Saturday, April 30, 2011

Bunny winners awarded prizes; DC Parks Sumer Camp; CAP Senior Citizens Day; Pets of the Week; Town & Country Players; Cancer Assn & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for May 1, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Sunday as a Day of Rest is typically recognized even by those who won’t recognize or acknowledge its source. At County News Online, we have tried to keep “politics” out of the mix. On today’s Home Page we have succeeded. Enjoy our offerings for your “Day of Rest.” PS… you’ll still find some good stuff in News and Blogs.

Home Page

Bunny winners awarded prizes for best drawings – Lead
DC Parks… Summer Camp: Hikes, Crafts & Activities – Events
CAP… Celebrate Senior Citizens Day May 24 – Events
Troop 31293 Keeps Girl Scout Promise – Community
Animal Shelter… Pets of the Week – Community
Family Events… Violent video games leave their mark on moral reasoning – Opinion
Town & Country Players… Ball in the House - Events


Kasich signs Teach for America Legislation
Miami Herald... Churches fight way out of recession

More Events

The Cancer Association of Darke County upcoming events

Teen Scribes

For My Friend – Poetry by Christy Riley


Redstate... Barack Obama Comes Out For Even HIGHER Gas Prices
Redstate... Daily Kos poll suggests Union movement no match for TEA Party
Akron Beacon Journal... Unmeritorious

God Bless,

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