs
Townhall... A Pyrrhic ‘Victory’ - Blogs

More News

Newsmax... Laffer: Obama Must Use Reaganomics to Save Economy
The Columbus Dispatch... Portman to help chart country’s debt course Foreclosures slow to trickle as lenders shift strategy


Public Meetings, Aug. 8 & 10, 2011

More Blogs

Townhall... The Spurned Millionaire’s Vendetta
Townhall Finance... Hey Libs, Face Facts: Obama’s a Bad President
Cleveland Plain Dealer... Boehner is rewarded with stock market plunge

God Bless,


Feel free to Bookmark County News Online and let your friends know about it.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Family Events; LWV Tour of Homes; Charter Universities; Health insurance through Walgreens; A new tourist hotspot from the Senior Scribes & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for August 14, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Five days to the Great Darke County Fair. Tickets to the Annual Grandstand Event – An Evening with Rodney Adkins – are still available. Call Monday through Friday 937-548-5044 or 800-736-3671. Watch for fair highlights and a complete schedule this week.

Home Page

Family Events... Studies say learning to lie is a sign of intelligence – Opinion
DDN... Ohio to create charter universities, take less state money – News
LWV… Tour of Homes in September, By Jan Boyer, Senior Scribe - Events
Dayton Business Journal... Walgreens to start selling health insurance – News
Senior Scribes… Free Range Chicken Capitol - From Lyn Bliss
Townhall... The Death of a Principled Moderate – Blogs
Townhall... Remembering the Shame - Blogs

More News

Dayton Business Journal... Ohio mass job cuts decline 28%
Politico... Boehner, Pelosi pull plug on pages
Politico... Poll: ‘Wave election’ could be coming

More Blogs

Redstate... GOP Picks for Super Duper Committee Won’t Make a Difference
Redstate... You Know The Left Truly Fears a GOP Candidate When…
Redstate... The Horserace for August 12, 2011

God Bless,


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