Friday, April 29, 2011

ABCDs of Medicare; Visitors Bureau for May; Commissioners Monthly Update; Living with Cancer; GHS Senior Citizens Day, DC Parks & More

Hi everyone,

The following have been posted for April 30, 2011, at County News Online:

From the Editor

Today’s post has something for everyone. For instance, if you’re 65 (or close to it, or have a family member who is), our lead story is a must. The Visitors Bureau gives you a heads up on the start of our summer events… and more. Check them out.

Home Page

ABCDs of Medicare, By Amy Farmer – Lead
Visitors Bureau… What’s Happening in May - Events
Darke County Commissioners… Update for April – News
“Living with Cancer” Support Group – Community
DBJ... Honda forecasts production delays through June – News
Townhall... Chipping Away Again at Bearings of America – Blogs
Townhall... Slacker America - Blogs

More News

Toledo Blade... GOP to follow Kasich blueprint for budget talks
Dayton Business Journal... City to decide UPS hub deal this week

More Events

Greenville High School Senior Citizens Day

More Community

Darke County Parks... Mother’s Day Gift Shop

More Blogs

Townhall... Natural Gas Cars: Let the Market Decide
Columbus Dispatch Editorial... Bipartisan effort


Lowell V. Miller, Jean Lucille McGlinch

God Bless,

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