Saturday, April 30, 2011

Bunny winners awarded prizes; DC Parks Sumer Camp; CAP Senior Citizens Day; Pets of the Week; Town & Country Players; Cancer Assn & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for May 1, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Sunday as a Day of Rest is typically recognized even by those who won’t recognize or acknowledge its source. At County News Online, we have tried to keep “politics” out of the mix. On today’s Home Page we have succeeded. Enjoy our offerings for your “Day of Rest.” PS… you’ll still find some good stuff in News and Blogs.

Home Page

Bunny winners awarded prizes for best drawings – Lead
DC Parks… Summer Camp: Hikes, Crafts & Activities – Events
CAP… Celebrate Senior Citizens Day May 24 – Events
Troop 31293 Keeps Girl Scout Promise – Community
Animal Shelter… Pets of the Week – Community
Family Events… Violent video games leave their mark on moral reasoning – Opinion
Town & Country Players… Ball in the House - Events


Kasich signs Teach for America Legislation
Miami Herald... Churches fight way out of recession

More Events

The Cancer Association of Darke County upcoming events

Teen Scribes

For My Friend – Poetry by Christy Riley


Redstate... Barack Obama Comes Out For Even HIGHER Gas Prices
Redstate... Daily Kos poll suggests Union movement no match for TEA Party
Akron Beacon Journal... Unmeritorious

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Friday, April 29, 2011

ABCDs of Medicare; Visitors Bureau for May; Commissioners Monthly Update; Living with Cancer; GHS Senior Citizens Day, DC Parks & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for April 30, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Today’s post has something for everyone. For instance, if you’re 65 (or close to it, or have a family member who is), our lead story is a must. The Visitors Bureau gives you a heads up on the start of our summer events… and more. Check them out.

Home Page

ABCDs of Medicare, By Amy Farmer – Lead
Visitors Bureau… What’s Happening in May - Events
Darke County Commissioners… Update for April – News
“Living with Cancer” Support Group – Community
DBJ... Honda forecasts production delays through June – News
Townhall... Chipping Away Again at Bearings of America – Blogs
Townhall... Slacker America - Blogs

More News

Toledo Blade... GOP to follow Kasich blueprint for budget talks
Dayton Business Journal... City to decide UPS hub deal this week

More Events

Greenville High School Senior Citizens Day

More Community

Darke County Parks... Mother’s Day Gift Shop

More Blogs

Townhall... Natural Gas Cars: Let the Market Decide
Columbus Dispatch Editorial... Bipartisan effort


Lowell V. Miller, Jean Lucille McGlinch

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Workers Comp Rate Cut; Faber News; $6 gas; Edison News; DC Parks News; Letter to Republican Voters; DDN on Boehner & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for April 29, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Ohio Workers’ Comp, one of the long-standing complaints from Ohio businesses, has cut its rates as much as 8 percent, depending on the industry and business. Posted is a Twinsburg Bulletin story, the Kasich announcement and a fact sheet.

Home Page

Small businesses can benefit from workers’ comp rate cut – Lead
DC Parks… Eidson Woods Preserve officially opened – Community
Faber’s Weekly Newsletter – News
Dayton Business Journal... Gas prices set new records, $6 possible – News
Dayton Business Journal… GM set to regain top sales spot in 2011 – News
Townhall... A History Month for Every Leftist – Blogs
Human Events... Atlas Endures - Blogs

More News

Dispatch... Government kills fighter-jet engine to be built in Ohio
Dispatch... Thousands of Ohio veterans haven’t applied for service bonuses


Edison Hosts 8th Annual Graduate Academy Conference
Darke County Parks… Spring Hike to Health Wraps Up


To the Republican Voters of Greenville – Lyn Bliss

More Blogs

Redstate... Liars and Lies
Dayton Daily News... Boehner dream of new kind of House languishes

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

News coverage of Speaker Boehner's visit to Rebsco; Garst Museum; Buchy's Government Capitalism; Edison CC; Repeal SB5 Petition & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for April 28, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

House Speaker Boehner’s visit to Rebsco, Inc., Greenville, received nationwide coverage… ABC News and national Internet news agency Politico articles are posted today, along with County News Online’s story and photos.

Home Page

Darke County tied to U.S., World Economies, By Bob Robinson - Lead
Politico... John Boehner: No promises on debt limit vote – News
ABC... John Boehner: Oil companies should pay their ‘fair share’ – News
Garst Museum’s Visitor Comments Are Positive – Community
Capitalism in Government, By Jim Buchy – Opinion
Townhall... Video Games and Bullying – Blogs
Townhall... Obama’s Regulatory Tsunami More Destructive than Taxes - Blogs

More News

Kasich signs BWC and Industrial Commission Budgets
Mandel: $68.9 million available for Ag-LINK loans

More Community

Edison Seeks Community Input For Travel Abroad Program


Petition to Repeal Senate Bill 5

More Blogs

Townhall... 7 Ways Politicians Mislead The American Public’s Washington Beat

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

School facilities commission; Art Competition Winners; French to speak to GOP Women; Rasmussen; Oakley House; Teen Poetry & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for April 27, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

A Rasmussen poll shows that most voters think the Gulf Oil spill one year ago has been cleaned up, but give “low scores” for response to the government and those responsible. And support for deepwater drilling is at an all-time high! Are you listening, Mr. President?

Home Page

School Facilities Commission discuss facility options, By Bob Rhoades – Lead
Boehner Congratulates 2011 8th District Art Competition Winners – Community
French to speak to GOP Women, By Lyn Bliss – Events
Politico... Freshmen feel the heat back home – News
DBJ... Mayor: Dayton’s future bright despite challenges – News
Townhall... Uncle Sam Can Help Women by Simplifying, Lowering Taxes – Blogs
Human Events... President Whatever Finds Things Not Going His Way - Blogs

More News

Rasmussen Reports... What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls
Politico... GOP to make hay in May over gas

More Community

Love euchre, bingo and other games? Oakley House needs you!

Teen Scribes

On the Bright Side… Poetry by Leslie Logan

More Blogs

Townhall... ‘Compact’? What Compact?
Akron Beacon Journal... Incentive to share

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Monday, April 25, 2011

Boehner Visits Rebsco in Greenville; A SSSF & CNO Thank You; Local Artist Shelley Miller; Mayoral Candidates on Cable; Academic Rot & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for April 26, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Top story Monday was Speaker of the House John Boehner’s visit to Rebsco, Inc. You’ll read it in two parts… a brief run-down today with a more in-depth story in a few days. Monday night was the LWV Candidates Night, featuring mayoral candidates Mike Bowers and Doug Schmidt. That will be posted closer to the election next Tuesday.

Home Page

Boehner tours Rebsco, discusses economy and other critical issues – Lead
Thank You from the Senior Scribes & County News Online – Community
Local artists… Introducing photographer Shelley Miller
Daily Caller... EPA official says jobs don’t matter – News
Brown Takes Southwest Ohio Values to Washington
Daily Events... A monstrous, burdensome tax code – Blogs
Townhall... Academic Rot - Blogs

More News

Dispatch... GOP’s new district map has to upset some Ohioans in Congress
Politico... Senate Democrats bank on incumbency


Greenville Mayoral Candidates on Cable

More Blogs

New York Times... Let’s Not Be Civil
Townhall... Make the Rich Pay!


Lewis A. Kremer

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

SSSF Scholarship Award Recipients; GHS students on Mayoral debate; Commissioners; Teen Scribes invitation; Commentary on the Levy & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for April 25, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Saturday evening was great… five Darke County students received scholarships from the Senior Scribes Scholarship Fund. Also, two college-bound students give their take on the Mayoral Debate at Romers. There’s a special story for young writers; and a Greenville board member comments on the upcoming levy.

Home Page

GHS students weigh in on debate, By Bob Robinson, Editor – Lead
Senior Scribes Scholarships awarded to Darke County Students – Community
An invitation to all peers – Teen Scribes
Greenville Schools Levy… The Board’s Perspective, by Joe Payne – Opinion
Faber Column: Senate Bill 5... Jobs: By the numbers – Opinion
Truthout... Obama’s Moral Vision: Democrats Read Carefully! – Blogs
Human Events... Voters Are Listening - Blogs

More News

Politico... Standard & Poor’s steps on White House’s deficit-reduction pitch
Dayton Daily News... Boehner raises $1.5 m in first quarter


April 18 & 20 Meetings


Ag Extension Breakfast Meeting
Congressman John Boehner Open Door Program


Olling… Space Shuttle Commentary
Educate Versailles… Versailles School District Citizens


Vernon J. Winner

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Have a joyous, Happy Easter; Top Bunny Drawings; Robbery Suspect Captured; Photography Club, DCCA, Teen Scribes & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for April 24, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Have a joyous, happy Easter from the folks at County News Online, the Senior Scribes and our Sponsors. Want to know who we are? Check out our Sponsors Tab… all Tabs are now visible across the top and in the upper right hand corner.

Home Page

Top “Bunny” awards go to Woodland, Ansonia students – Lead
Family Events… Do kids need a spiritual life? – Opinion
April / May Artists at Bears Mill – Events
Photography Club hosts John Beals at April Meeting – Community
Sponsors Donate To DCCA’s A Taste Of Wine & Jazz – Community
Relief By Leslie Logan, Grade 8 – Teen Scribes
Townhall... Caring Enough to Broadcast the Very Best - Blogs


Darke County Sheriff… Aggravated Robbery Suspect Captured
Survey Reveals Women’s Facebook Opinions

More Community

Ham: An Easter (And Everyday) Family Favorite

More Blogs

An Easter Message from Redstate

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Friday, April 22, 2011

Kiwanis 90 Years of Service, 1990s; DC Parks; Ladies Night Out; Kasich... no surprise; Christians help Christians; We the People & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for April 23, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Changes in our navigation are coming… all designed to make it easier to find “stuff.” In the meantime, Kurt, our web guru, has put a Search option on the home page. It’s in the top right corner.

Home Page

“90 Years of Service” A History of the Greenville Kiwanis Club – Lead Story
DC Parks… Get Ready, Get Set and Gather! – Events
Ladies Night Out – Events
Columbus Dispatch... No surprise – News
Politico... John Boehner visits Iraq – News
Townhall... Obama Admits That Budget is About Values – Blogs
Townhall... Why Don’t Christians Help ... Christians? - Blogs

More News

Cleveland Plain Dealer... College students present policy ideas to state senators
Dayton Daily News... Colleges spend more even as state funding levels off

More Events

We the People Convention, Inc.

More Blogs

Sojourners... Oh Lord, Won’t You Make Me Rich So I Can Pay More Taxes!
Truthout... High Food Prices: Do Family Farmers Benefit?


Anna Elizabeth (Pleiman) Henry, Hazel M. Matthieu, Phillip C. Benge

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mayoral candidates agree to agree; Visitors Bureau; more space shuttle; courthouse volunteers needed; Beagle; Boehner; Kasich & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for April 22, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Mayoral candidates faced off for the first time on Tuesday; as you will note in the story, they agreed on the vast majority of issues. The League of Women Voters will host Meet The Candidates, Monday at 7 p.m., American Legion. Maybe someone – maybe you – will ask them to tell you why you should vote for them over their opponent. You have a choice… make it an informed one.

Home Page

Mayoral candidates agree to agree, By Bob Robinson, Editor – Lead
Darke County Visitors Bureau… Race to Taste for Prelude – Events
Beagle Helps Public Libraries - News
Dayton Business Journal... Fight over space shuttle sites continues – News
Boehner: Cut DOJ Funds to Pay for DOMA Defense – News
Townhall... Obama’s Domestic Imperialism – Blogs
Townhall... Main Street Understands Compromise - Blogs

More News

Columbus Dispatch... Kasich’s Beginning: An adventurous, divisive 100 days
Newsmax... FEC Investigators Digging Into Obama’s 2008 Campaign


HandsOn West Central Ohio… Courthouse volunteers

More Blogs

Townhall Finance... Tax Congress!
Truthout... Walker Proposes Hiking Taxes and Fees on the Poor and Students


Help us stop Obamacare in Ohio!


Arlene L. York

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Zehringer's First 100 Days; Teen Scribes; Trash Bash; Faber News; Adams Opinion; OSU Extension; Expanded Home Page & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for April 21, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Agriculture is Darke County’s top industry… Ohio Director of Agricultural Jim Zehringer’s first 100 Days is our lead story. Check out the NEW Home Page. We are growing and expanded the page to make room for our new sponsors. Please be sure to thank all of our Sponsors for supporting the Teen Scribes Scholarship Fund.

Home Page

Zehringer on his First 100 Days, By Bob Robinson - Lead
2011 Trash Bash A Huge Success!! - Community
Faber: Discounts at Grand Lake Saint Marys; New River Fishing Regs – News
Introducing Sammy Lobenstein – Teen Scribes
Adams: Eliminating Government Waste and Fraud – Opinion
Townhall... The US Should Follow Europe’s Lead – Blogs
Townhall... Dictating is Easy; Leading is Hard - Blogs

More News

Politico... Nancy Pelosi fades as power player
Newsmax... Poll: Economic Crisis Batters Obama, Could Doom Re-election

More Community

OSU Extension… Virology: Does my Wheat have a Cold?

More Blogs

Dayton Daily News... Brown had no help from Obama aides on shuttle effort
Akron Beacon Journal... Broken at the ballot


Letter to Bloggers from Commissioner Mike Stegall


Robert James Lucas

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Kasich's 1st 100 Days; Edison project: Ask Amy; Local soccer player can go to Germany; DCCA Wine & Jazz; Sarah Palin for Pres & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for April 20, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Two great local stories… Edison students design “Amy” for a local company; a local soccer player can represent the U.S. in Germany… if we can help her get there. Check them out. Top News Story: Kasich Marks 100 Days in Office.

Home Page

“Ask Amy” Leads to Real World Class Project, By Bob Robinson – Lead
DCCA presents “A Taste of Wine & Jazz XXI” – Events
Local soccer player hopes to represent U.S. in Germany – Community
Human Events… Ten Reasons Why Sarah Palin is Running For President – Blogs
Truthout… President Obama’s Real Proposal (and Why It’s Risky) - Blogs


Kasich Marks 100 Days in Office
Dayton Daily News... Ohio’s decline in prison recidivism among steepest in U.S
Columbus Dispatch... Ohio’s new farm chief can overturn denial of egg farm
Columbus Dispatch... Senate panel passes bill to eliminate estate tax
Dayton Daily News... ACLU of Ohio warns against private prisons

More Events

Recycle your Out of Date Electronics for Free

More Blogs

Townhall... The New Health Law: Bad for Doctors, Awful for Patients
From Fox News... Dr. Marc Siegel: How I Would Fix Medicare


Margaret Jane Cole

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Monday, April 18, 2011

1912 Memorial Hall Program donated; Horner to expand Teen Scribes; Munchkins Mom is back; Republicans are wimps; Obama bribes 4th Estate & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for April 19, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Some great local news and commentary today… DCCA gets a 1912 original program and Fort GreeneVille DAR joins Memorial Hall Centennial planning; Elizabeth Horner expands Teen Scribes program and Mother of the Munchkins is back. Enjoy.

Home Page

Original 1912 Memorial Hall Program Donated to DCCA – Lead Story
The value of writing, by Elizabeth Horner – Teen Scribes
New York Magazine... What It’s Like to Be a War Horse – Community
The Ghoulbus, By Bethany J. Royer, Mother of the Munchkins – Opinion
Daily Events... Republicans a Bunch of Wimps - Blogs


Treasurer Mandel Presents the “Real Money, Real World” Simulation
Fox News... Senators: New Deficit Reduction Plan Will ‘Make Everybody Mad’
Cincinnati Enquirer... Kasich’s indecision impacts Cincinnati casino
New York Times... Obama’s Debt Plan Sets Stage for Long Battle Over Spending

More Blogs

Townhall... New Media Catches Obama Bribing the Fourth Estate
Dayton Daily News Editorial... NASA changed signals on Ohio, Midwest
Toledo Blade... Made-up problems


Phyllis M. Honeycutt

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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Commissioner Meeting Minutes now on CNO; Class of 50 donates; Wayne Industries Adopts Park; Last Week's Polls; Government Quality; Pelosi Right & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for April 18, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Darke County residents have never before had this opportunity to keep up with their County Commissioners… they get a Community Ties every month, they get a monthly column, and now County News Online lets them know what goes on in the announced public meetings. Read the minutes every week at the Commissioners tab (under News). Got questions? Ask!

Home Page

Darke County Commissioners Meetings Minutes Now Online – Lead
Class of 1950 makes donation to BHRC – Community
Wayne Industries adopts Alice Bish Park – Community
State Senators Announce Recall Legislation, Bob Rhoades – Opinion
Townhall... Another Spending Cut Plan - Blogs


Rasmussen... What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls
Politico... Barack Obama leaves GOP in no mood to deal
Dayton Daily News... Kasich outlines budget’s impact on seniors
Dayton Business Journal... Gas prices at $5 per gallon possible

More Blogs

Toledo Blade... Foes’ sincerity on collective-bargaining reform hollow
Repository Editorial… Government quality counts, too
Redstate... Pelosi Is Right: Elections Shouldn’t Matter As Much As They do

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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Jazz Scene at Kiwanis; Spring Fling; Conversation about Homosexuality; Family Events; What Not to say to a Pregnant Woman & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for April 17, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Today is Palm Sunday… give thanks for the sacrifice made so many centuries ago. Look to the children and celebrate the gift of life that has been offered to all of us.

Home Page

From Kasich’s Blog... Student Art Exhibit and Civil War Reenactment – Lead
Family Events… Resist the “tweening” of America - Opinion
Greenville’s Jazz Scene entertains Kiwanians – Community
Fox… The Top 5 Things You Should Never Say to a Pregnant Woman – Blogs
Townhall... New York Welcomes the Unhappy Meal - Blogs


Gov. Kasich’s Week in Review
Ohio News Network... Kasich Defends Early Childhood Budget


Conversation about Homosexuality and the Church
2nd Annual Senior Spring Fling

More Blogs

Redstate... Children Of The Corn – How Ethanol Damages America!
Townhall... Nuclear Fears and Facts


Erma M. Breymier, Mary Margaret Trissel

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Friday, April 15, 2011

Rep candidates at Women's Club; SB5 Repeal underway; Easter & Holy Week; Basket Weaving at DC Parks; City & Village classifications & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for April 16, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

An open mic blooper… it’s all over the news: “I said [to Republicans], ‘You want to repeal healthcare? Go at it. We’ll have that debate. You’re not going to do that by nickel-and-diming me in the budget. You think we’re stupid?” Courtesy of Pres. Barack Obama. Blooper? Maybe.

Home Page

Republican candidates meet with Women’s Club, By Lyn Bliss – Lead Story
First UMC… Easter and Holy Week Events – Events
DC Parks… Basket Weaving 101 – Community
Townhall... Hamilton: The Original Self-Made American Who Also Made a Nation – Blogs
Townhall... A Life Lesson - Blogs

More News

Ohio City & Village Classifications Released
Senate Bill 5 repeal process has started
Buchy says first 100 Days Successful; Additional Work Lies Ahead
Fox News... School Reportedly Bans Lunches Brought From Home

More Blogs

Dayton Daily News Editorial... Boehner did well for the Republicans
Townhall... 5 Things That Will Happen When America Goes Bankrupt
Fox News... The Federal Budget Crisis Hoax

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Monte Carlo Night at Eagles; More on NASA; Candidates Forum; DC Parks; Earth Day; Precincts; Winners & Losers & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for April 15, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

As expected, more comments and stories on Dayton not getting a Shuttle. Two in News, one in Blogs. I especially enjoyed the blog by Dayton Business Journal… For Sale: Priceless U.S. historical pieces.

Home Page

Eagles Members & Guests enjoy evening of Chance – Lead
LWV… Candidates Forum Scheduled April 25 at 7 p.m. – Events
DC Parks… Early Morning Discovery Hike Report – Events
Townhall... Tax-Time Miseries – Blogs
Daily Events... Obama is a genius - Blogs


Plain Dealer... Brown blasts NASA denial of Dayton’s space shuttle bid
Dayton Daily News... No shuttle for Dayton
WSBTV Channel 2... Mosque Makeovers With Your Tax Dollars
Politco... Winners and losers in the shutdown showdown
Fox News... Winklevoss Twins Lose Legal War With Facebook
Atlas Shrugged Opens Friday

More Events

Local recycling event celebrates Earth Day
Not all Precincts Open for Primary Special Election

More Blogs

DBJ on NASA... For Sale: Priceless U.S. historical pieces
Toledo Blade Editorial... No recall vote
Newsmax... Media Ignore Obama’s Flip-Flopping
Akron Beacon Journal... Political test


Mary H. Shull

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Volunteers of the Year; Obama Budget; Kiwanis Delivers Books; GHS Alumni Event; Brown votes for EPA; Charter Schools & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for April 14, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Pres. Obama’s Budget Message – “The Country We Believe In” – is in News… you can read the text or watch the video. More than 800,000 votes were cast for the HandsOn West Central Ohio Volunteers of the Year. Check out the winners in our Lead Story.

Home Page

Trocano, Wallischeck voted Volunteers of the Year – Lead
Kiwanis delivers books to school libraries – Community
Attention GHS Alums – Events
Townhall... Return America to Main Street – Blogs
Townhall... All Quiet on the Southern Front? - Blogs

More News

President Barack Obama’s Budget Message... The Country We Believe in
Columbus Dispatch... Brown among senators voting against EPA curbs
Toledo Blade... Senate Bill 5 debates may hinge on help or harm to middle class
Politico... Clock ticking on Gang of 6 talks
Truthout... Charter Schools Outsource Education to Management Firms, With Mixed Results

More Blogs

Townhall... Barry in the Middle
Dayton Daily News Editorial... Kasich’s booze-for-jobs plan is risky, but bold
Redstate... It’s What Happens When the Stupid Party and Evil Party Get Together


Jeffrey G. Dirksen (corrected); Martha Ellen Routson; Marilyn S. (Bashore) Miller

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Shuttle no-go for Dayton; Ag Extension Update; Mausoleum Project Completed; DC Parks School Visits; A Proposed 28th Amendment & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for April 13, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

In case you’ve been following the campaign to bring one of the NASA Shuttles to Dayton, we lose. See story in News. More reports – and opinion – likely to come soon.

Home Page

Ag Extension group gets county and state update, By Bob Robinson – Lead
Mausoleum Window Project Completed, By Delbert Blickenstaff – Community
Darke County Parks Begins Spring School Visits – Community
Townhall... Reforming Medicare for the Real World – Blogs
Human Events... TSA Follies: See SPOT Fail - Blogs

More News

Dayton Business Journal... Dayton officials upset over shuttle news
Diebold Announces New $105 Million HQ Campus in NE Ohio
NBC4... Ohio Education Reform: Schools Can Cut Costs, Be Successful
Dayton Business Journal... Honda shutdowns may last through June
Politico... Showtime for President Obama on deficit

More Community

Spring Pasture Management

More Blogs

Columbus Dispatch... Op Ed: Evaluation of teachers must improve
Townhall... Government Land Management: A Waste of Green


Proposed 28th Amendment


Jeffrey G. Dirksen

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