Sunday, April 3, 2011

Rhoades responds to Faber; Darke GOP Women to hold Q&A for candidates; Kiwanis Students of the Month; Rasmussen; Community Colleges & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for April 4, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

You can tell a primary election is coming… and one race is contested: the Greenville Mayoral race. Lots of information coming over the next month. Voting day is May 3. If you want to vote for the Republican candidate for mayor, you have to request the Republican ballot.

Home Page

Darke Republican Women: Q & A Scheduled for Republican Primary Candidates – Lead
Responding to Faber’s Explanation, By Bob Rhoades – Opinion
Kiwanis Students of the Month Recognized – Community
Human Events... McConnell: A New Balanced Budget Amendment – Opinion
Daily Events... Winning the Future - Blogs


USA Today... CEO pay soars while workers’ pay stalls
Politico... Reform regulations fire up health debate
Insider Report from
Rasmussen... What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls
Columbus Dispatch... Schools may take $852M hit

More Blogs

Community colleges are the cornerstone of health-care education
Townhall... Wisconsin Judicial Tyranny


Clara K. Hart

God Bless,

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